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and publicising it as a thing which it never was intended to be, are some of the snares to be cautious<br />

about.<br />

12. Seeking return on investment– More often than not, it’s a love’s labour lost. Of course, at<br />

the back of you, there will be your publisher who always keeps reminding you that he took such a<br />

risk in publishing your drab work, while nobody wants to read these things anymore. On the other<br />

hand, he would spare no efforts in seeing that publicising it as ‘a <strong>book</strong> on women’, he makes as much<br />

money as he could.<br />

13. Emotional hazards of being a female writer– As you voice ‘their’ voice, being woman starts<br />

coming in your way. One starts empathizing with the characters of the <strong>book</strong> which may at times turn<br />

out to be a roller coaster ride of emotions. As a writer, the experience may eventually drain you out<br />

mentally and emotionally. Being stoic is the key here. Creating a thing which is not only going to<br />

contribute positively to some persons <strong>lives</strong> but also to your own self, should be the objective and be<br />

consciously strived at.<br />

Summing up<br />

Each woman is a universe in her own right. One has to dig really deep and hard. Besides, it<br />

being a sexist world out there, one needs to tread and treat with caution. Despite claims of<br />

modernity and claims of equality, the social reality is still different for different genders. The<br />

attitudes and behaviour continue to be sexist as the legislation, International pressure etc. have<br />

paved way for replacing overt sexism with subtle sexism. Among other things, an author has to be<br />

bold, though not suicidal in approach and treatment. Besides, reality is not objective since it’s<br />

inhabited by emotional humans and not automated robots. While researching on women’s <strong>lives</strong><br />

and presenting it, the author has to be value bound and cannot separate from the research topic. But<br />

one also need not shut one’s eyes to objectivity. In fact , one must be ready to change one’s own<br />

values as <strong>writing</strong> is not only for the readers but also for the author and last not least, it could be a<br />

great cathartic and learning experience.<br />

Keywords: Auto/biography, History and Her story<br />

Sangeeta GOEL<br />

Management Development Institute , Gurgaon , India<br />

goel_sangeeta@yahoo.co.in<br />

Bibliography<br />

Anderson, S, and D Ray. The age distribution of missing women in India . 2010 in Economic & Political<br />

Weekly(EPW)December 1, 2012 vol. xivii nos. 47 & 48.<br />

Collins, P.H. Black feminist Thought:Knowledge,Consciousness and the Politics of Empowerment (2 nd<br />

edition), New York, N.Y. Routeladge 2000<br />

Cresswell, John W, and Vicky L Plano Clark. Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods research. SAGE<br />

Publications, Inc , 2011.<br />

Denzin, Norman k, and Yvonna S Linkoln. The Sage Hand<strong>book</strong> of Qualitative Research. Sage Publications<br />

Inc., 2011.<br />

Donnell, A . Representing Lives: Women and Auto/biography. PR756 .W65 R46 2000<br />

George, Rose . “The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters.” as<br />

appeared in print on December 29, 2012, on page A19 of the New York edition with the headline: The Taboo of<br />

Menstruation.<br />

Guba, E.G. and Lincoln, Y.S. “Paradigmatic Controversies, Contradictions, and Emerging Influences”, in<br />

Denzin, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S. (eds), The Sage Hand<strong>book</strong> of Qualitative Research, 3rd edn, Sage Publications,<br />

London 2005.<br />


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