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capital gain. Anne introduced Linke to her <strong>book</strong>s and Goethe’s Dichtung und Wahrheit [Poetry and<br />

Truth].<br />

With all this she was the first human being I ever met. I lived in such abnormal times<br />

that I had seen death before I had ever seen life. […] (In fact, all my learning never<br />

happened in a one‐and‐one‐is‐two‐way, but only in connection with a personal influence.)<br />

She helped me to discover that sentiments need not be sentimental, that a restless heart<br />

and spirit have to be checked by form and knowledge, and—most important of all—that<br />

respect, logic, and justice are the qualities which alone are able to regulate the anarchy of<br />

man in a humane and livable way. Certainly all this was not quite so clear to me at that<br />

time, and it did not change my confused and selfish character from one day to the next.<br />

But somehow in the future I knew about the existence of this truth, it directed my outlook,<br />

and I could never completely forget it. 6<br />

After graduating from Gymnasium in 1923 at seventeen, Linke worked as an apprentice in a<br />

<strong>book</strong>shop, sarcastically calling it a “business career.” Class struggle and rivaling bourgeois parties<br />

continued to fracture German society—in parallel—as mass consumerism blossomed amidst<br />

Inflation. Linke and fellow workers cheated the <strong>book</strong> shop, buying <strong>book</strong>s in advance to resell them at<br />

a more expensive price on the black market, to earn money for a lipstick, skirt or stockings. In January<br />

1919 the mark was 8.9 to USD. By 15 November 1923 it was 4,200,000,000,000 to the USD. 7<br />

The whole population had suddenly turned into maniacs. Everyone was buying, selling,<br />

speculating, bargaining, and dollar, dollar, dollar was the magic word which dominated<br />

every conversation, every news<strong>paper</strong>, every poster in Germany. Nobody understood what<br />

was happening. There seemed to be no sense, no rules in the mad game, but one had to<br />

take part in it if one did not want to be trampled underfoot at once. 8 [...] A growing fear<br />

took hold of me. I could not go on with all this swindle, I was wasting myself, I had to stop<br />

this kind of life before I was completely lost. 9<br />

When she was approached by a co‐worker in the <strong>book</strong>shop to join the Trade Union for Shop and<br />

Office Workers Linke stated, “I plunged into a new but healthy adventure, and I was saved.” 10 Thanks<br />

to this “fortunate encounter” Linke took a liking to politics. Eager to learn, a few years later she took a<br />

typist position at the DDP Deutsche Demokratische Partei and joined the Young Democratic League<br />

[DDP youth wing] in Berlin. Linke rallied a plebiscite for expropriation of ex‐princes (1925) fought<br />

against rearmament and campaigned in the 1929 election despite Stahlhelm threat. Unselfishly<br />

working for Weimar democracy—like fellow youth—she felt their efforts were unacknowledged. “Not<br />

for a moment did I consider turning Communist, but I knew that the truth must lie somewhere in that<br />

direction” 11 Linke admitted. Multiparty democracy had failed. Nevertheless, the DDP experience<br />

helped her gain self‐confidence and led to another “fortunate encounter” with Gustav Stolper, a<br />

Bildungsbürgertum, political economist, co‐founder of Der Deutsche Volkswirt (economic journal) and<br />

a member of the DDP. What did a successful man want with a poor woman from east Berlin? Twenty<br />

years her elder, perhaps Gustav sought to capitalize from Linke’s involvement in politics in working<br />

class east Berlin to help lure voters to the DDP. Was Gustav charmed by an attractive and enthusiastic<br />

Lilo or might he have had a higher aim to save a fellow citizen from extremism? Twelve years later<br />

Stolper wrote in This Age of Fable (1942) a letter addressing her: “For L. the American friend<br />

searching and fighting for truth.”<br />

You are bewildered. You are not an historian or an economist or a sociologist, but<br />

simply an honest person who takes life seriously and wants to understand the political and<br />

economic world we live in. 12<br />

An erudite man of intellectual persuasion, with connections to academics, politicians, journalists<br />

and writers across Europe, Stolper hired Linke as a typist in January 1929. Their fructuous relationship<br />


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