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Jasbir SINGH *<br />

Sandhya BHARDHWAJ **<br />

Economic emancipation has always contributed to the empowerment of women in any region,<br />

groups and society. Scholars (with proven scholarship in the domain of gender studies) have<br />

suggested that women's empowerment in India can be possible only through economic<br />

enhancement. Economic dependence of women on males in the family and the society has always<br />

relegated them to the margins of social structure where they are kept out of the mainstream<br />

development process. Hence, they are in no position to claim their square in the socio‐cultural space<br />

of a society. In Indian social structure women have been able to find their own room in socio‐cultural<br />

sphere after they were able to attain economic independence.<br />

Women in Jammu and Kashmir have not been different from the women of other states in India.<br />

In particular, Dogra women remained in a very confined and rudimentary society where their status<br />

was nowhere in recognition for their contribution to the economic fields of the society. Dogra society<br />

was ruled by Duggar kings who used their power and dominance to control the women folk.<br />

Historical records and references are good sources to study socio‐economic profile of women during<br />

that period of the history. However, in the contemporary time Dogra women’s life <strong>writing</strong>s coming<br />

from different strata of society play a very pivotal role not only in perceiving women’s self and<br />

identity, but also articulate the economic status of women which give broader insights into the<br />

economic status of women in community, state in particular and the nation in general.<br />

In a conservative Dogra society, where the birth of a daughter is not enthusiastically welcomed<br />

even today, the situation was miserable in the early decades of the twentieth century when the birth<br />

of a girl was considered a bad omen, a curse. People did not hesitate to bury their daughters alive or<br />

kill them indirectly by keeping them undernourished which eventually resulted in their death due to<br />

weakness, hunger and other diseases. This <strong>paper</strong> based on Padma Sachdeva’s A Drop in the Ocean:<br />

An Autobiography (2011) underscores a bitter journey of a Dogra girl of Jammu who fought against<br />

orthodoxy and patriarchal society. She grew in an era when women did not enjoy freedom, it was not<br />

a practice to hug and kiss daughters, unlike Padma Sachdeva whose entire world revolved around her<br />

father. Though she too faced a number of difficulties in her life but she articulated her self‐identity<br />

(something unacceptable during that time). In the beginning of the autobiography she says, “Well, I<br />

was considered to be confident, fearless and pretty sensible from the very beginning.” 1 This young girl<br />

good in studies wanted to be different. Encouraged by her father she was awarded a double<br />

promotion in school: she was promoted straight from the first to third standard.<br />

Life was not easy for women in those times. Her mother did not get money from her father. It was<br />

uncustomary for the husband to hand over any money to the wife. Under these circumstances,<br />

helpless women would sell some of the grain meant for the kitchen and collect a small amount for<br />

“pocket‐ money.” Women were not even allowed to mourn the death of their daughters. Padma<br />

Sachdeva recollects: “I have a fainted recollection of going to this house and meeting a woman, who<br />

lived in long purdah and who would shower me with affection. This woman had lost her young<br />

daughter just before she was to be married, and still wept and grieved for her child.” 2 The condition<br />

of women was so deplorable that only education could help her and many like her to come out of<br />

this pathetic situation. The Dogra men considered their women to be without brains and intelligence.<br />

Her father would always say, “Ma’s stupid. I did not know then every husband thinks his wife to be a<br />

*<br />

University of Jammu - Jammu, India<br />

**<br />

GDCParade - Jammu, India<br />


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