Miljövänlig , Låg Kostnad, Mindre Känd Vatten Teknik för Framtiden (Sammanfattning på Svenska) / Environmentally Friendly, Low Cost, Less Well Known Water Technology for The Future

Sammanfattning på Svenska: Tillsammans med andra teknikområden, tidigare inte accepterade tekniker, varav en del har använts i stor utsträckning för kommersialiserade applikationer successivt åter bekräftas av traditionella västerländska akademiker. Nästa fas är hur västerländska mainstream media av olika nivåer (från nyheter, vetenskap rapporter, Wikipedia) kommer att uttrycka dessa bekräftelser.

Sammanfattning på Svenska: Tillsammans med andra teknikområden, tidigare inte accepterade tekniker, varav en del har använts i stor utsträckning för kommersialiserade applikationer successivt åter bekräftas av traditionella västerländska akademiker. Nästa fas är hur västerländska mainstream media av olika nivåer (från nyheter, vetenskap rapporter, Wikipedia) kommer att uttrycka dessa bekräftelser.


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ABSTRACT: This presentation covers some of low cost, water related commercialized cleantech that is underutilized<br />

or not commonly known to exist at all, in areas of 1-Environmental cleaning, 2-HVAC improvement,<br />

3- Energy extraction, 4-Industrial processes, 5-Drinking water generation, 6-Geoengineering, 7-Desalination &<br />

wastewater treating, 8-Selective bio-enhancing, rust prevention etc. Some of them are convertible <strong>for</strong> a use in<br />

field of energy, medical, biology, weather modification, material science with similar advantages. 、<br />

One of such effects not fully explainable by chemistry, yet officially utilized by some non-Western ally nations,<br />

is prolonged "water structure", or/& "activated" electrical charge holding capacity of ions in water. <strong>The</strong>re are<br />

multiple treatment methods that can cause sustained unique capability in plain water <strong>for</strong> at least 4-5<br />

days and used without added chemical or solutes. e.g. a-As detergent <strong>for</strong> commercial kitchen, butcher or<br />

heavy oil removal, b-Non fouling industrial cutting or washing fluid, c-Hospital operation room, or food<br />

industry equipment disinfectant, d-Medical: oxygen/hydrophobic drug delivery, skin disease/infection/organ, &<br />

upto conventionally untreatable chronic disease. e-Plant/animal growth increase, & brackish water feeding,<br />

Removing animal residence odor, f-Increase strength of concrete, ice, paper, g-Enhance flavor of pasta, coffee,<br />

bakery, h-<strong>Low</strong> emission fuel making from subgrade incombustible hydrocarbon, i-Display chemical or mineral<br />

effect without chemistry present in water. Some exceptionally electrical-active water seems to even function<br />

as "phase catalyst" and used as "plain water concentrate" <strong>for</strong> similar or more robust effects by dilution.、<br />

Such Scientific Status gap in water tech by nations is fairly common and it affects research funding & market<br />

share of effective processes. e.g: water treatment by Time variant magnetic field & Rotating/Concentric<br />

Electrode, Far InfraRed waves, Hydrodynamic Cavitation, Sub/SuperCritical water, Non Anthraquinone H2O2,<br />

Emulsion fuel, Cold fusion, Resonance H2O decomposing, Acoustic Pulsed Fire Dewatering, Electro-Scavenging<br />

effect <strong>for</strong> rain generation & Cosmic Ray based climate change idea. One reason <strong>for</strong> discrediting is they might<br />

co-display scientifically & economically disruptive seeming thermodynamic over-unity & nonlocal<br />

phenomena. But low cost effective way to displace chemical based system also have been supported in<br />

West: Electrooxidation/coagulation or multiple ways of AOP including Ozone was backed by European groups<br />

& they are now supporting Plasma Activated <strong>Water</strong>, <strong>The</strong>rmal Hydrolysis, Membrane Distillation, & various Nano<br />

Filtration etc. Others are accepted but only <strong>for</strong> certain use: ElectroOsmosis/Poration, Metal ion, 3chamber<br />

electrolysis, Vacuum superheated steam, Steam eductor etc. Overall, previously science contested low cost<br />

clean water tech is increasingly & rapidly adopted even by multinationals, often accompanied by firm back up<br />

of mainstream media, science, & tech awards. And unless spread of this new paradigm stalls soon, limitation<br />

based "closed system" belief of society will fundamentally shift to no-limit "open system" be<strong>for</strong>e 2030.

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