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Command<br />

compoundcontent<br />

conj<br />

cos<br />

cosh<br />

cot<br />

coth<br />

db<br />

derive<br />

drv<br />

exp<br />

fclose<br />

fft<br />

fgetc<br />

fgets<br />

floor<br />

fopen<br />

fprint<br />

Table 18-3. Library of Functions for Tasks (cont.)<br />

Description<br />

Eldo Control Language<br />

Library of Functions for Tasks<br />

Returns an array containing the waveforms that are part of<br />

the compound waveform wf.<br />

Returns the complex conjugate of the input complex number<br />

c.<br />

Cosine function.<br />

Hyperbolic cosine function.<br />

Cotangent function.<br />

Hyperbolic cotangent function.<br />

Returns value in decibels.<br />

Returns the derivative of a waveform at a single point.<br />

Computes the derivative of the input waveform (the result is<br />

a waveform).<br />

Exponent function.<br />

Closes the file represented by the file variable FILE.<br />

The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is used to determine<br />

the frequency content of analog signals encountered in<br />

circuit simulation, which deals with sequences of time<br />

values. The fft() function uses the Fast Fourier Transform<br />

(FFT) method for calculating the DFT.<br />

Returns the next character from the file represented by the<br />

file variable FILE, or EOF if the end of the file has been<br />

reached.<br />

Returns the next characters from the file represented by the<br />

file variable FILE, or EOF if the end of the file has been<br />

reached. It has the same behavior as the C fgets function: the<br />

function stops reading when NB_CHARS characters have<br />

been read or if a \n character is read (in which case, \n is the<br />

last character of the returned string).<br />

Floor rounding function.<br />

Returns a file variable if the file whose path is FILE_PATH<br />

has been successfully opened; otherwise, the program exits<br />

printing the optional message DIE_MESSAGE.<br />

Prints a formatted string in the file represented by the file<br />

variable FILE; this is the same behavior as the C fprintf<br />

function.<br />

Eldo® User's Manual, 15.3 855

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