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Jane HERVÉ *<br />

“I demand my freedom with all the power of my voice,” protested the sculptress Camille Claudel<br />

confined in an asylum. Was this desperate cry, made in the first half of the 20th century by this artist<br />

of genius ‐‐ a woman, moreover‐‐ heard at all? Could a biographical and autobiographical reading<br />

comfort her hard imprisonment?<br />

1. Characters and limits of biography<br />

Biography, a special form of literature, relates the life of a being which is at some points<br />

exceptional. The biographer takes another being for his or her “object." Two singularities are here<br />

face to face. This confrontation, aroused by the passion of the one towards the qualities of the other,<br />

changes the observer into a detective, and the one being observed into a territory for exploration<br />

and discovery. The human labyrinth becomes inextricable when it combines – as in the case of<br />

Camille Claudel ‐‐ the aesthetic with the psychological and social being.<br />

What is the limit of this approach when the living subjectivity of the artist reigns more than<br />

elsewhere? The biographer in his or her quest progresses from one work to another of the artist,<br />

classifies the observations/realizations of other artists, of art critics and biographers, and finally<br />

consults photographs. Some sources has the appearance of non‐<strong>writing</strong>s but could contribute to the<br />

understanding.<br />

This search by proxy, rooted in history, environment and century of the observer, doesn’t escape<br />

the realm of feeling. Is it possible not to be engaged or full of solicitude? It is impossible to unravel a<br />

creative thought without a minimum of identification with the model. In consequence, one can easily<br />

pollute the investigation with a sentiment (admiration, animosity, etc…), denature it or go towards<br />

hagiography. From her side, the artist can be acted on or betrayed: she put forward only a part of<br />

herself or a partial/mistaken version (sometimes intentionally) or indeed she may choose silence.<br />

2. The case of Camille Claudel<br />

To perceive the artist and her freedom, we will go back and forth among the various media<br />

available (photos, <strong>writing</strong>s, films, theater pieces, dedicated sculptures), which intersect the<br />

autobiographical work of the sculptor (sculptures and <strong>writing</strong>s). In this search, we looked for<br />

significant nodes which are also the fragile stages of a life.<br />

2.1. The photos.<br />

Our first look goes right into the photos, strong witness of a living presence. Camille C. has a sad<br />

and thoughtful gravity. No matter her age, whether in adolescence or old age, she is fixed in the<br />

authenticity of herself, without complacency or smiles, without trying to be seductive. She is the<br />

more captivating because of her refusal to please is offset by her beauty and submerged pride.<br />

2.1.1 Photos taken by professionals show she makes no concessions.<br />

Photo with caption " Maman et Camille Claudel "(1880). C.C. is an adolescent wearing an<br />

impressive protective smock. She stands with assurance, one hand resting on her mother’s shoulder,<br />

holding palette and knives, while the mother exhibits palette and brush.<br />

*<br />

Writer - Paris, France.<br />


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