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acts of transformation encouraging a life in true compassion with each other<br />

concrete<br />

with nature. These three dimensions remind us of the methodology of ‘see, judge<br />

and<br />

would probably not deny the value of this approach. However, studying his<br />

Thomas<br />

one discovers that his methodology showed a refinement which might be<br />

writings,<br />

for a pilgrimage of justice and peace. In his analysis of what the central<br />

helpful<br />

paper calls the via negativa he added a few steps which do not immediately<br />

committee<br />

to judging what is wrong but rather to a deeper understanding of what is behind<br />

lead<br />

and oppression. Reviewing what he sees as current events and movements, he<br />

injustice<br />

to analyse the revolutionary forces in today’s reality, than interpret the human<br />

tried<br />

in them, and finally discern the spiritualdimension in the human<br />

self-understanding<br />

At that level, he formulated what the response of Christian faith<br />

self-understanding.<br />

be reflecting the elements of God’s gift of life and cruciform humanity. Doing so, he<br />

might<br />

a too easy shortcut between social analysis and biblicalmoral teachings which<br />

avoided<br />

do not reach the heart of the struggle for justice and peace.<br />

often<br />

is the first line of interpretation: moving from analysing the events and movements<br />

This<br />

interpreting the human self-understanding and finally reflecting on the spiritual<br />

towards<br />

The second line of refinement of his analysis is the way back from reading<br />

dimension.<br />

Scriptures towards understanding the day-to-day reality. For instance, histheological<br />

the<br />

on the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ helped him to see thereality from<br />

reflection<br />

specific perspective. His discovery of the theological value of the concept of cruciform<br />

a<br />

helped him to see more clearly the messianic nature of the human<br />

humanity<br />

in freedom and creativity. His methodologicalapproach is therefore not<br />

self-expression<br />

moving from analysis towards theologicalresponse, but a double movement,<br />

only<br />

forward and backward between sociology of religion and theology of society.<br />

moving<br />

could object that this methodology has a too strong anthropologicalfocus, ignoring<br />

One<br />

fact that the current oppressive systems not only have an impact on human life but<br />

the<br />

that on the environment, endangering the future of all life on earth. Thomas<br />

beyond<br />

not deny this wider impact on the entire creation, but would probably also assert<br />

would<br />

the human being is the determining factor in the current processes of social,<br />

that<br />

and ecological injustices. For him that was the reason to discern the<br />

economic<br />

of human self-understanding in the current destructive processes but also to<br />

dimensions<br />

the responsibility of humans to transform destruction into life-embracing<br />

address<br />

Thomas did not deny the importance of faith in the Holy Trinity, his theology is<br />

Although<br />

the core Christology. In that sense he fully resonated with the theologicalfocus of his<br />

at<br />

in the ecumenical movement as well as in the wider theological circles. Today the<br />

days,<br />

theological reflection has shifted its emphasis more towards pneumatology.<br />

ecumenical<br />

the centrality of faith in Jesus Christ and his salvation, the new statement<br />

affirmed<br />

“some key developments in understanding the mission of the Holy Spirit within<br />

highlights<br />

and act’ as common in several liberation theologies.<br />

creativity.<br />

2. Revisiting Christology<br />

A good example of this shift is the new ecumenical mission affirmationTogether<br />

Towards Life. While the earlier mission statement of the World Council of Churches<br />

the mission of the Triune God (mission Dei)”.(41)

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