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Bibliography<br />

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Volume 12. Ed. and Trans. Douglas Miller. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.<br />

Golubov, Nattie. 2002. “British Women Writers and the Public Sphere Between the<br />

Wars: Winifred Holtby, Storm Jameson, Naomi Mitchison, and Rebecca West”. (PhD diss.,<br />

Queen Mary, University of London).<br />

Hanioğlu, M. Şükrü. 2011. Atatürk: An Intellectual Biography. Princeton: Princeton<br />

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Holl, Karl. 1987. „Lilo Linke (1906–1963). Von der Weimarer Jungdemokratin zur<br />

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Jameson, Margaret Storm. (1969) 1984. Journey From the North, Vol. 1. London:<br />

Virago.<br />

Linke, Lilo. 1935. Restless Days: A German Girl’s Autobiography. New York: Alfred A.<br />

Knopf.<br />

‐‐‐‐‐‐. 1937. Allah Dethroned: A Journey Through Modern Turkey. London: Constable & Co.<br />

McLoughlin, Kate. 2007. “Voices and Values: Storm Jameson’s Europe to Let and the<br />

Munich Pact” in Margaret Storm Jameson Writing in Dialogue, Eds. Jennifer Birkett and<br />

Chiara Briganti. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.<br />

Naydler, Jeremy. 1996. “Goethe On Science: A Selection of Goethe’s Writings” in<br />

Goethe On Science: An Anthology of Goethe’s Scientific Writings. Foreword Henri Bortoft.<br />

Edinburgh: Floris Books.<br />

Stolper, Gustav. 1940. German Economy: 1870‐1940. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock.<br />

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‐‐‐‐‐‐. (1917) 1964. An Inquiry into the Nature of Peace. New York: AMKelley.<br />


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