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Part One: Magnificat and matrimony<br />

The first myth I wanted to debunk was the idea of Mary’s de‐sexualization. Like her forebear,<br />

Eve, 21 Mary thirsts for knowledge, including the carnal. The highly dubious notion that she neither<br />

conceived Jesus through the sexual act nor knew Joseph after the birth of the son, seemed an absurd<br />

fantasy of men frightened to death of women’s sexuality and ability to conceive. Witness Francisco<br />

Suarez, the Church’s first systematic theologian, who wrote: “The Blessed Virgin in conceiving a son<br />

neither lost her virginity nor experienced any venereal pleasure… it did not befit the Holy Spirit<br />

without any cause or utility to produce such an effect, or to excite any unbecoming movement of<br />

passion…On the contrary the effect of his overshadowing is to quench the fire of original sin.” 22<br />

And so, in defiance, my Mary revels in sex and her sexuality, presented here in her teenaged<br />

voice:<br />

Jeremiah lay back on his cloak…then I reached for him again….I climbed on top of him<br />

and rocked and rocked until I gushed all over and around him. I love to learn about my<br />

body through his body. I don’t believe that such knowledge is wicked. 23<br />

In fact, throughout her formative teenaged years, Mary determines to break most of the social<br />

and sexual taboos of her time:<br />

All you have to do is read Song of Songs to know that God wants us to celebrate each<br />

other. I don’t feel dirty when I’m with Jeremiah. I feel beautiful. And I’m not ashamed of<br />

anything we do….If I ever have a daughter, I’ll bring her up differently. I think a lot about<br />

these things. Thoughts like mine can get you killed. 24<br />

She knows too well how disobedient women become pariahs, or worse, are killed in the village<br />

square:<br />

So how come I’ve never heard of a man stoned for adultery, no matter what the Torah<br />

says? Doesn’t happen in my village. Only women and girls. Unmarried girls like me who<br />

lose their virginity. Women like Jez, paid for their services. I wonder how many of us<br />

there are. Bad girls and women, that is. Probably quite a few. Hiding. Hiding from men<br />

and their stupid laws. 25<br />

Yet Mary audaciously writes these dangerous thoughts in her diary (a series of scrolls presented<br />

by her mother, Anna, for her fourteenth birthday), sneaks out to parties at the village brothel to<br />

meet her lover Jeremiah, defies the laws of men and Yahweh, and is critical of the disparity between<br />

a woman’s and a man’s world: “my father Joachim the merchant, gets to do all the important stuff.<br />

Bartering with the growers, travelling, drinking with the dealers. My mother, Anna, works all day in<br />

the square. Roosts over the house in the evening.” 26 Mary’s rebellious tone and much of her<br />

behaviour are that of a 21 st ‐century teenager. She balks at her arranged marriage‐to‐be with Joseph.<br />

When she discovers her pregnancy and learns that Jeremiah is a weapons and narcotics dealer,<br />

already married and newly arrested, she writes:<br />

Please. I’m fourteen. What do I know?<br />

Here’s what I know. I am fourteen‐going‐on‐fifteen with a bun in the oven and a<br />

nebbish for a fiancé and my parents would sooner have me killed than return their fucking<br />

barnyard friends. And the man I love is locked up and maybe he’s going to die, and he<br />

doesn’t deal in perfumes or spices or herbs like any self‐respecting merchant, he sells<br />

opium and hashish and not only that Jez tells me he uses it and not only that but he<br />

knocks me up and not only that but he’s married to another woman whose name for<br />

fuck’s sake just happens to be Mary.<br />

Ha ha ha. Very, very funny, God. Just what do you have in store for me, Mary, your<br />


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