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Specifying Simulation Output<br />

Plotting Safe Operating Area Limits<br />

Note<br />

There is a shift between the x values printed in the .chi file (or saved SOA file) and the .wdb<br />

output because in the .chi file they are interpolated, but in the .wdb the events/data points are<br />

synchronized with time steps.<br />

Modifying the SOA Identifier Format<br />

It may be difficult to identify the .SETSOA command in EZwave using the default naming<br />

convention for SOA identifiers, option SOA_WAVE_FORMAT="value" can be used to control<br />

the format of the identifier. The value of the option is a string, composed of several predefined<br />

tokens identifying an element of a .SETSOA command:<br />

• %label provides the LABEL specification of the .SETSOA.<br />

• %code provides the SOACODE specification of the .SETSOA.<br />

• %file provides the filename where the .SETSOA command is defined.<br />

• %line provides the line in the file where the .SETSOA command is defined.<br />

The complete waveform name is built using the instance/device name together with a VHDL<br />

extended syntax suffix. For example, with the following:<br />

.option SOA_WAVE_FORMAT="%code%file%line%label"<br />

.setsoa tran SOACODE=1011 LABEL=foo ...<br />

EZwave displays: SOA(XM7.M1\code:1011\\file:test.cir\\:line:12\\label:foo\)<br />

A token may be specified more than once. For the following example:<br />

.option SOA_WAVE_FORMAT="%code%code"<br />

.setsoa tran SOACODE=1011 LABEL=foo ...<br />

EZwave displays: SOA(XM7.M1\code:1011\\code:1011\)<br />

TSMC SOA Support in Eldo<br />

Eldo supports the TSMC Safe Operating Area check functionality. Parameters are provided in<br />

the .MODEL statements for MOSFET, BJT, and Diode devices, and in both .MODEL<br />

statements and instances for Resistor and Capacitor devices. The .CHECKSOA command<br />

enables the TSMC SOA checks, unless option SWARN=0 is set. Alternatively, if there is no<br />

.CHECKSOA option but option SWARN=1, then only the TSMC SOA are checked, not the<br />

.SETSOA statements. (See option “SWARN” in the Eldo Reference Manual.)<br />

Eldo supports TSMC SOA versions v0.4 and v0.5. TSMC SOA is different to the TMI SOA,<br />

which is the SOA of the TSMC Modeling Interface (TMI). For further information, refer to the<br />

TSMC SOA specification document.<br />

344<br />

Eldo® User's Manual, 15.3

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