MKT 575 Final Exam (Newest)

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<strong>MKT</strong> <strong>575</strong> <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Exam</strong> (<strong>Newest</strong>)<br />

1. In the _____ step of the new-product development process, a marketing manager evaluates how<br />

well the idea fits with the company's objectives.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

commercialization<br />

development<br />

screening<br />

idea generation<br />

2. When Chase Bank mails a 30-day offer for a new pre-approved credit card with a $2,000 limit to a<br />

college student, this is an example of__________.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

mass selling<br />

indirect-response promotion<br />

direct-response promotion<br />

integration<br />

3. A firm with a marketing orientation is MOST likely to__________.<br />

view advertising as an unnecessary expense<br />

recognize that effective advertising is the key to sales

not use any advertising<br />

advertise how a product meets customers' needs<br />

4. Which of the following observations concerning sales analysis is NOT correct?<br />

There is no one best way to break down sales data.<br />

It is a detailed breakdown of a company's sales records.<br />

Data can easily be obtained from basic billing and accounts receivable procedures.<br />

Product category is the best way to analyze sales data.<br />

It is easy to do, and usually it's inexpensive.<br />

5. Managers should make operational decisions___________.<br />

on a month-to-month basis and never daily or weekly<br />

within the guidelines set down during strategy planning<br />

with great care as these decisions are the same as strategic decisions<br />

for the long-run to help formulate strategic plans<br />

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6. When Fresh Produce Wholesaler Inc. buys fruit and vegetables from a variety of different farmers<br />

and takes large bushels and breaks them into smaller package sizes. Fresh Produce is<br />

addressing__________.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

discrepancies of assortment<br />

discrepancies of quantity<br />

discrepancies of need<br />

discrepancies of time<br />

7. A(n) _______ is a marketing mix that customers see as better than a competitor's mix and cannot<br />

be quickly or easily copied.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

competitor analysis plan<br />

sustainable competitive advantage<br />

resource combination<br />

competitor matrix<br />

8. Studies have shown that customers who weren't satisfied with response to their<br />

complaints__________.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

on average told ten people about their experience<br />

spoke about their experience only when prodded by researchers<br />

on average told one person about their experience<br />

usually never spoke about it

9. Strategy decisions pertaining to product features, packaging, product line assortment, and<br />

branding will be most affected by which target market dimension?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Geographic location<br />

Behavioral needs and attitudes of consumers<br />

Urgency to get need satisfied<br />

Demographic characteristics of potential customers<br />

10. The Bijou Classic Movie House changes ticket prices as demand for a movie increases or<br />

decreases. Prices can change every hour as ticket sales go up or down for particular shows. Bijou<br />

Classic Movie House appears to be using___________.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

cumulative discounting<br />

seasonal discounts<br />

status quo objectives<br />

dynamic pricing<br />

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Complete Assignment<br />

11. All of the following are supply chain risks except:<br />

supplier viability<br />

stock market volatility<br />

availability of raw materials<br />

fluctuating transportation costs<br />

12. Alpine Auto Repair keeps a record of customer oil changes and sends a reminder postcard to its<br />

customers when it's time for the next oil change. This is an example of a ______ system.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

customer relationship management<br />

qualifying dimensions<br />

geographic targeting<br />

clustering<br />

13. New products that are minor variations on existing products, and which require no change to<br />

consumer behavior, are called __________.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

second movers<br />

continuous innovations<br />

new products<br />

discontinuous innovation

14. Whitewater Corp. is looking for a new vendor for basic plastics because the present vendor has<br />

been inconsistent about meeting delivery schedules. Which of the following buying processes is<br />

the firm's purchasing agent MOST LIKELY to use?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Selective buying<br />

Modified rebuy buying<br />

Straight rebuy buying<br />

Intensive buying<br />

15. When planning a marketing strategy, managers have control over__________.<br />

their response to forces in the external market environment<br />

the political and legal environment<br />

consumers<br />

the economic environment<br />

Complete paper here <strong>MKT</strong> <strong>575</strong> Entire Course<br />

16. At Home Depot, a customer can purchase a gallon of one-coat paint that contains the ingredients<br />

for both a primer and a color. What is the primary economic need being satisfied by this type of<br />

paint?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Improvement of earnings<br />

Convenience<br />

Dependability in use<br />

Economy of purchase<br />

17. In general, marketers that seek greater control over their marketing mixes in the international<br />

environment will__________.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

invest more financial resources and take greater risks<br />

set up traditional global channels<br />

hire more marketing managers<br />

use intensive distribution<br />

18. A marketing manager wants to know why her sales are down. She talks with several sales reps<br />

and finds that a competitor has introduced a successful new product. This "research" seems to be<br />

part of___________.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

the situation analysis<br />

the data interpretation stage<br />

the problem solution stage<br />

obtaining problem-specific data<br />

19. Clairol Corp. is introducing a new brand of shampoo in a highly competitive market. Wholesalers<br />

might be willing to handle the new product, except that retailers are already complaining about

overcrowded shelf space. Therefore, Clairol has decided to spend $10 million on TV advertising<br />

and send free samples to 3,000,000 households to convince consumers of the new product's<br />

superiority — and to get them to ask for it at their retail store. Clairol is using__________.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

a "pushing" policy<br />

direct marketing<br />

a "pulling" policy<br />

dual distribution<br />

20. Brand recognition, brand preference, and brand insistence are various levels of __________.<br />

brand marks<br />

branding<br />

brand familiarity<br />

brand equity<br />

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21. Firms develop _____ to promote fair and honest dealings with all stakeholders inside and outside<br />

of the organization.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

intermediaries<br />

codes of ethics<br />

marketing departments<br />

a marketing orientation<br />

marketing plans<br />

22. The process of market segmentation involves__________.<br />

identifying broad product markets and segmenting then into narrower target markets<br />

identifying small target markets and expanding them into broad product markets<br />

selecting a marketing mix to reach everyone<br />

identifying target groups with the fewest potential customers<br />

23. The main difference between a "marketing strategy" and a "marketing plan" is that___________.<br />

a marketing plan does not include a target market<br />

a marketing strategy provides more detail<br />

time-related details are included in a marketing plan<br />

a marketing plan includes several marketing strategies<br />

24. Which of the following is the most comprehensive goal of marketing contingency planning?<br />

understanding the changing internal and external environments<br />

preparing for any possible natural disasters<br />

remaining relevant in the eyes of customers and stakeholders

meeting competitive challenges<br />

25. Which of the following advertising approaches delivers ads to consumers based on the<br />

interactions they exhibit in media such as Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Behavioral targeting<br />

Click fraud<br />

Digital targeting<br />

Social targeting<br />

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26. A marketer will likely need to reposition a product if__________.<br />

marketers see the product as very similar to other products in the market<br />

marketers see the product as distinct from other products in the market<br />

customers see the product as distinct from other products in the market<br />

customers see the product as very similar to other products in the market<br />

27. Vision Co. manufactures and sells tea, coffee, desserts, shoes, and sporting goods — all under the<br />

Vision brand name. These products are__________.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

sold with a family brand<br />

dealer brands<br />

the firm's product line<br />

generic products<br />

28. Which of the following is a key trend affecting marketing strategy planning?<br />

Less international market development<br />

Growth of marketing information systems<br />

Slower new-product development<br />

Senior and ethnic submarkets are getting smaller.<br />

29. A marketing auditor for a firm will most likely__________.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

develop marketing plans for the firm based on the current plans being implemented<br />

interview employees of the firm to determine the level of job satisfaction<br />

set company-wide objectives and targets in line with the marketing plan<br />

evaluate the marketing plans being implemented by the firm to see if they are still the best<br />

plans the firm can offer<br />

30. Which of the following would be relevant in the marketing company era?<br />

bringing all marketing activities together under the control of one department<br />

planning for five or more years ahead

focusing on production<br />

reselling goods to consumers and intermediaries<br />

About Author<br />

This article covers the topic for the University Of Phoenix <strong>MKT</strong> <strong>575</strong> <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Exam</strong> (<strong>Newest</strong>)<br />

the author is working in the field of education from last 5 years. This article covers the basic<br />

of <strong>MKT</strong> <strong>575</strong> Complete Course from UOP. Other topics in the class are as follows:<br />

<strong>MKT</strong> <strong>575</strong> <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Exam</strong> (<strong>Newest</strong>)<br />

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