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Reading periodicals<br />

Many princes, including Constantin Mavrocordat, Grigorie Callimachi, Grigorie Ghica or Alexandru<br />

Ioan Mavrocordat considered news<strong>paper</strong>s as their main sources of information and bought them<br />

from all the corners of Europe: Gazetta de Colonia and Gazetta des Deux‐ponts from France, Gazetta<br />

de Londres (in French too), Gazeta de Altona, Gazeta de Aachen, Gazeta de Utrecht from Germany or<br />

Wiener Zeitung from Viena. Chesarie, a bishop from Râmnic, asked for <strong>book</strong>s and news<strong>paper</strong>s from<br />

Paris, especially Mercures. 26 Around Tudor Vladimirescu’s uprising of 1821, local princess read Le<br />

Constitutionnel, Le Libéral and Journal de Francfort. Apart from these, news came from towns located<br />

closer, in the proximity of the Austrian Empire as well.<br />

In Moldavia, boyars, doctors and priests subscribed to news<strong>paper</strong>s and magazines sent from the<br />

West: in French – Le journal littéraire, Le spectateur, L’Almanach des dames, Le spectateur du Nord,<br />

l’Abeille du Nord, Mercure politique and Mercure de France; in Italian – Corriere ordinario, Notizie del<br />

mondo and Il redattore italiano; in German – Die fliegende post and Ofener Zeitung; and in Russian –<br />

Severnaia pcela. 27<br />

Read at the beginning of the 19th century, L’Almanach des dames was a magazine published in<br />

Paris between 1803 and 1821 and later between 1823 and 1828. It was especially published for<br />

women and contained poetry, literature and useful advice, engravings accompanied by<br />

commentaries, portraits of contemporary French writers such as Madame Périé‐Candeille and<br />

Madame Guizot, who had written <strong>book</strong>s for children’s education.<br />

Reading was not an individual, solitary activity. On the contrary, learners normally read aloud, for<br />

themselves or for others. Silent reading was less known and practised. No matter whether sacred or<br />

profane literature, that was initially transmitted orally. 28 The reason why literature was read aloud<br />

during the Middle Ages was that there were not many lettered people at the time. Reading aloud<br />

represents a lifestyle, related to a specific worldview, which is not individual but collective. 29 Reading<br />

a <strong>book</strong> was thus a modality of spending the time in a relaxing way and a source of information for the<br />

inquisitive spirit. Evening used to be the time for reading, after a whole day of work. It used to be a<br />

public event, people used to read together, aloud, sometimes on holy days. 30<br />

Keywords: Women, Reading, Danubian principalities, Middle ages<br />

Carmen MANOLACHI<br />

MA in History<br />

University of Bucharest<br />

Bucharest, Romania<br />

manolachi2012@yahoo.com<br />

Notes<br />

1<br />

Șarlota Solcan, Femeile din Moldova, Transilvania şi Ţara Românească în Evul Mediu (Bucharest: EUB,<br />

2005), 91.<br />

2<br />

Shirley Lees ed., Rolurile femeii (Oradea: Cartea Creştină, 2004), 49.<br />

3<br />

Dimitrie Cantemir, Descrierea Moldovei, trans. Gheorghe Guțu, (Bucharest: ARSR, 1973), 373.<br />

4<br />

Solcan, Femeile din Moldova, 240‐241.<br />

5<br />

Constantin Șerban, Vasile Lupu. Domn al Moldovei (1634‐1653) (Bucharest: EAR, 1991), 33.<br />

6<br />

Solcan, Femeile din Moldova, 15.<br />

7<br />

Maria Holban et al., Călători străini despre Țările române, vol. X, part I (Bucharest: EAR, 2000), 211.<br />

8<br />

Paul Cernovodeanu et al., Călători străini despre Țările române în secolul al XIX‐lea, new series,<br />

vol. 1 (1801‐1821) (Bucharest: EAR, 2004), 687.<br />

9<br />

Nicolae Iorga, Femeile în viața neamului nostru (Vălenii de Munte: Neamul românesc, 1911),<br />

134.<br />

10<br />

Ibid., 139.<br />

11<br />

Paul Cernovodeanu et al., Călători străini, 788.<br />

12<br />

Solcan, Femeile din Moldova, 220.<br />

13<br />

Ibid., 240; George Marcu ed., Enciclopedia personalităților feminine din România (Bucharest:<br />


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