The Malayan Communist Party as Recorded in the Comintern Files




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danger and stayed away from it. Thus, <strong>the</strong>se letters could not reach Moscow. It depicts aga<strong>in</strong> how<br />

difficult w<strong>as</strong> <strong>the</strong> communication between <strong>the</strong> MCP and <strong>the</strong> Com<strong>in</strong>tern.<br />

8. Cheah’s View on <strong>the</strong> MCP <strong>in</strong> 1934<br />

Cheah Boon Keng wrote about <strong>the</strong> MCP <strong>in</strong> 1934 <strong>as</strong> below:<br />

S<strong>in</strong>ce <strong>the</strong> date of <strong>the</strong> 1933 [MCP annual] Conference, … <strong>the</strong> reorganisation of <strong>the</strong><br />

Com<strong>in</strong>tern Apparatus <strong>in</strong> Shanghai h<strong>as</strong> taken place and a regular subsidy h<strong>as</strong> been<br />

received which … h<strong>as</strong> considerably altered <strong>the</strong> ra<strong>the</strong>r gloomy picture of <strong>the</strong> fortunes<br />

of <strong>the</strong> MCP presented by <strong>the</strong> earlier Conference reports. 41<br />

Notes<br />

1. Ф. 495 оп.62 д.51. Date of this letter is not written.<br />

2. Ф. 495 оп.62<br />

3. Ф. 495 оп.62 д.20.<br />

4. Ibid.<br />

5. C. F. Yong, op., cit., p.174.<br />

6. SMPF, D3055. “Arrest of three Annamate <strong>Communist</strong>s”, (5-7 January, 1932), NUS<br />

Microfilm, R0012017.<br />

7. Sophie, op., cit., pp.196, 343.<br />

8. Ibid., pp.191, 194, 343.<br />

9. Yoji Ak<strong>as</strong>hi, “Lai Teck, Secretary General of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Malayan</strong> <strong>Communist</strong> <strong>Party</strong>, 1939-1947”,<br />

Journal of <strong>the</strong> South Se<strong>as</strong> Society, Vol.49, 1994, pp.61, 63.<br />

10. Professor Christopher Goscha wrote <strong>in</strong> 2000 that Lai Teck’s real Vietnamese name w<strong>as</strong><br />

possibly Huynh Kim Ggok (Christopher E. Goscha, “Vietnamese Revolutionaries and <strong>the</strong><br />

Early Spread of Communism to Pen<strong>in</strong>sular Sou<strong>the</strong><strong>as</strong>t Asia”, Copenhagen Journal of Asian<br />

Studies, 14, 2000, p.39). [If Huynh Kim Ggok is 黄 金 玉 , it must be one of Lai’s<br />

pseudonyms <strong>in</strong> Malaya].<br />

B<strong>as</strong>ed on Brian Moynahan, Dr. Leon Comber wrote <strong>in</strong> 2010 that Lai’s Vietnamese name<br />

w<strong>as</strong> Nguyen Van Long [ 阮 文 龙 ?] (Leon Comber, “’Traitor of all Traitors’ – Secret Agent<br />


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