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Monte Carlo Analysis<br />

Sampling Plan Methods<br />

Sampling Plan Methods<br />

The goal of Monte Carlo analysis is usually to estimate the distribution of a measure of<br />

performance defined over a circuit.<br />

The sampling plan methods available in Eldo Monte Carlo analysis are specified with the<br />

SAMPLING parameter of the .MC command, as follows:<br />

• Standard Monte Carlo uses a pseudo-random number generator to draw the input<br />

sample. This is the random input used by default in Eldo. It comes from a pseudorandom<br />

generator that outputs numbers between 0 and 1, which are assumed to imitate a<br />

sequence of uniform random variables between 0 and 1. These numbers are then<br />

transformed to follow the probability distributions specified by the model.<br />

• Importance Sampling Monte Carlo uses a dedicated method for computing tail<br />

probabilities. This method is specified using the MCPROB and MCBOUND functions.<br />

Importance sampling uses the same pseudorandom generator as standard Monte Carlo<br />

sampling. The pilot runs are standard MC runs, and the standard post-analysis is<br />

performed on these runs.<br />

• Quasi-Monte Carlo Method is an empirical sampling method based on Monte Carlo, but<br />

using low discrepancy point sets instead of pseudorandom numbers. This improved (and<br />

deterministic) sampling scheme roughly ‘fill the space’ in a better way.<br />

• Latin Hypercube Sampling may be considered as a particular case of stratified sampling.<br />

The purpose of stratified sampling is to achieve a better coverage of the sample space of<br />

the input factors.<br />

• Model-Based Monte Carlo Simulation is a variability analysis where the sampling plan<br />

is optimized with respect to the number of random input variables and a <strong>user</strong>-defined<br />

budget of runs.<br />

Standard Monte Carlo<br />

There are two different random number generators in Eldo depending on the argument<br />

DATAFLOW of the .MC command.<br />

When DATAFLOW=0 Eldo uses the drand48 routine provided in the standard C library, and<br />

when DATAFLOW=1 the RNARRY routine described in D.E. Knuth, The Art of Computer<br />

Programming (3rd edition, Addison Wesley, vol 2, Seminumerical algorithms, Chap 3).<br />

The pseudo-random generator proposed with DATAFLOW=1 belongs to the family of lagged<br />

Fibonacci generators. It overcomes some well-known weaknesses of the linear congruential<br />

generator used in the drand48 routine. Specifically, if we build d-dimensional vectors from<br />

consecutive random numbers (X i , X i+1 , …, X i+d ), then the points will lie on a relatively small<br />

number of hyperplanes. This is due to the fact that the low-order bits of the generated numbers<br />

have very short periods. Using this routine attempts to satisfy three objectives:<br />

Eldo® User's Manual, 15.3 451

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