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addition, this composition forms an aesthetical language, a language of narration and expression<br />

which uses the language of subconscious, which utilizes the stream of consciousness and which<br />

stands against masculine language of expression. As for feminist attitude and style of <strong>writing</strong>, Bilgesu<br />

Erenus, breaks down the masculine dominated discourse of historical narrative and autobiography<br />

with such various techniques and departs away from this discourse. She does this in plays with a<br />

composition that she formed with symbolic and fantastic elements, stream of consciousness<br />

technique, by creating moments which are out‐of‐time, out‐of‐space where time‐space perception is<br />

demolished, by jumps in time and space, by creating a sense of being in the interwoven sameness of<br />

all times and spaces. Thus, these plays create a different aesthetics and perception and provides an<br />

alternative way of thinking.<br />

Under the light of our evaluations now let us look at the plays briefly.<br />

Kırmızı Karaağaç‐Red Elm essentially objects the way that Virginia Woolf is described and<br />

represented according to the point of view of her husband Leonard. The play also questions what is<br />

written in A Writer’s Diary which was published by Leonard after a certain censorship. Therefore the<br />

construction of the play tries to show the contradictions between what was written and said about<br />

Virginia. On one side it emphasizes the intellectual attitude of Virginia who stands against and<br />

questions patriarchal and political ideologies. It highlights the intellectual identity of the writer as a<br />

woman. With the help of humoristic and fantastic elements, the play ridicules the discourse of lunacy<br />

which was used to mask the radical and reactionary character of Virginia Woolf and the play ridicules<br />

the marriage which was used to mask her sexual, physical and emotional differences which are not in<br />

harmony with the common social image of femininity.<br />

The play is written with technique of stream of consciousness. Interwoven times form the<br />

composition of the play as alienation elements. In this play, rather then reflecting Virginia’s life story<br />

as it was, Bilgesu Erenus attempts to search for Virginia’s reality, as an intellectual woman, as a<br />

writer and as a woman. As Erenus is trying to trace the reality of Virginia Woolf, she uses also the<br />

characters of her novels in this play. Three characters from Virginia’s works, anti‐militarist Septimus<br />

of Mrs. Dalloway, Judith from A Room One’s Own who can not exist in patriarchal system and<br />

socialist Mary Datchet of Night and Day accompany Virginia in the play as her creations, and help her<br />

in settling her accounts with her husband, society and the past. Virginia wishes to liberate herself<br />

from fictious images made for her. However, Leonard can not stand hearing the facts, his selfconfidence<br />

is shaken by the reality and he becomes increasingly hysterical. Actually Virginia’s diary<br />

was published after her husband’s censor. Reality is shady and misty.<br />

When the play starts, we find Virginia Woolf’s husband Leonard, getting prepared just before he is<br />

on a TV program. He was going to be on the TV program to represent his wife and to talk about her<br />

life. Exactly at that point Virginia’s specter comes in and wants to take her last note and go away. The<br />

clock in the room and the time stops and a play within a play, a settling of accounts begin. Virginia<br />

demonstrates what kind of an image there is about herself in the mind of Leonard, the person who is<br />

just about to represent her and she is not happy about her husband representing her. All her words<br />

are exaggerated and mocking and she speaks totally ironically. She wants to settle accounts with her<br />

past and her husband. She accuses Leonard of making money on her legacy and she questions what<br />

he had done. In the play, whenever Leonard gets angry at Virginia or whenever he tries to drive away<br />

her criticisms, he mentions Virginia’s lunacy. Besides the fact that lunacy is the suspense element of<br />

the play, it gains irony at the end of the play when Leonard by mistake wears the jacket for lunatics.<br />

On the other hand, at the end of the play, Virginia becomes an androgynous person with her face<br />

painted in black and with Leo’s costumes. Afterwards she turns into an elm. Elm, where the name of<br />

the play is taken from, becomes a reference to androgyny in this play, being a kind of a tree with its<br />

androgynous flowers. Virginia “believes that being solely women or solely man deprives the writer of<br />

creativity and the person called as the writer has to be “feminine man or masculine women” 1 , which<br />


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