July - California Gymkhana Association

July - California Gymkhana Association July - California Gymkhana Association

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Melissa Midzor/Zia 2nd AA Hrs - F8S 13.112 2nd AA Hrs - SBL 9.782 Ashley Millan/Jet 2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.614 1st AA Hrs - P I 13.971 2nd AA Hrs - SBR 11.439 Trew Mitchell/Tuffy 2nd AAA+ Hrs - BAR 18.419 1st AAA+ Hrs - F8S 10.766 2nd AAA Hrs - HS 10.326 1st AAA+ Hrs - P I 10.065 2nd AAA+ Hrs - QR 19.687 Mia Perry/Mia 2nd LL Hrs - BAR 61.221 1st LL Hrs - F8S 32.524 1st LL Hrs - P I 27.137 2nd LL Hrs - QR 55.951 1st LL Hrs - SBL 33.977 1st LL Hrs - SBR 34.655 Allyson Shiffrar/Rosy 1st AA Pony - BAR 22.787 1st AAA Pony - F8S 12.651 1st AA Pony - HS 11.843 1st AAA Pony - SBL 9.334 1st AAA Pony - SBR 11.291 Jessica Townsend/Poco 2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 19.385 2nd AAA+ Hrs - HS 9.693 1st AAA Hrs - SBL 7.481 2nd AAA Hrs - SBR 10.526 Bella Valentine/Candy 1st FC Hrs 11/un - BAR 101.577 1st FC Hrs 11/un - F8S 46.135 1st FC Hrs 11/un - P I 52.087 1st FC Hrs 11/un - QR 116.182 1st FC Hrs 11/un - SBL 40.528 1st FC Hrs 11/un - SBR 35.925 Channing Valentine/John 1st AA Hrs - F8S 12.788 2nd AA Hrs - QR 24.147 Jeanette Veino/Jammer 1st A Hrs - BAR 22.922 1st A Hrs - P I 15.702 1st A Hrs - QR 26.507 1st A Hrs - SBL 11.956 Sadie Veino/Sadie 1st LL Hrs - BAR 56.780 2nd LL Hrs - F8S 34.709 2nd LL Hrs - P I 27.460 1st LL Hrs - QR 53.067 2nd LL Hrs - SBL 40.076 2nd LL Hrs - SBR 36.352 For June we did not have a show because the Elks had their big rodeo. They were kind to let us do a CGA demonstration on Sunday prior to their performance. I have to give a BIG THANK YOU to those who helped us with it. We really had some fun. We ran 3 of the 13 events 2 hours prior to the Elks Rodeo. First we setup Hurry Scurry and then ran Speed barrels and Speed ball, match race style. Those two events got the crowd cheering. At the end we ran one example of rescue race pitching brother Chris Rowles against brother Mitchell Rowles, that got the crowd to their feet. I think it is still in dispute as to who won the race. We didn’t have timers setup so I don’t think we will ever know. The crowd said arena # 1. It was very close. By the time you are reading this, you will know that we cancelled our June 17 show. District 14 ran a night show on Saturday and I am pretty sure they did not want to get up at 5 or 6 am to drive to our show after being up until midnight. We cherish their support so we decided to let them sleep in. We moved that show to June 30th. There will be a second show on July 1st. These two show will be individual shows so if you can’t make it to one, I hope you can make it to the other. Don’t forget we provide dry camping if you would like to ride in both and stay Saturday night. There is just a $10.00 charge per horse and $ 10.00 per rig. That is cheaper than any hotel I know about. These two show will be our last shows for the season. Then on to getting our Year End awards. Usually we have our banquet in November. I will send those who qualified an invite once we get the awards in and set a date. During the awards banquet we like to pick new board members. If you are interested please ask anyone of us. The positions are, President, Vise-President, Secretary, treasurer, Scribe, Awards, Arena equipment, Booth Boss, and we always need new judges. As for the judges, all we have for our District is Chris Rowles and Wes Handy. Wes will be gone most the time fighting fires. Nathan is sooo close to getting his card; he has put in the time he just needs to take the test. Nathan, you got all of our support. I do want to thank those judges that come from other districts. We are lucky to get those volunteers and we really appreciate your help. Here is a tentative list of our next season show dates. We will still be at the Elks Arena. This ground has gotten better and better. If you see Cass please give her a pat on the back and say Thank You. She really works hard to get the ground perfect. Just look at our times. Multiple Supremes and AAA+, plus all the bump ups are worth mentioning. I do want to boast that Brittney Posy and Duke (NFR World Champions) ran a 17.24 on our ground. It was incredible to watch. Lynda Vick also ran a 17.3, and there were a bunch of runs under 17.5. These ladies ran the same size course CGA runs. That is fast. Maybe someday I can go that fast on my Rosy pony. Eh maybe not. June 30 th & July 1 st We will have a silent auction to help raise funds for Year-end awards. September 9 th Sunday will be our first show for the 2012-2013 season. We at district 40 want to thank all of you that supported our club this last year. I hope you all had fun and join again next season. Please spread the word our main goal is to have a safe and fun time. See you at the June 30th and July 1st to close out this season. Page 16 DISTRICT 49 - PARADISE AREA PINE RIDGE RIDERS Pineridgeriders.com By Bob Gebhard Greetings from little Butte Valley, District 49 and the Pine Ridge RIders. .....spent the last two days camped out in the trailer at the arena......sampled all offerings to be had from the snack bar......exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time......our five show Buckle Series concluded grandly today......now all’s made right, the horses are fed and I’m beat.... Madchen, Brenda & me Winners May 5th show: Casey Bailey/Bella 2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - KH 18.402 Susan Baker/Spirit 1st FC Hrs 14/+ - BAR 28.321 1st A Hrs - P I 17.005 1st A Hrs - SBL 11.019 Joleen Barmettler/Tara 2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - P I 21.392 2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - Big T 26.458 Laura Bishop/Tequila 1st FC Hrs 14/+ - P I 20.768 Sierra Blackford/Willie 2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.400 1st AA Hrs - F8S 12.354 1st AA Hrs - Big T 17.429 Cheryl Braswell/Scooby 2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - F8S 17.125 Jennifer Braswell/Gus 1st Pony - F8S 11.792 1st Pony - KH 9.417 2nd Pony - QR 20.953 1st Pony - SBL 7.631 1st Pony - Big T 16.058 Mikayla Clifford/Carrots 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - P I 28.001 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - SBL 34.438 Jacqueline Cooley/Risky Business 1st Pony - BAR 22.552 2nd Pony - F8S 13.073 2nd Pony - KH 10.321 1st Pony - P I 12.972 Debbie Damonte/Lucky 2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - SBL 17.955 Debbie Damonte/Tally Ho 2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - QR 32.948 Michaela Decker/Copper 2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 20.056 1st AAA Hrs - Big T 16.519 Erynn Doherty/Sunny 1st AAA Hrs - BAR 19.553 1st AAA Hrs - P I 11.160 1st AA Hrs - QR 23.085 2nd AA Hrs - SBL 8.822 2nd AA Hrs - Big T 17.796 Grace Felkins/Spirit 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - BAR 36.716 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - QR 37.247 Brenda Gebbard/Spirit 1st FC Hrs 14/+ - KH 17.532 1st FC Hrs 14/+ - QR 31.316 Brenda Gebhard/Janey 1st A Hrs - F8S 13.654 1st AA Hrs - KH 9.823 2nd AA Hrs - QR 23.411 Madchen Gebhard/Grande 2nd AA Hrs - P I 13.579 2nd A Hrs - SBL 11.191 1st FC Hrs 13/un - Big T 26.165 Chanter Johnson/Bella 1st A Hrs - BAR 26.006 1st A Hrs - KH 13.270 Devyn Kious/Spicey Spicegirl 2nd AAA Hrs - F8S 11.590 1st AAA Hrs - KH 8.094 Vicki Mcdaniel/Chaos 1st FC Hrs 14/+ - Big T 25.368 Jamie Mcentire/Ronald Reagan 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - KH 17.207 Jessica Mcentire/Carrot 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - F8S 20.584 Maddy Miller/Cherokee D 1st AA Hrs - SBL 8.600 Scarlett Miller/Ricochet Rose 1st AAA Hrs - F8S 11.482 2nd AAA Hrs - P I 11.451 1st AAA Hrs - QR 19.977 1st AAA+ Hrs - Big T 15.074 Dominique Richardson/Decota 1st AA Hrs - BAR 21.209 Amanda Sanderson/Moose 2nd A Hrs - P I 17.619 1st A Hrs - Big T 20.800 Stacey Silva/Decco Megamotion 2nd AA Hrs - F8S 12.410 1st AA Hrs - P I 13.574 2nd AAA Hrs - QR 21.061 Jasmine Sowder/Dancer 2nd A Hrs - F8S 13.928 2nd AA Hrs - KH 10.858 1st A Hrs - QR 25.156 Natalie Staas/Imabadcutterdeem E M 1st FC Hrs 13/un - BAR 33.626 1st FC Hrs 13/un - F8S 19.411 1st FC Hrs 13/un - KH 17.175 1st FC Hrs 13/un - P I 26.291 1st FC Hrs 13/un - QR 34.427 1st FC Hrs 13/un - SBL 24.152 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - Big T 28.066 Jeanette Stewart/Turbo 2nd Pony - BAR 23.920 2nd Pony - P I 15.378 1st Pony - QR 19.693 2nd Pony - SBL 7.986 2nd Pony - Big T 16.587 Jeremy Stutler/Babe 2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - BAR 29.616 1st FC Hrs 14/+ - F8S 17.108 1st FC Hrs 14/+ - SBL 16.992 Candi Tucker/One Spot Doc 2nd A Hrs - BAR 26.559 2nd A Hrs - QR 25.501 Mandi Tucker/One Spot Doc 1st LL Hrs - BAR 93.813 1st LL Hrs - P I 45.016 1st LL Hrs - QR 71.612 1st LL Hrs - Big T 54.123 Margie Wilson/Rocky 2nd A Hrs - KH 13.659 2nd A Hrs - Big T 22.770

Winners May 6th show: Susan Baker/Spirit 1st FC Hrs 14/+ - BR 21.798 2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - HS 28.883 1st FC Hrs 14/+ - SBR 16.013 Joleen Barmettler/Tara 1st FC Hrs 14/+ - P II 38.065 1st FC Hrs 14/+ - SSR 13.700 Cheryl Braswell/Scooby 1st FC Hrs 14/+ - BAR 29.667 2nd A Hrs - F8F 26.545 Jennifer Braswell/Gus 1st Pony - BAR 20.584 2nd Pony - BR 15.078 2nd Pony - F8F 17.044 2nd Pony - HS 11.510 2nd Pony - P II 26.358 2nd Pony - SBR 10.702 1st Pony - SSR 9.858 Morgan Cook/Nitro 1st AAA Hrs - P II 24.390 Sherri Cook/Quincy 1st A Hrs - F8F 22.666 Debbie Damonte/Lucky 2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - BR 23.229 2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - F8F 33.955 Debbie Damonte/Tally Ho 2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - BAR 30.329 2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - SSR 14.525 Erynn Doherty/Sunny 2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 19.498 1st AAA Hrs - BR 15.310 1st AA Hrs - F8F 15.521 1st AAA Hrs - HS 10.944 1st AA Hrs - P II 25.637 1st AA Hrs - SBR 11.013 2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 10.144 Grace Felkins/Spirit 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - HS 37.326 Rory Ferguson/Angel 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - F8F 43.116 Brenda Gebhard/Janey 2nd A Hrs - HS 17.004 2nd AA Hrs - P II 26.989 2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.485 Madchen Gebhard/Spirit 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - BAR 34.739 1st FC Hrs 13/un - SBR 16.926 1st FC Hrs 13/un - SSR 14.296 Kim Jayne/Cid 1st FC Hrs 14/+ - F8F 32.767 1st FC Hrs 14/+ - HS 28.686 Chanter Johnson/Bella 1st A Hrs - BAR 23.035 1st A Hrs - HS 16.844 1st A Hrs - SBR 12.542 Braden Kettell/Doc 2nd LL Hrs - BAR 93.310 2nd LL Hrs - SBR 54.529 1st LL Hrs - SSR 33.875 Alexya Lund/Leann 1st LL Hrs - P II 73.715 2nd LL Hrs - SSR 44.144 Ariel Lund/Leann 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - SSR 14.651 Sammantha Lund/Leann 2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - SBR 17.084 Ada Mcelhaney/Patch 2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - P II 38.636 Jamie Mcentire/Ronald Reagan 1st FC Hrs 13/un - HS 35.310 1st FC Hrs 13/un - P II 39.575 Jessica Mcentire/Carrot 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - BR 25.215 Maddy Miller/Cherokee D 2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.413 2nd AA Hrs - BR 16.050 2nd AA Hrs - F8F 15.946 2nd AA Hrs - SBR 11.550 1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.481 Scarlett Miller/Ricochet Rose 1st AAA Hrs - BAR 19.386 1st AAA Hrs - SBR 10.293 1st AAA Hrs - SSR 10.067 Dominique Richardson/Decota 1st AA Hrs - BAR 21.272 1st A Hrs - BR 17.477 1st AA Hrs - HS 12.128 2nd A Hrs - P II 30.339 Kyndall Sanders/Ima Bad Skeeter 2nd A Hrs - BAR 23.650 1st A Hrs - P II 29.842 2nd A Hrs - SSR 11.332 Stacey Silva/Decco Megamotion 1st AA Hrs - BR 15.795 1st AAA Hrs - F8F 13.943 2nd AA Hrs - HS 12.147 2nd AAA Hrs - P II 24.755 2nd AAA Hrs - SBR 10.907 Sasha Simpson-Stiles/Lollipop 1st Pony - P II 25.151 Jasmine Sowder/Dancer 2nd A Hrs - BR 17.788 1st A Hrs - SSR 11.111 Natalie Staas/Imabadcutterdeem E M 1st FC Hrs 13/un - BAR 31.567 1st FC Hrs 13/un - BR 23.991 1st FC Hrs 13/un - F8F 34.233 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - P II 40.104 2nd FC Hrs 13/un - SBR 18.691 Jeanette Stewart/Turbo 2nd Pony - BAR 23.802 1st Pony - BR 14.960 1st Pony - F8F 11.812 1st Pony - HS 10.534 1st Pony - SBR 10.511 2nd Pony - SSR 10.067 Candi Tucker/One Spot Doc 2nd A Hrs - SBR 12.705 Mandi Tucker/One Spot Doc 1st LL Hrs - BAR 78.001 1st LL Hrs - BR 60.042 1st LL Hrs - F8F 106.738 2nd LL Hrs - P II 75.401 1st LL Hrs - SBR 46.832 Senior Elite Awards Program The Senior Elite (SE) awards program is a modified version of the ROC program designed to provide competition and awards for the fastest and most accurate senior riders within the CGA (those 45 and older as of Jan 1st of the current show season). To be eligible for this program, the rider must provide proof of age, and the horse/rider combination cannot be signed up for the ROC program in the same show season. This program is for horses only (no pony divisions). The ultimate achievement for an SE rider is to ride to the Senior Elite Hall of Fame. Any SE rider who during the show season becomes AAA+ rated in ten (10) of the thirteen (13) events using the SE Matrix will be entered into the CGA Senior Elite Hall of Fame. They will receive a special Senior Elite Hall of Fame buckle at the CGA Annual convention. In the event the rider does not earn a Senior Elite Hall of Fame buckle, the rider will be eligible for the Level 1 Award using the normal Rating Matrix. If the rider does not also receive an Senior Elite Champion or Reserve Champion jacket, they have the option of receiving a Senior Elite Hall of Fame jacket instead of the Hall of Fame buckle. Senior Elite Champion In Each Event The riders with the 1st and 2nd best average times in the event are the SE Champion and SE Reserve Champion, respectively. SE Champions and Reserve Champions will receive an SE jacket listing each event in which they are Champion or Reserve Champion. Senior Elite Top Ten Riders The CGA’s Senior Elite Top Ten Riders will be determined by the following method: the rider’s fastest 3 rides in each event are averaged. The 10 riders in each event with the fastest average will be given points as follows: 1st - 11 points 2nd - 9 points 3rd - 8 points 4th - 7 points 5th - 6 points 6th - 5 points 7th - 4 points 8th - 3 points 9th - 2 points 10th - 1 point Points from all thirteen (13) events will be added together, and the Five riders with the most points will become a member of CGA’s Senior Elite Top Five. Any ties will be broken by determining which rider has won the most first places. If the tie still exists, the rider with the most second places is selected. This process is continued, if necessary, to the place required to break the tie. Senior Elite Top Five Riders must have a SE rating of at least AAA using the normal Rating Matrix. They will receive a special Senior Elite Top Five buckle. Registration and Fees The SE registration fee is $120.00, which includes the Level 1 award. A Senior Elite rider that enters Senior Elite Hall of Fame will receive the Hall of Fame award, but not the Level 1 award. A Senior Elite Rider that does not enter Senior Elite Hall of Fame will receive the Level 1 award. Senior Elite riders may sign up for Level 1 and Level 2 awards for a fee of $140.00. A Senior Elite rider that enters Senior Elite Hall of Fame will receive the Hall of Fame awards and the Level 2 award. A Senior Elite rider that does not enter Senior Elite Hall of Fame will receive both the Level 1 award and the Level 2 award. Fees are not refundable. Page 17

Winners May 6th show:<br />

Susan Baker/Spirit<br />

1st FC Hrs 14/+ - BR 21.798<br />

2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - HS 28.883<br />

1st FC Hrs 14/+ - SBR 16.013<br />

Joleen Barmettler/Tara<br />

1st FC Hrs 14/+ - P II 38.065<br />

1st FC Hrs 14/+ - SSR 13.700<br />

Cheryl Braswell/Scooby<br />

1st FC Hrs 14/+ - BAR 29.667<br />

2nd A Hrs - F8F 26.545<br />

Jennifer Braswell/Gus<br />

1st Pony - BAR 20.584<br />

2nd Pony - BR 15.078<br />

2nd Pony - F8F 17.044<br />

2nd Pony - HS 11.510<br />

2nd Pony - P II 26.358<br />

2nd Pony - SBR 10.702<br />

1st Pony - SSR 9.858<br />

Morgan Cook/Nitro<br />

1st AAA Hrs - P II 24.390<br />

Sherri Cook/Quincy<br />

1st A Hrs - F8F 22.666<br />

Debbie Damonte/Lucky<br />

2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - BR 23.229<br />

2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - F8F 33.955<br />

Debbie Damonte/Tally Ho<br />

2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - BAR 30.329<br />

2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - SSR 14.525<br />

Erynn Doherty/Sunny<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - BAR 19.498<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BR 15.310<br />

1st AA Hrs - F8F 15.521<br />

1st AAA Hrs - HS 10.944<br />

1st AA Hrs - P II 25.637<br />

1st AA Hrs - SBR 11.013<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SSR 10.144<br />

Grace Felkins/Spirit<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/un - HS 37.326<br />

Rory Ferguson/Angel<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/un - F8F 43.116<br />

Brenda Gebhard/Janey<br />

2nd A Hrs - HS 17.004<br />

2nd AA Hrs - P II 26.989<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SSR 10.485<br />

Madchen Gebhard/Spirit<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/un - BAR 34.739<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/un - SBR 16.926<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/un - SSR 14.296<br />

Kim Jayne/Cid<br />

1st FC Hrs 14/+ - F8F 32.767<br />

1st FC Hrs 14/+ - HS 28.686<br />

Chanter Johnson/Bella<br />

1st A Hrs - BAR 23.035<br />

1st A Hrs - HS 16.844<br />

1st A Hrs - SBR 12.542<br />

Braden Kettell/Doc<br />

2nd LL Hrs - BAR 93.310<br />

2nd LL Hrs - SBR 54.529<br />

1st LL Hrs - SSR 33.875<br />

Alexya Lund/Leann<br />

1st LL Hrs - P II 73.715<br />

2nd LL Hrs - SSR 44.144<br />

Ariel Lund/Leann<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/un - SSR 14.651<br />

Sammantha Lund/Leann<br />

2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - SBR 17.084<br />

Ada Mcelhaney/Patch<br />

2nd FC Hrs 14/+ - P II 38.636<br />

Jamie Mcentire/Ronald Reagan<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/un - HS 35.310<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/un - P II 39.575<br />

Jessica Mcentire/Carrot<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/un - BR 25.215<br />

Maddy Miller/Cherokee D<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BAR 21.413<br />

2nd AA Hrs - BR 16.050<br />

2nd AA Hrs - F8F 15.946<br />

2nd AA Hrs - SBR 11.550<br />

1st AA Hrs - SSR 10.481<br />

Scarlett Miller/Ricochet Rose<br />

1st AAA Hrs - BAR 19.386<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SBR 10.293<br />

1st AAA Hrs - SSR 10.067<br />

Dominique Richardson/Decota<br />

1st AA Hrs - BAR 21.272<br />

1st A Hrs - BR 17.477<br />

1st AA Hrs - HS 12.128<br />

2nd A Hrs - P II 30.339<br />

Kyndall Sanders/Ima Bad Skeeter<br />

2nd A Hrs - BAR 23.650<br />

1st A Hrs - P II 29.842<br />

2nd A Hrs - SSR 11.332<br />

Stacey Silva/Decco Megamotion<br />

1st AA Hrs - BR 15.795<br />

1st AAA Hrs - F8F 13.943<br />

2nd AA Hrs - HS 12.147<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - P II 24.755<br />

2nd AAA Hrs - SBR 10.907<br />

Sasha Simpson-Stiles/Lollipop<br />

1st Pony - P II 25.151<br />

Jasmine Sowder/Dancer<br />

2nd A Hrs - BR 17.788<br />

1st A Hrs - SSR 11.111<br />

Natalie Staas/Imabadcutterdeem<br />

E M<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/un - BAR 31.567<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/un - BR 23.991<br />

1st FC Hrs 13/un - F8F 34.233<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/un - P II 40.104<br />

2nd FC Hrs 13/un - SBR 18.691<br />

Jeanette Stewart/Turbo<br />

2nd Pony - BAR 23.802<br />

1st Pony - BR 14.960<br />

1st Pony - F8F 11.812<br />

1st Pony - HS 10.534<br />

1st Pony - SBR 10.511<br />

2nd Pony - SSR 10.067<br />

Candi Tucker/One Spot Doc<br />

2nd A Hrs - SBR 12.705<br />

Mandi Tucker/One Spot Doc<br />

1st LL Hrs - BAR 78.001<br />

1st LL Hrs - BR 60.042<br />

1st LL Hrs - F8F 106.738<br />

2nd LL Hrs - P II 75.401<br />

1st LL Hrs - SBR 46.832<br />

Senior Elite Awards Program<br />

The Senior Elite (SE) awards program is a modified version of the ROC<br />

program designed to provide competition and awards for the fastest and<br />

most accurate senior riders within the CGA (those 45 and older as of Jan<br />

1st of the current show season). To be eligible for this program, the rider<br />

must provide proof of age, and the horse/rider combination cannot be<br />

signed up for the ROC program in the same show season. This program is<br />

for horses only (no pony divisions).<br />

The ultimate achievement for an SE rider is to ride to the Senior Elite Hall<br />

of Fame. Any SE rider who during the show season becomes AAA+ rated<br />

in ten (10) of the thirteen (13) events using the SE Matrix will be entered<br />

into the CGA Senior Elite Hall of Fame. They will receive a special Senior<br />

Elite Hall of Fame buckle at the CGA Annual convention. In the event the<br />

rider does not earn a Senior Elite Hall of Fame buckle, the rider will be<br />

eligible for the Level 1 Award using the normal Rating Matrix. If the rider<br />

does not also receive an Senior Elite Champion or Reserve Champion<br />

jacket, they have the option of receiving a Senior Elite Hall of Fame jacket<br />

instead of the Hall of Fame buckle.<br />

Senior Elite Champion In Each Event<br />

The riders with the 1st and 2nd best average times in the event are the SE<br />

Champion and SE Reserve Champion, respectively. SE Champions and<br />

Reserve Champions will receive an SE jacket listing each event in which<br />

they are Champion or Reserve Champion.<br />

Senior Elite Top Ten Riders<br />

The CGA’s Senior Elite Top Ten Riders will be determined by the<br />

following method: the rider’s fastest 3 rides in each event are averaged.<br />

The 10 riders in each event with the fastest average will be given points as<br />

follows:<br />

1st - 11 points 2nd - 9 points 3rd - 8 points 4th - 7 points<br />

5th - 6 points 6th - 5 points 7th - 4 points 8th - 3 points<br />

9th - 2 points 10th - 1 point<br />

Points from all thirteen (13) events will be added together, and the Five<br />

riders with the most points will become a member of CGA’s Senior Elite<br />

Top Five. Any ties will be broken by determining which rider has won the<br />

most first places. If the tie still exists, the rider with the most second places<br />

is selected. This process is continued, if necessary, to the place required to<br />

break the tie. Senior Elite Top Five Riders must have a SE rating of at<br />

least AAA using the normal Rating Matrix. They will receive a special<br />

Senior Elite Top Five buckle.<br />

Registration and Fees<br />

The SE registration fee is $120.00, which includes the Level 1 award. A<br />

Senior Elite rider that enters Senior Elite Hall of Fame will receive the Hall<br />

of Fame award, but not the Level 1 award. A Senior Elite Rider that does<br />

not enter Senior Elite Hall of Fame will receive the Level 1 award.<br />

Senior Elite riders may sign up for Level 1 and Level 2 awards for a fee<br />

of $140.00. A Senior Elite rider that enters Senior Elite Hall of Fame will<br />

receive the Hall of Fame awards and the Level 2 award. A Senior Elite<br />

rider that does not enter Senior Elite Hall of Fame will receive both the<br />

Level 1 award and the Level 2 award. Fees are not refundable.<br />

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