UR IT Magazine December 2015


UR M A G A Z I N E I TM DEC 2015 Now U can subscribe to UR IT! Ur dream comes true: THE BENEFITS OF SHOPPING Cleveland’s JAMI KINTON striving to be on top R U in Style for 2016? DRAWING THE LINE on co-dependency

<strong>UR</strong><br />

M A G A Z I N E<br />

I<br />

TM<br />

DEC<br />

<strong>2015</strong><br />

Now U can<br />

subscribe to<br />

<strong>UR</strong> <strong>IT</strong>!<br />

Ur dream<br />

comes true:<br />

THE BENEF<strong>IT</strong>S<br />


Cleveland’s<br />


striving to be on top<br />

R U in Style<br />

for 2016?<br />


on co-dependency


Music is life. ..................................4<br />

The suffocating reality of co-dependency. ..... 6-7<br />

Striving to be on top. ...................... 10-11<br />

Up your fashion game for 2016. ............. 14-15<br />

Why shopping is good for you. .............. 16-17<br />

CRED<strong>IT</strong>S<br />


Jessica Martin 4<br />

Estefany Castillo 6-7<br />

Adeena Harbst 10-11<br />

Vivian Achieng 14-15<br />

Tiffanie Mora 16-17<br />


J.Clark<br />

Shawna Lee<br />

Tiffanie Mora<br />


Kristie & Tori<br />

ED<strong>IT</strong>ORS<br />

Adeena Harbst<br />

Stacy Clark<br />

DESIGN<br />

Taralyn Guenot<br />

Gazette Printers<br />

Tiffanie Mora<br />


coming in January 2016


Music is the epitome of life<br />

experience. No matter<br />

what type of genre a person<br />

gravitates to, it’s safe to say that<br />

a song can capture a memory<br />

and make the memory feel<br />

fresh every time it plays. Music<br />

can inspire and motivate you<br />

throughout your day. It can help<br />

determine the mood you will be<br />

in or how you’ll handle a new<br />

situation. When we celebrate,<br />

mourn, dance, graduate or<br />

even create films, music is at<br />

every turn. When we can’t find<br />

the words to say, a song will say<br />

it perfectly.<br />

The power of lyrics and melody<br />

transcends and is one of the<br />

best gifts we can pass on. It can<br />

directly influence generations.<br />

Just look at the evolution of<br />

dance and entertainment from<br />

the time of our grandparents to<br />

now. Even so, the songs listed on<br />

the top ten lists from our past to<br />

our present can be appreciated<br />

and listened to whenever<br />

we so choose. Ah, thank you<br />

technology! We literally have<br />

access to thousands of songs<br />

at the touch of a button. It’s a<br />

beautiful thing.<br />

We should try to appreciate all<br />

types of music. Surely we can<br />

find at least one song in every<br />

genre that we’d enjoy listening<br />

to. Music is a life-long friend that<br />

forever changes lives. It needs<br />

to be lived, loved and shared. It<br />

can bring peace and happiness.<br />

In this life, what more can you<br />

ask for?<br />

I’ve listed the top 10 songs that<br />

hold a special place in my heart,<br />

to share them with all of you. (It’s<br />

actually 11 because I couldn’t<br />

choose just one by the wonderful<br />

Sinatra.) Enjoy! - Jessica M.<br />


Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen<br />

The Chair- George Strait<br />

Barton Hollow- The Civil Wars<br />

Outta Control- Missy Elliot<br />

The Wedding Song- Kenny G<br />

Ink- Coldplay<br />

I Can See Clearly- Johnny Nash<br />

Human Nature- Michael Jackson<br />

More Than Words- Extreme<br />

The Best is Yet to Come/That ’s Life- Frank Sinatra<br />


THE SUFFOCATING REAL<strong>IT</strong>Y<br />


It’s It’s the the feeling feeling of of never never being being<br />

enough enough for for one one person, that that special<br />

someone who who you you so so badly badly want want<br />

to to be be yours. yours. Without them, you you are are<br />

nothing. Without them, life life has has no no<br />

meaning. No No sense of of purpose.<br />

You’ll find find yourself making sacrifices<br />

for for your your partner, and and not not get get anything<br />

back. Ultimately, it’s it’s all all about them.<br />

Most often, co-dependent people<br />

have the the best of of intentions. They<br />

like like to to make people feel better,<br />

hate to to see see people suffer and have<br />

the the role role of of the the caretaker. They<br />

are are the the givers of of the the world. On<br />

the the other side of of the the relationship<br />

is is the the dependent person. This<br />

person will will usually have some<br />

sort sort of of addiction, abuse drugs<br />

or or alcohol. Together, this this couple<br />

forms a a co-dependency, where the the<br />

giver giver is is always taking care of of the the<br />

dependent person.<br />



Co-dependents are usually drained from taking care of everyone<br />

else. At At times they’ll feel they are not being authentic to themselves<br />

and have trouble communicating their feelings. They love to take<br />

care of of people, usually being warm and inviting, but the downside<br />

is is that they’ll attract needy, abusive people. Usually having low<br />

self-esteem, they’ll look for validation outside of themselves to feel<br />

worthy. They will find themselves being bored and empty when no<br />

issues arise in in their lives or or there are no people to help. They also will<br />

feel depressed when there is is lack of compliments or validation, and<br />

always think they’re not good enough. The most common thoughts<br />

of of a a co-dependent is is feeling victimized and angry when people<br />

don’t give back. Most will have a fear of rejection, abandonment, or<br />

not being loved. Finally, because they are taking care of everyone,<br />

they’ll lose their sense of of self and their own needs, making them<br />

feel like nothing.<br />

Co-dependency arises during childhood in dysfunctional families. Most<br />

often, a a family member will have an addiction to drugs or alcohol,<br />

or or be be abusive in in a sexual, physical, or emotional manner. Most of<br />

the the attention will go go to to taking care of this family member resulting<br />

6 6<br />


in the co-dependent repressing<br />

their own emotions. They won’t<br />

confront, talk, or trust anyone.<br />

Dysfunctional families usually<br />

don’t know this is a problem.<br />



The hardest aspect about being<br />

a co-dependent is saying “no”<br />

to someone, because of the<br />

constant need to help others<br />

and because that is how a codependent<br />

person finds their<br />

self-worth. A co-dependent must<br />

realize that they matter, too, and<br />

must learn how to be authentic<br />

to themselves with showing their<br />

true feelings, or take care of their<br />

own needs. They think they are<br />

not worthy of love, and that is<br />

why they will stay in abusive<br />

relationships, hence the quote,<br />

“We accept the love we think we<br />

deserve.” It’s a tough battle worth<br />

fighting, the co-dependent will<br />

learn they too are important, will<br />

meet needs and desires in their<br />

life, and ultimately start becoming<br />

their own person. In order to<br />

heal, a co-dependent must put<br />

up boundaries and have higher<br />

standards of how they want to<br />

be treated. They must also selfnurture<br />

and appreciate oneself,<br />

based on their appearance,<br />

values, morals, and beliefs.<br />

trigger our emotions. Being in tune with emotions is also a way to<br />

know what is right or wrong. Before saying “yes” to a friend who<br />

is asking for help, ask yourself if you are willing to help them or<br />

if there is anything lacking in your life that needs attention right<br />

now. Most important in your life is you! You are the master of<br />

your life, and deserving to have the best one. Use self-reflection<br />

to know when to leave an abusive relationship. Most of the time<br />

you will feel stuck and have no sense of freedom. A destructive<br />

relationship will leave you drained and empty, there is no room<br />

for growth. That is not fulfilling, and whatever you think it is, it’s<br />

certainly not love.<br />

Our journey to acceptance is a practice of<br />

self-love. Know that you are important,<br />

and never give up!<br />

It is possible that this is all<br />

inner work. Unmet needs during<br />

childhood affect how we see the<br />

world later in life. Our parents’<br />

problems can pass on to us<br />

unless we know when to stop<br />

the cycle. That is why it is so<br />

important to use self-reflection<br />

and know how certain situations<br />




ADVERTISE W<strong>IT</strong>H<br />

<strong>UR</strong> <strong>IT</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

can provide u with<br />

the tools u need to<br />

promote ur business.<br />


VIDEO<br />


EVENTS<br />


814.201.6213<br />



Model of of the Month<br />

Jami<br />

Growing up, up, Jami Kinton of of Ohio<br />

was was always fascinated by by models<br />

and and actors. Now, she she is is realizing<br />

her her dreams and and is is making her her own<br />

career as as a a celebrity.<br />

“I “I always looked at at entertainment as as<br />

this this sort sort of of untouchable career,” she she<br />

said. said. “I “I had had no no friends involved in in<br />

the the field field and and really didn’t know how<br />

to to get get started. My My parents both both had had<br />

stable, more more traditional jobs, and and<br />

they they didn’t didn’t know know quite quite what what to to think<br />

when when I said I said I I wanted to to model and and<br />

act.” act.”<br />

Jami Jami took took a a leap leap of of faith faith and and<br />

contacted a a talent talent agency when when she she<br />

was was 18 18 and and was was attending Ohio Ohio State State<br />

University, majoring majoring in in Journalism.<br />

Immediately upon upon her her graduation in in<br />

2006, 2006, Jami Jami worked worked as as a a reporter reporter<br />

for for the the Mansfield Mansfield News News Journal. Journal. She She<br />

was was there there until until 2013. 2013.<br />

“I “I was was incredibly incredibly fortunate fortunate to to have have<br />

editors<br />

editors<br />

who<br />

who<br />

still<br />

still<br />

allowed<br />

allowed<br />

me<br />

me<br />

to<br />

to<br />

follow<br />

follow<br />

my<br />

my<br />

initial<br />

initial<br />

dream,”<br />

dream,”<br />

she<br />

she<br />

recalls.<br />

recalls.<br />

So<br />

So<br />

she<br />

she<br />

stayed<br />

stayed<br />

on<br />

on<br />

track<br />

track<br />

and<br />

and<br />

pursued<br />

pursued<br />

opportunities<br />

opportunities<br />

to<br />

to<br />

do<br />

do<br />

what<br />

what<br />

she<br />

she<br />

was<br />

was<br />

truly<br />

truly<br />

passionate<br />

passionate<br />

about.<br />

about.<br />

In a time span of 13 years, Jami<br />

In a time span of 13 years, Jami<br />

has been featured in countless films,<br />

has been featured in countless films,<br />

print ads and commercials for major<br />

print ads and commercials for major<br />

companies like Fisher Price, Chevy,<br />

companies like Fisher Price, Chevy,<br />

Target and Wendy’s.<br />

Target and Wendy’s.<br />

Now at the age of 31, I look back and<br />

Now at the age of 31, I look back and<br />

think about how incredibly lucky I have<br />

think about how incredibly lucky I have<br />

been. And my career only seems to<br />

been. And my career only seems to<br />

be growing,” Jami shares.<br />

be growing,” Jami shares.<br />

Most recently, she has finished her<br />

Most<br />

fifth<br />

recently,<br />

season as<br />

she<br />

an<br />

has<br />

in-park<br />

finished<br />

host<br />

her<br />

for<br />

fifth season as an in-park host for<br />

the the Cleveland Cleveland Indians Indians and and just just picked picked<br />

up up ongoing ongoing work work as as an an actress actress for for a<br />

major major national national brand. brand. At At the the time time of of<br />

this<br />

this<br />

article,<br />

article,<br />

Jami<br />

Jami<br />

was<br />

was<br />

not<br />

not<br />

permitted<br />

permitted<br />

to<br />

to<br />

release<br />

release<br />

that<br />

that<br />

brand’s<br />

brand’s<br />

name<br />

name<br />

per<br />

per<br />

a<br />

a<br />

signed<br />

signed<br />

confidentiality<br />

confidentiality<br />

agreement.<br />

agreement.<br />

Jami<br />

Jami<br />

is<br />

is<br />

being<br />

being<br />

represented<br />

represented<br />

by<br />

by<br />

agencies<br />

agencies<br />

across the country, and is not only<br />

across the country, and is not only<br />

loving the work and fulfilling her<br />

loving the work and fulfilling her<br />

dreams, but is soaking up the endless<br />

dreams, but is soaking up the endless<br />

opportunities to travel.<br />

opportunities to travel.<br />

Besides ringing in work as an<br />

Besides ringing in work as an<br />

actress and model, Jami said she<br />

actress and model, Jami said she<br />

also works extensively on the other<br />

also works extensively on the other<br />

side of the camera in production.<br />

side of the camera in production.<br />

She has worked on several<br />

She has worked on several<br />

reality shows including “America’s<br />

reality shows including “America’s<br />

Got Talent,” “Dance Moms” and<br />

Got<br />

“The<br />

Talent,”<br />

Voice.”<br />

“Dance Moms” and<br />

“The Voice.”<br />

If If that that isn’t isn’t enough, in in September Jami<br />

officially officially started started her her own own company,<br />

Kinton Kinton Media Media Group, Group, through<br />

which<br />

which<br />

she<br />

she<br />

manages<br />

manages<br />

social<br />

social<br />

media<br />

media<br />

accounts<br />

accounts<br />

for<br />

for<br />

several<br />

several<br />

companies<br />

companies<br />

and<br />

and<br />

organizations.<br />

organizations.<br />

“I<br />

“I<br />

started<br />

started<br />

by<br />

by<br />

managing<br />

managing<br />

social<br />

social<br />

media<br />

media<br />

and public relations for the United<br />

and public relations for the United<br />

States Boomerang Team, and merely<br />

States Boomerang Team, and merely<br />

through word of mouth, suddenly I<br />

through word of mouth, suddenly found another career path,” she said.<br />

found another career path,” she said.<br />

“I’ve always shared a love for social<br />

“I’ve always shared love for social<br />

media and this was also a way for<br />

media and this was also way for<br />

me to continue using my writing and<br />

me to continue using my writing and<br />

photography skills.”<br />

photography skills.”<br />

Jami works in promotions for Fusion<br />

Jami works in promotions for Fusion<br />

Marketing, as one of the main live<br />

Marketing, as one of the main live<br />

event hosts. “We do live shows for<br />

event<br />

kids and<br />

hosts.<br />

families<br />

“We do<br />

and<br />

live<br />

I<br />

shows<br />

absolutely<br />

for<br />

kids<br />

love<br />

and<br />

it,” said<br />

families<br />

Jami.<br />

and I absolutely<br />

love it,” said Jami.<br />

10<br />

10<br />






“My life is incredibly busy, but I never say ‘no’ to great<br />

opportunities and have really become a master at multi-tasking<br />

and organization. ‘Sleep when you’re dead’ has always been<br />

a motto of mine,” Jami noted.<br />

Her energy and drive seem endless. But Jami has no shortage<br />

of goals in line. She said she has quite the list planned to<br />

accomplish in the next five years.<br />

“The main ones include achieving a principal role on a sitcom<br />

and a major motion film and publishing a children’s book. I’m<br />

actively working on all three!” she said.<br />

In the mix of everything, Jami keeps up with <strong>UR</strong> <strong>IT</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>,<br />

which she learned about through a friend who had entered a<br />

model search competition for the magazine last year.<br />

“I began looking into the magazine and loved what I saw, and<br />

thought it would be really fun to be a part of it!”she said. And<br />

<strong>UR</strong> <strong>IT</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> was happy to have her join the team! This<br />

month, we’re proud to call her our Model of the Month.<br />

“I began looking<br />

into the magazine<br />

and loved what I<br />

saw, and thought it<br />

would be really fun<br />

to be a part of it!”<br />




Do you want to make<br />

a Do fashion you want statement to make in<br />

2016<br />

a fashion<br />

and<br />

statement<br />

be trendy?<br />

in<br />

2016 and be trendy?<br />

If so, ensure that you only buy<br />

what’s If so, ensure in and that only you wear only colors buy<br />

that what’s will in be and the only in-thing. wear colors It is<br />

however that will be important the in-thing. to ensure It is<br />

that however the kind important of fashion to ensure you<br />

choose that the suits kind your of fashion body and you<br />

you<br />

choose<br />

are comfortable<br />

suits your body<br />

in it.<br />

and<br />

you are comfortable in it.<br />

Up Your<br />

Fashion Game<br />

for<br />

2016 Hot Hot Colors<br />

According to to the the Fashion<br />

Snoops Forecast on on 2016 2016<br />

trendy colors, Heirlooms,<br />

Backyard, Desert Bloom Soft Soft<br />

Nostalgia and and Seaside are are<br />

the the 5 5 key key palettes to to don<br />

during this this period. For For neutral<br />

color lovers, desert bloom<br />

2016<br />

Be Be Stylish in in 2016: Hot FashionTrends<br />

Fashion Fashion keeps keeps evolving, evolving, prompting prompting the the need need for for one one to to always always<br />

be be in in the the know know on on what’s what’s in in and and what’s what’s out. out. With With just just 1 month month<br />

left left to to usher usher in in 2016, 2016, designers designers and and image image consultants have have<br />

come come up up with with trendy trendy fashion fashion ideas ideas for for 2016 2016 that that begins begins from from<br />

as as early early as as fall/winter <strong>2015</strong>/2016.<br />

offers a new perspective<br />

that that allows the the use of of cool<br />

base tones and refreshing<br />

colors such as as marigold and<br />

persimmon. The seaside<br />

palette is is characterized by<br />

mid- tone colors such as as coral,<br />

bubblegum pink, custard<br />

melon and chartreuse. In<br />

melon and chartreuse. In<br />

2016, aqua and orchid are<br />

2016, aqua and orchid are<br />

now introduced as emerging<br />

now introduced as emerging<br />

fashion<br />

fashion<br />

colors.<br />

colors.<br />

The<br />

The<br />

heirloom<br />

heirloom<br />

palette<br />

palette<br />

is<br />

is<br />

still<br />

still<br />

dominated<br />

dominated<br />

by<br />

by<br />

green<br />

green<br />

and<br />

and<br />

red<br />

red<br />

where<br />

where<br />

red<br />

red<br />

forms<br />

forms<br />

the<br />

the<br />

basis<br />

basis<br />

for<br />

for<br />

the<br />

the<br />

introduction<br />

introduction<br />

of<br />

of<br />

brighter<br />

brighter<br />

ruby<br />

ruby<br />

and<br />

and<br />

dark<br />

dark<br />

burgundy.<br />

burgundy.<br />

Grape<br />

Grape<br />

purple purple is is also also featured featured as as<br />

a statement color color for for 2016.<br />

Blue Blue hydrangea, pink and<br />

wisteria purple are some of<br />

the the important and elegant soft<br />

nostalgia pastels to wear this<br />

season. Lastly, bright statement<br />

colors in in the backyard palette<br />

such as as candy apple, electric<br />

blue and spring green serve<br />

as as the go-to colors for the<br />

confident attention lovers.<br />

Two-Toned Coats<br />

Despite the intense cold in<br />

winter, the need for class<br />

and sophistication cannot be<br />

14 14<br />

UP YO<strong>UR</strong> FASHION GAME FOR 2016

overemphasized. Two-toned<br />

overemphasized. coats will be the in Two-toned thing.<br />

coats This is a will subtle be the twist in thing. to color<br />

This blocking is a subtle adding twist color to color and<br />

blocking style to how adding people color dress and<br />

style during to winter. how people dress<br />

during winter.<br />

Leather Dresses<br />

Leather Dresses<br />

Whether we like it or not,<br />

Whether fashion has we been like it seen or not, before<br />

fashion and the has new been trends seen just before relive<br />

and previous the new trends. trends Leather just relive<br />

previous<br />

garments<br />

trends.<br />

have been<br />

Leather<br />

there for<br />

garments<br />

decades and<br />

have<br />

2016<br />

been<br />

is<br />

there<br />

the year<br />

for<br />

decades<br />

for leather<br />

and<br />

dresses<br />

2016<br />

all<br />

is the<br />

over<br />

year<br />

for<br />

again,<br />

leather<br />

immensely<br />

dresses<br />

featuring<br />

all over<br />

in<br />

again,<br />

runways<br />

immensely<br />

as must have<br />

featuring<br />

items<br />

in<br />

runways as must have items<br />

for 2016. Pop and rock music<br />

for 2016. Pop and rock music<br />

lovers will definitely love 2016<br />

lovers will definitely love 2016<br />

because it will allow them to<br />

because it will allow them to<br />

express themselves through<br />

express themselves through<br />

different leather designs to<br />

different leather designs to<br />

further complement their style.<br />

further complement their style.<br />

Bomber Jackets<br />

Also Also known as as the the flight flight or or<br />

bombardier jacket, these these<br />

garments were originally<br />

created for for pilots but but with with<br />

time, found their way back<br />

to to the streets. The The beauty of of<br />

these jackets is is their versatility,<br />

looking amazingly good on on any any<br />

outfit whether formal, casual<br />

or or a cocktail dress. Depending<br />

on your preference, you could<br />

wear the all all weather bomber<br />

made of of leather or or buy one<br />

with with refreshed prints prints to to stand stand<br />

out. out. The The bomber bomber cuts cuts through through<br />

different ages ages and and professions,<br />

commonly worn worn by by youngsters<br />

and and 30 30 year year old old stylists, editors,<br />

socialites and and executives. A A<br />

good jacket is is matched by by<br />

complementary shoes and and the the<br />

bomber gives you you a a chance<br />

to to be be as as creative as as possible.<br />

Heels, sneakers, sandals, pumps,<br />

trainers and stilettos all all look look great<br />

when worn with the the jacket.<br />

UP YO<strong>UR</strong> FASHION GAME FOR 2016<br />

15 15

Have you ever found yourself buying something you<br />

don’t need, to make yourself happy? Do you spend<br />

more when you’re stressed or to relieve your mind<br />

from everyday life? We call this ‘Retail therapy’. It’s<br />

one method of stress relievers that many people use<br />

consciously or unconsciously. It’s the act of buying<br />

yourself a little something to boost your mood when<br />

you’re feeling low, and it is more common than you think.<br />

Everyone has a time when then just need to shop.<br />

This can be due to something in your life that makes<br />

you feel this way. And the best part is that shopping<br />

can make you feel better in a helpful way. Not saying<br />

to us this as an excuse to spend your money but<br />

every so often if you feel you have been through a<br />

trying complicated time or if you have done nothing<br />

but work you should be able to go out and do some<br />

shop therapy.<br />

Sharing these moments can be great with friends and<br />

even doing it alone is good too. Shopping is a way<br />

to express your creativity and seek out new things that<br />

make you happy. Whether if it’s shopping for clothing<br />

or candles your bond to have a smile on your face<br />

with you wear that stylish outfit or burn that romance<br />

setting candle.<br />

1. When you look good, you feel good<br />

Buying things you like makes you feel better. Duh.<br />

Whether it’s clothing related or interior design focused<br />

or simply just a pair of socks, you’re purchasing an<br />

item to improve upon your current situation. This<br />

feels right. This feels new.<br />

And those magical high-waisted jeans that suck in<br />

your FUPA after a Sunday Funday of Chinese takeout<br />

makes you feel spectacular (and not to mention 5<br />

pounds lighter). When you believe that you look<br />

great in your outfit, your emotions follow suit.<br />

2. Shopping is a celebration<br />

After a super hard day at work scooping up the latest<br />

must-have leather jacket makes you feel like your<br />

paycheck is all worth it. Or maybe you’re stressed<br />

at home and need to blow off a little steam… from<br />

your wallet.<br />

It’s called “Treat Yo’self” for a reason — because<br />

retail therapy helps us cancel out all the frustrating,<br />

upsetting parts of our day. Took Grandma for her<br />

annual colonoscopy? You deserve a bracelet.<br />

Have to endure a brutal Thanksgiving? You need a<br />

new sweater. Shopping makes dealing with problems<br />

a little easier when you know there’s a reward for<br />

coming out on the other side.<br />

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3. We buy new things to signify transition<br />

To prepare ourselves for new experiences, we<br />

purchase the necessary items. If you’re anxious about<br />

moving away to college, you decorate your new dorm<br />

to feel like home.<br />

Shopping for a baby gets you in the diaper frame of<br />

mind and ready for your baby’s arrival. A new outfit for<br />

a date boosts your self-image. Through our purchases,<br />

we mentally ready ourselves for what lies ahead.<br />

6. It distracts you from failure<br />

Failing sucks. Shopping eases the pain. When you<br />

underperform on a test, instead of reaching for the booze,<br />

you reach for the shoes. As winter creeps in and you<br />

become lazier, shopping is your new cardio. Stuff can’t<br />

replace success, but it sure does ease the blow of losing.<br />

http://elitedaily.com<br />

Everyone has days where they need to spoil themselves<br />

every once in a while. Just don’t make it an everyday<br />

thing that is a completely different topic. Just shop when<br />

you need an uplift it helps and is lots of fun.<br />

4. It’s some good ‘ol me time<br />

Shopping is 97 percent of humanity’s favorite hobby,<br />

(I hear Putin really loves his fur hats). You can spend<br />

time with yourself and your money and focus on the<br />

things we are told shouldn’t really matter.<br />

Retail therapy is a release and it’s fun. Not to sound<br />

like a vapid person, but looking at beautiful things<br />

makes you feel beautiful by association. Just look at<br />

Winona Ryder. She got too close.<br />

5. It’s actually science<br />

Researchers at the University of Michigan Ross<br />

Business School (Go Blue!) found that both the<br />

shopping experience and the choices we make while<br />

we fill our carts help relieve residual sadness.<br />

Good news for shopaholics everywhere, going to<br />

Bloomingdale’s and buying a ton of trendy items will,<br />

in fact, cheer you up! (It’s probably like, 1,000 times<br />

that happiness when you find a coveted over-theknee<br />

boot at a warehouse sample sale.) Even if<br />

you’re a dad whose shopping habits extend as far as<br />

gloves on sale at Costco, you still get the little tingly<br />

feeling inside.<br />




<strong>UR</strong> world<br />

R thoughts<br />

I recently got out of a controlling<br />

Q<br />

relationship. My friends want me to go<br />

out with guys they know and they say<br />

are great guys. I just kind of want to<br />

do my own thing for now. They are afraid I’ll<br />

go back with him if I don’t meet new people.<br />

I’m confused and not sure what to do. Is any<br />

direction better than the other?<br />

A<br />

Dear Confused,<br />

First of all, I wanted to applaud you<br />

for leaving a controlling relationship!<br />

Controlling relationships, by definition,<br />

are often difficult to leave, and successfully<br />

ending this type of relationship is no easy task. It<br />

sounds like your friends care about you and are<br />

supportive of your decision, and their pushing<br />

you to date new men may be their way to help<br />

keep you safe and avoid falling back into the<br />

trap of your previous relationship. However wellintentioned<br />

your friends may be though, it is<br />

clear you are not ready to begin dating right<br />

now. To answer your question: the best direction<br />

to go towards is the one that feels right for you.<br />

Rather than dating new men, your time might<br />

be better spent taking some time for yourself,<br />

healing from your past relationship and learning<br />

about what healthy relationships look like so you<br />

can be better prepared and present in your<br />

next relationship. Working with a therapist on<br />

this, even briefly, could be very helpful.<br />

Good luck!<br />

Christy Beck,<br />

B eck Psychotherapy<br />

<strong>UR</strong> WORLD R THOUGHTS<br />


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