20th Anniversary flip book

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Table of Contents<br />

Preface .....................page 3<br />

Preface to the first edition. ........page 5<br />

The Origins of Probus ..........page 7<br />

Probus comes to Perth ..........page 9<br />

Officers through the Years ........page 11<br />

Speakers and their Topics. .......page 15<br />

Special Events, Tours,<br />

Travel and Dinners...........page 23<br />

page 1

page 2

Preface<br />

On February 7, 1996, approximately 70 men attended ameeting<br />

at McMartin House to explore the idea of aProbus Club in Perth.<br />

This meeting, which is described in detail in “Probus Comes to<br />

Perth” (on page 9) resulted in the creation of the Probus Club of<br />

th<br />

Perth as Club No. 64 in Canada. The Club celebrated its 10<br />

<strong>Anniversary</strong> in 2006, and this year,2016, we are celebrating our<br />

th<br />

th<br />

20 <strong>Anniversary</strong>,along with the 200 <strong>Anniversary</strong> of the<br />

founding of the Perth Military Settlement.<br />

th<br />

In 2015, under President Jean Crowley,the club created a20<br />

<strong>Anniversary</strong> Committee, consisting of Dan Murphy (Chair), Carol<br />

Trischuk, Helen Black, Sheila Hurren, Jean Crowley and Bill<br />

th<br />

Kennedy to find ways to celebrate the Club's 20 <strong>Anniversary</strong>,<br />

th<br />

and to participate in the celebration of Perth's 200 <strong>Anniversary</strong>.<br />

The Committee proposed two major projects: the installation of<br />

th<br />

abench in Stewart Park, commemorating the Club's 20<br />

<strong>Anniversary</strong>,and acelebratory luncheon. The bench project was<br />

quickly financed by donations from the Club members and is<br />

now installed on achoice site in Stewart Park, with agreat view<br />

of the Tay River. The bench is not only acommemoration of our<br />

th<br />

20 <strong>Anniversary</strong>. It is also acontribution to the community of<br />

th<br />

Perth as it celebrates its 200 year,and away for the Club to<br />

recognize the work of the town's pioneers, community leaders<br />

and residents who did so much to create the welcoming<br />

community that we enjoy today.<br />

As amemento of this special year,we decided to re-issue the<br />

th<br />

<strong>book</strong>let printed for our 10 <strong>Anniversary</strong>,updated with<br />

information about the Club's second decade. The work done by<br />

Bob Black, Wilf Perry,Carol Trischuk, and the 2005/6<br />

Management Team is gratefully acknowledged. This <strong>book</strong>let<br />

would not have been possible without their pioneering effort.<br />

page 3

From its beginning, Probus Perth has established areputation for<br />

excellent special events, tours, travel and dinners, as well as our<br />

monthly speakers programs, as illustrated in the following pages.<br />

It serves an important role in the community by providing<br />

opportunities for intellectual stimulation and fellowship, which<br />

are so necessary for asuccessful retirement.<br />

Twenty years has seen the Probus Club of Perth become firmly<br />

established in the community. It has grown from the initial 70<br />

participants to more than 150 members who have now retired<br />

from careers in business, professions, the arts, academia and the<br />

military. We also have several Life Members who are over 90<br />

years of age.<br />

Ten years ago, our fledgling website, probusperth.ca was a<br />

somewhat exotic innovation, regarded with some trepidation by<br />

members. Now,in the hands of our first and only technowhiz<br />

Webmaster Colin Stephenson, it has become arobust repository<br />

of all things probian, distributing our newsletters and archiving<br />

information on all our activities, past and present. Never let it<br />

be said that Probians don’t move with the times!<br />

th<br />

With these 20 <strong>Anniversary</strong> initiatives we celebrate our success,<br />

and pay tribute to all those who have served as Presidents, and<br />

Management Team and Committee members.<br />

th<br />

~20 <strong>Anniversary</strong> Committee<br />

page 4

Preface to the first edition<br />

As amember of the Probus Club of Perth since 1996, Iam<br />

particularly grateful to Wilf Parry and his small group for their<br />

remarkable vision and hard work in bringing Probus to Perth. For<br />

some time, Ihave thought some of the history of the Club<br />

should be put on paper. The purpose would be to provide<br />

information that would undoubtedly impress new members with<br />

what we have done over the past years, while simultaneously<br />

allowing “old” members to recall who they heard speak and<br />

where they had travelled. So in 2002, as Past President and not<br />

being required to do anything specific or important, Ithought I<br />

should, with the blessing of the Management Committee, try to<br />

pull together asemblance of aClub history. Now this history<br />

has been updated for our tenth anniversary.<br />

For the greater part, this task would not have been possible<br />

without The Probian,our monthly newsletter,and its forerunner,<br />

the imaginatively named Probus Club of Perth. (As an aside, the<br />

name The Probian was suggested by Maurice Hallett, and first<br />

appeared on the masthead of the January,1999 newsletter.) We<br />

owe avery large vote of thanks to our editors who have<br />

patiently captured our history in detail.<br />

Igratefully wish to acknowledge the assistance of Wilf Parry,<br />

President, 1996-1997, and the 2002-2003 Management Team<br />

who provided information and assistance in preparing this<br />

history of Probus, Perth. Carol Trischuk provided layout and<br />

production assistance.<br />

~ Bob Black<br />

page 5

page 6

The Origins of Probus<br />

Retirement can come too early for many people who want and are able to<br />

remain active. Probus clubs are organizations for men and women who<br />

have retired from their profession or business and want to maintain a<br />

social network with others who have similar interests. Each Probus club<br />

is originally sponsored by aRotary club. Once established, the Club<br />

becomes an autonomous organization and its members take over<br />

leadership. Potential Probus members are not required to be past<br />

members of Rotary. Each Probus club meets at least once amonth for<br />

fellowship and to hear guest speakers. Today,there are over 300,000<br />

members in approximately 4,000 Probus clubs worldwide.<br />

Clubs using the name Probus were first formed in the early 1920's in<br />

Saskatchewan, Canada, and in New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A., the<br />

latter devoted to helping people with mental retardation, physical<br />

disabilities, and autism. Because they were not restricted to retired<br />

Professional and Business leaders, (Probus), and had adifferent objective,<br />

they are not associated with our present Probus clubs worldwide.<br />

On 6th May 1965, Fred Carnill organised the first meeting of the Campus<br />

Club in Welwyn Garden City,England. The Campus Club is affiliated to<br />

the English Probus organisation and members can and do wear Probus tie<br />

and badge and receive the newsletter,but it is otherwise an independent<br />

organisation. In “ASimple Idea”, founder,Fred Carnill writes,<br />

"I used to meet afew retired men for morning coffee -mostly excommuters<br />

(to London) with professional or business backgrounds<br />

and with awealth of experience behind them. Conversation was<br />

always brisk and entertaining. One was an architect, responsible for<br />

many public buildings over the country, another an ex-borough<br />

treasurer, an ex-railway official, aheadmaster, an ex-journalist, an exnewspaper<br />

editor and an ex-secretary to aPrime Minister. This gave<br />

me an idea, really avery simple one ...Itelephoned 33 friends that<br />

night and they said, 'Put me down, Fred.' Thus the Campus Club,<br />

(because it faced the centre of town, called The Campus), was formed.”<br />

The first non-sectarian Probus Club specifically for active retirees was<br />

formed in 1966 by the Rotary Club of Caterham, England. In “The Birth<br />

page 7

of Probus”, founding member Harold Blanchard writes,<br />

“...one of our more erudite members came up with the idea of<br />

PROBUS, PROfessional and BUSiness, He assured us that Probus was<br />

aLatin word from which “probity” was derived, and the name was<br />

adopted with enthusiasm. Incidentally we found there was avillage<br />

in Cornwall called Probus and also there was aRoman Emperor of<br />

the same name who in his day was famous for his cultivation of the<br />

vine.” (Editor’s note: Marcus Aurelius Probus reigned from 276-<br />

282 B.C. and planted vineyards in Gaul, Spain, and Britain.)<br />

Due to the success of these two clubs, which incidentally never merged,<br />

Probus Clubs were promoted in adjacent towns. There are now<br />

approximately 1,700 clubs in Great Britain.<br />

In 1974, Probus expanded into New Zealand and by 1976 the idea had<br />

spread to Australia. Although Probus membership has its greatest<br />

concentrations in Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, clubs today<br />

exist in all parts of the world, including the U.S., Belgium, India, Cyprus,<br />

Japan, and several countries in Africa and Asia.<br />

The first Probus Club for seniors in North America was sponsored by the<br />

Rotary Club of Galt in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada in 1987. Growth in<br />

Canada (since 1987) has resulted in the successful development of over<br />

148 clubs across Canada with over 18,000 members with an average club<br />

membership of over 100.<br />

Probus Clubs are in essence autonomous and as such have no central<br />

governing body,but Probus Centers have been established internationally<br />

by country to disseminate information and assist clubs. Probus Canada,<br />

for example, provides anational insurance liability plan to cover<br />

individual club meetings and activities. Offices are staffed largely by<br />

volunteers, and operating costs are met by member contributions. The<br />

Probus worldwide web page ( www.probus.org), contains information on<br />

Probus, and includes contacts for many international Probus Clubs, the<br />

Informal Probus Network of chat groups, and several segments dealing<br />

with information about forming aProbus Club, Probus services, etc.<br />

~ The information in this section is based on material found on the Probus<br />

Canada website.<br />

page 8

Probus comes to Perth<br />

The idea of creating aProbus Club in Perth came from Wilf Parry after he<br />

had heard of asuccessful club operating in Collingwood, Ontario. In<br />

1995, he formed agroup to explore the feasibility of organizing such a<br />

club in Perth. This group consisted of George Callan, David Crowley,Ed<br />

Danner,Ralph Fish, Frank Houghton, Grover Lightford, Gordon McKibbon,<br />

Bob McMahon, Wilf Parry and David Rapkins.<br />

Toobtain an understanding of the structure and operation of Probus,<br />

Wilf and Ralph attended afew meetings of area clubs. It is to be noted<br />

that at this time there were 49 Probus clubs in Canada. After several<br />

exploratory meetings, the group agreed to form aPerth club. Aletter<br />

soliciting interest was sent to anumber of Perth and district residents.<br />

Our first action was to approach The Rotary Club of Perth to sponsor our<br />

application and provide initial funding. With the support of Rotary,the<br />

structure was agreed upon and various responsibilities were assigned to<br />

founding members.<br />

On February 7, 1996, an inaugural meeting was held at McMartin House<br />

in Perth. Approximately 70 men attended and the reaction to having a<br />

club in the Perth area was very positive. The group was addressed by the<br />

Honourable Judge John Matheson who spoke on Canada/Quebec<br />

Relations. On April 3, 1996, the Club was officially constituted with the<br />

election of officers to the first Management Team. The Rotary Club of<br />

Perth was requested to apply for official accreditation for our club. The<br />

Probus Club of Perth was duly registered as Club Number 64 in Canada.<br />

All persons who had joined the Club as of April became Charter<br />

Members. The May meeting saw the debut of aregular segment of each<br />

program known as Personal Profiles, during which members introduce<br />

themselves by means of brief biographical sketches.<br />

In January 1998, Probus meetings moved from McMartin House to the<br />

Perth Public Library.<br />

~ This page was prepared by Wilf Parry<br />

page 9

page 10

Officers through the Years<br />

President<br />

Vice President<br />

Secretary<br />

Treasurer<br />

Rotary Liaison<br />

Membership<br />

Programme<br />

Facilities<br />

Newsletter<br />

President<br />

Past President<br />

Vice President<br />

Secretary<br />

Treasurer<br />

Membership<br />

Programme<br />

Facilities<br />

Newsletter<br />

1996 -1997<br />

1998 -1999<br />

Wilf Parry<br />

Grover Lightford<br />

Frank Houghton<br />

George Callan<br />

Ralph Fish<br />

Bob McMahon<br />

David Crowley<br />

David Rapkins<br />

Grover Lightford<br />

...and Gerry Cann<br />

David Crowley<br />

Grover Lightford<br />

Bob McMahon<br />

Denise Mullins<br />

Frank Houghton<br />

Bob Taylor<br />

Wilf Parry<br />

Keith Brown<br />

Gerry Cann<br />

1997 -1998<br />

President Grover Lightford<br />

Past President Wilf Parry<br />

Vice President David Crowley<br />

Secretary Bob McMahon<br />

Treasurer Frank Houghton<br />

Membership Bob Taylor<br />

Programme David Crowley<br />

Facilities David Rapkins<br />

Newsletter Gerry Cann<br />

1999 -2000<br />

President Bob McMahon<br />

Past President David Crowley<br />

Vice President Denise Mullins<br />

Secretary Denise Mullins<br />

Treasurer Frank Houghton<br />

Membership Bob Taylor<br />

Programme Wilf Parry<br />

Facilities Keith Brown<br />

Newsletter Nancy Kenyon<br />

2000 -2001<br />

President Denise Mullins<br />

Past President David Crowley<br />

Vice President Bob Black<br />

Secretary Ruth Anne Johnson<br />

Treasurer Doug Gutierrez<br />

Membership Ken Mott<br />

Programme Henriette Laporte<br />

Special Events Bob Taylor<br />

Facilities Keith Brown<br />

Newsletter Nancy Kenyon<br />

2001 -2002<br />

President Bob Black<br />

Past President Denise Mullins<br />

Vice President Jim Smith<br />

Secretary Sheila Hurren<br />

Treasurer Doug Gutierrez<br />

Membership Ken Mott<br />

Programme Wilf Parry<br />

...and John Smith<br />

Special Events Bruce Gourley<br />

...and Glen Pettinger<br />

Facilities Don Lindsay<br />

...and Marion Smith<br />

Newsletter Ruth Anne Johnson<br />

page 11

2002 -2003<br />

President Fred Lepine<br />

Past President Bob Black<br />

Vice President Peter Code<br />

Secretary Sheila Hurren<br />

Treasurer Doug Gutierrez<br />

Membership Rod Woolham<br />

Programme John Gibb-Carsley<br />

...and John Smith<br />

Special Events Denise Mullins<br />

...and Glen Pettinger<br />

Facilities Keith Brown<br />

Newsletter Carol Trischuk<br />

2004 -2005<br />

President Dale Nugent<br />

Past President Peter Code<br />

Vice President Ian Doig<br />

Secretary Nancy Kenyon<br />

Treasurer Ernie Trischuk<br />

Membership Rod Woolham<br />

Programme John Gibb-Carsley<br />

Special Events Denise Mullins<br />

...and Margie Brady<br />

Facilities Ella Thompson<br />

Newsletter Carol Trischuk<br />

2003 -2004<br />

President Peter Code<br />

Past President Fred Lepine<br />

Vice President Dale Nugent<br />

Secretary Sheila Hurren<br />

Treasurer Ernie Trischuk<br />

Membership Rod Woolham<br />

Programme John Gibb-Carsley<br />

...and Ian Doig<br />

Special Events Denise Mullins<br />

...and Glen Pettinger<br />

Facilities Ella Thompson<br />

...and Marion Smith<br />

Newsletter Carol Trischuk<br />

2005 -2006<br />

President Ian Doig<br />

Past President Dale Nugent<br />

Vice President Keith Brown<br />

Secretary Chris McGuire<br />

Treasurer Margie Brady<br />

Membership Rod Woolham<br />

Programme John Gibb-Carsley<br />

...and Clark Theobold<br />

Special Events Denise Mullins<br />

Facilities Ella Thompson<br />

Newsletter Carol Trischuk<br />

Web Advisor Colin Stephenson<br />

2006 -2007<br />

2007 -2008<br />

President Keith Brown<br />

President Helen Black<br />

Past President Ian Doig<br />

Past President Keith Brown<br />

Vice President Helen Black Vice President Jim Sands<br />

Secretary Chris McGuire-Sherwin Secretary Chris McGuire-Sherwin<br />

Treasurer Archie Hurge<br />

Treasurer Don McNaughton<br />

Membership Rod Woolham Membership Rod Woolham<br />

Programme Ian Doig<br />

Programme Ian Doig<br />

Special Events Denise Mullins Special Events Denise Mullins<br />

Facilities Sheila and Mike Hurren Facilities Sheila and Mike Hurren<br />

Newsletter Carol Trischuk Newsletter Jean Nugent<br />

Webmaster Colin Stephenson Webmaster Colin Stephenson<br />

page 12

2008 -2009<br />

President Ernie Trischuk<br />

Past President Helen Black<br />

Vice President Bruce Gourley<br />

Secretary Sheila Clark<br />

Treasurer Don Sherwin<br />

Membership Rod Woolham<br />

Programme Ian Doig<br />

and Glen Pettinger<br />

Special Events Denise Mullins<br />

Facilities Bill and Kathleen Lea<br />

Newsletter Colin Stephenson<br />

Webmaster Colin Stephenson<br />

Member at Large Keith Brown<br />

2009 -2010<br />

President Bruce Gourley<br />

Past President Ernie Trischuk<br />

Vice President Mike Else<br />

Secretary Sheila Clark<br />

Treasurer Don Sherwin<br />

Membership Jean Crowley<br />

...and Rod Woolham<br />

Programme Ian Doig<br />

...and Glen Pettinger<br />

Special Events Glen Pettinger<br />

...and Mary Kilgour<br />

Facilities Bill and Kathleen Lea<br />

Newsletter Colin Stephenson<br />

Webmaster Colin Stephenson<br />

Member at Large Keith Brown<br />

2010 -2011<br />

2011 -2012<br />

President Mike Else<br />

President Dan Murphy<br />

Past President Bruce Gourley Past President Mike Else<br />

Vice President Dan Murphy Vice President Richard Thomson<br />

Secretary Sheila Clark<br />

Secretary Sharon Sheffield<br />

Treasurer Don Sherwin<br />

Treasurer Don Sherwin<br />

Membership Jean and Dave Crowley Membership Jean and Dave Crowley<br />

Programme Ian Doig<br />

Programme Peggy Moxon<br />

Special Events Glen Pettinger<br />

...and David Farquharson<br />

and Mary Kilgour Special Events Glen Pettinger<br />

Facilities Geoffrey Newman<br />

...and Mary Kilgour<br />

Newsletter Colin Stephenson Facilities Geoffrey Newman<br />

Webmaster Colin Stephenson Newsletter Dennis Dwyer<br />

page 13

2012 -2013<br />

President Richard Thomson<br />

Past President Dan Murphy<br />

Vice President Jim Gilmour<br />

Secretary David Alcock<br />

Treasurer Don Sherwin<br />

Membership Jean and Dave Crowley<br />

Programme David Farquharson,<br />

Gardner Church,<br />

Fran McNaughton<br />

and Denis Dwyer<br />

Special Events Mary Kilgour<br />

Facilities Geoffrey Newman<br />

Newsletter Dennis Dwyer<br />

Webmaster Colin Stephenson<br />

2013 -2014<br />

President Jim Gilmour<br />

Past President Richard Thomson<br />

Vice President Jean Crowley<br />

Secretary David Alcock<br />

Treasurer Don Sherwin<br />

Membership Don McDiarmid<br />

Programme David Farquharson,<br />

Gardner Church,<br />

Fran McNaughton<br />

and Denis Dwyer<br />

Special Events Mary Kilgour<br />

and Ted Glugosh<br />

Facilities Geoffrey Newman<br />

Newsletter Dennis Dwyer<br />

and Colin Stephenson<br />

Webmaster Colin Stephenson<br />

2014 -2015<br />

2015 -2016<br />

President Jean Crowley<br />

President Bill Kennedy<br />

Past President Jim Gilmour<br />

Past President Jean Crowley<br />

Vice President Bill Kennedy<br />

Vice President Mike Selig<br />

Secretary David Alcock<br />

and Richard Thomson<br />

Treasurer Don Sherwin<br />

Secretary David Alcock<br />

Membership Don McDiarmid<br />

Treasurer Don Sherwin<br />

Programme David Farquharson, Membership Don McDiarmid<br />

Gardner Church,<br />

Brian O'Conner<br />

and Derek Cooke<br />

Programme David Farquharson,<br />

Gardner Church,<br />

Brian O'Conner,<br />

Special Events Mary Kilgour<br />

Derek Cooke and<br />

and Ted Glugosh<br />

Valerie Stephenson-Gray<br />

Facilities Dave and Jean Crowley Special Events Mary Kilgour<br />

and Gail Reed<br />

Newsletter Max Wood<br />

and Colin Stephenson Facilities Dave and Jean Crowley<br />

Webmaster Colin Stephenson Newsletter Max Wood<br />

and Colin Stephenson<br />

page 14

1996<br />

February<br />

Speakers and their Topics<br />

Hon. Judge John Matheson<br />

Canada as aNation with or<br />

without Quebec<br />

March John JStewart Restoration and Revitalization of Perth<br />

April Betty and Matt Burpee Sailboat Building and Chartering in England<br />

and the Caribbean<br />

May William Nelson Wax Technology and the Containment of<br />

Radon and Radiation in the Environment<br />

June Susan Code History of Perth<br />

July Frank Houghton CESO Canadian Executive Services<br />

Organization<br />

August No Speaker Tour of the Albany Plant in Perth<br />

September No Speaker<br />

Thousand Island Boat Cruise, Gananoque<br />

October Robert Leitch Lanark Communications Network<br />

November Bryce Bell<br />

Amalgamation of Municipalities in Lanark<br />

County<br />

December Brad Marsh<br />

His Experiences in the National Hockey<br />

League<br />

1997<br />

January Neil Fennell Community Policing and Crime Prevention<br />

February Donald McNaughton Challenges Faced By Canada's Armed Forces<br />

March John Ruggles Arctic Thoughts from<br />

Keewatin District, NWT<br />

April Charles Long Living Beyond the Fast Lane and Enjoying It<br />

May Dominic Gallerneault The 3M Company,Perth and Worldwide<br />

June Ken &Elizabeth Murray Insights into Elder Hostel Worldwide<br />

July No Formal Meeting Golf and Lunch at Links of Tay<br />

August Bob Parks Perth and Smith's Falls District Hospital<br />

September Greg Anderson Legal Problems Facing Seniors<br />

October No Formal Meeting Wakefield Steam Train Excursion<br />

November Gus Quattrocchi The Merchants, Professionals and<br />

Tradespersons of Perth<br />

December Wendy &Art Briggs-Jude Local Flora and Fauna and Related Stories<br />

page 15

1998<br />

January Tom Graham Fitness the Key to aGood Life<br />

February Graeme Crabb Artistic Slide and Sound Presentation<br />

March Kurt Holl Leather -ADay in the Tannery<br />

April Franziska Von Rosen Film -Living with Deer<br />

May Walter Brown Genealogy and the Lanark County Society<br />

June Beverly McCreight How to Deal with Ice Storm Damaged Trees<br />

September Shaun Thompson Amphibians are Worthwhile<br />

October Linda Chaplin Long Term Care, Past, Present and Future<br />

November None<br />

Trip to Parliament Hill<br />

December Dave Darling<br />

Regional V.P.Royal Bank of Canada<br />

1999<br />

January Lana March Perth, Present and Future<br />

February Judith Knudsen Acoustics Systems for Marine Application<br />

March Olivier Chatillon OMYACanada Plant and Products<br />

April Ian Miller Ian's and Big Ben's Rise to Fame Stories<br />

May Dave Trick Development of the Perth Soap Company<br />

June Helga &Dave Zimmerly Sailing Half Way Around the World<br />

September John Clement<br />

The Perth Courier and Independent Papers<br />

October Victoria Gibb-Carsley The Council of Canadians Issues-Water Export<br />

November Jim Peden<br />

The Geographic Information System Project<br />

December Lloyd Morrison Author and Artist of Valley Churches<br />

2000<br />

January Gordon Cowie Perth's Millennium Activities<br />

February Michel Germain Development of aPerfume Business<br />

March Sharon Kraft /Stephen Taylor Organ Transplant-A Personal Story<br />

April Tim Wynne-Jones The Value of Writing for the Writer<br />

May Gus Quattrocchi Some Highlights of Perth History<br />

June David Turner Anthropological Insights of an Australian<br />

Aboriginal Community<br />

September Barry Crampton Update on the Lanark Communication<br />

Network<br />

October Don McNaughton The Great War Memorial Foundation<br />

November Joyce Firlotte<br />

Powers of Attorney-Health and Property<br />

December Laura MacCuaig Asset Allocation in an Investment Portfolio<br />

page 16

2001<br />

January Jaime Waitman The Rideau Carleton Raceway and Casino<br />

February Ann and Gordon Munroe The 2003 International Plowing Match<br />

March John Kruithof Handing Over Hong Kong to China in1997<br />

April Alfred von Mirbach ARun Through the Himalayas Team NOMAD<br />

May Peggy Neilson /Kate Bergin Home Care Services and Long Term<br />

Placement -What We Need to Know<br />

June Dawn Smith Knowledge is the Best Medicine-Senior Drugs<br />

September Pam Tysick /Sheila Weeks Long Stay Vacations -Spain and Portugal<br />

October Peter Code AVirtual Bus Tour of Perth<br />

November John Stewart<br />

Neighbourhood Rehabilitation Project-China<br />

December Todd Stepanuik What's New at the Perth and Smith's Falls<br />

District Hospital<br />

2002<br />

January Earl Johns Policing Issues-Perth and Carleton Place<br />

February Edmund Patten Restoring the Nieuport 17 -Aviation Museum<br />

March David Ballinger History and Issues -The Rideau Canal<br />

April Robert Fonberg The Role of the Privy Council Office<br />

May Jim Peden /Jeff Dean Development and Use of the Geographic<br />

Information System in Lanark County<br />

June Henry Hengeveldt Climate Change and Global Warming<br />

September Nedege Adam<br />

Concerns About Genetically Modified Foods<br />

October Bill Hale The Story of Deregulated Hydro Power<br />

November Dan Black<br />

Generations of Remembrance<br />

December Dan Taylor<br />

Wine Making in Prince Edward County<br />

2003<br />

January Murray Quattrocchi Life in Perth During the 1920's and 30's<br />

February David Poole The Canada Council Grants Programme<br />

March Carol Dillon The Environmental Bill of Rights /Tay River<br />

April Imam Gamal Solaiman The Islam Religion with aCanadian Context<br />

May Alfred von Mirbach Climate Change and the Projects of ecoPerth<br />

June Walter Prystawski The National Arts Centre Orchestra<br />

September Joellen McHard The Volunteer Hospice Visiting Service<br />

October Ron Miller Royal Canadian Legion Hall of Remembrance<br />

November Mr.Justice Stephen March The Provincial Court System<br />

December Carolee Mason and students The Long Tradition of Performing Arts in Perth<br />

page 17

2004<br />

January Jackie Marshall Life in Arctic Bay,Nunavut<br />

February Don MacKay The History of the Rideau Canal<br />

March Capt. Patrick Toomey Taking Tourists to the North Pole<br />

April R. Hicks and B. McInnes The ABCs of Fraud<br />

May Tobi Kiesewalter The History and Ecology of Murphy's<br />

Point Park<br />

June Gordon Walton Canadian Forces Life in Afghanistan<br />

September Hans Sinn<br />

Peace Brigades International<br />

October Judy Young Teaching ESL in China<br />

th<br />

November Murray Quattrocchi Landing on Juno Beach (60 anniversary)<br />

December Wynne White<br />

Teaching English to language teachers in Laos<br />

2005<br />

January Dr.Herb Helmstaedt The Canadian Diamond Industry<br />

February Joellen McHard The Victim Crisis Assistance and Referral<br />

Service (VCARS) of Lanark County<br />

March Capt. Patrick Toomey Comparing the Antarctic to the Arctic<br />

April Jack Herd Musical Program with the PDCI Band<br />

May John Wilson Powers of Attorney<br />

-Property and Personal Care<br />

June Graham Kelly New Zealand's Electoral System<br />

September Mike Poulin<br />

Services of Lanark County Mental Health Unit<br />

October Dr.Allen Crawford Bank of Canada and Canada's Monetary Policy<br />

th<br />

November Murray Quattrocchi VE Day 60 <strong>Anniversary</strong> Trip to Holland<br />

and<br />

David Zimmerley/Ally Ross Guatamala Stove Project<br />

December Paul Egginton<br />

Climate Change<br />

2006<br />

January Rt. Rev.Patrick Lee Six Years in Uganda<br />

February Lisa Morgan Levine Recycling and Trash Disposal<br />

March William Rowe Medications for Heart Disease and Diabetes<br />

April Tugrul Biltekin Turkey -its History and Tourist Charms<br />

May Darinka Morrelli YAK, the Youth Action Kommittee in Perth<br />

June Ian Doig My Magical Years in the Czech Republic<br />

September Catherine Shearon Reaching Fitness Goals for Healthier Lives<br />

October Grover Lightford The development of our Probus Club<br />

November Peter Black<br />

Fair Vote Canada -“Does your vote count?”<br />

December David Jacklin<br />

Meet the Marks Brothers, Canadian Kings of<br />

Repertoire<br />

page 18

2007<br />

January Bob Sneyd The Real Miracle of the Rideau Canal<br />

February Lynn Ball Life on aPress Pass<br />

March Mike Nickerson Living on Earth as if we want to stay<br />

April Peter Code AVirtual Walking Tour of Perth<br />

May Nancy Wildgoose Volunteers in the Community<br />

June Jim Sands The Hobbies of aMaster of Detail<br />

September Brenda Hurle<br />

The United Way in Lanark County<br />

October John Kittle Uranium Exploration and Mining Issues<br />

in Eastern Ontario<br />

November Dan Black<br />

Remembrance and Youth<br />

December John Nikita<br />

RCMP International Peace Operations<br />

2008<br />

January Roy MacSkimming MacDonald,Roy's novel about Sir John A.<br />

February John Clement Heritage Perth Business Improvement Area<br />

March ~Meeting snowed out! ~<br />

April Helga and David Zimmerly Touring the Galapagos Islands<br />

May James Bartleman From Port Carling to Perth:<br />

June Ken Watson Exploring the Ancient Rideau<br />

September Nancy Scarth<br />

My Travels in Siberia<br />

October Harry Needham ATale of Six Grandfathers<br />

–the United Empire Loyalists<br />

November General Lewis McKenzie Peacekeeping Missions<br />

December The Men of the Tay Seasonal songs<br />

“All aMatter of Luck!”<br />

2009<br />

January Susan Code Stories of the area<br />

February John McKenty The life and times of the James Brothers<br />

and John’s <strong>book</strong> Follow the Crowd<br />

March Heather Perkins-McVey The legal issues associated with health care<br />

April Rudi Lepp Nuclear energy and its possible role in our future<br />

May Frank Roy Darts to Arrows: acelebration of the<br />

100th anniversary of powered flight<br />

th<br />

June Peter Craske D-Day experiences: marking the 65 anniversary<br />

of D-Day and the allied invasion of Europe<br />

September Doug Burt<br />

Dignity House of Perth, apalliative care facility<br />

October Dennis Dwyer “Will There be aChurch for Our Great<br />

Grandchildren?”<br />

November General Clive Addy Today's Soldier<br />

December Elaine Turner<br />

The Perth and District Community Foundation<br />

page 19

2010<br />

January Carl Whitehouse Indigenous Mayans of Guatemala and the<br />

mobile eye clinic project.<br />

February Larry Cotton Author of Whiskey and Wickedness, the<br />

story of the whiskey industry in Perth.<br />

March Jorgan Hoeven The Wilson Street Redevelopment and<br />

and Eric Cosens<br />

other Perth infrastructure programs.<br />

April Bob Pearson The Elderhostel travel programs.<br />

May Keith and Graham Lindsey Heritage Re-enactment of the War of 1812.<br />

June Jim Gilpin His experiences in World War II.<br />

September David Batchelor<br />

The Guatemalan Eye Clinic<br />

and Carl Whitehouse ~apost-project report.<br />

October Walter Baker From Lands End in Cornwall to John<br />

o'Groats in North Eastern Scotland.<br />

November Brigadier General Dabros Experiences in Afghanistan.<br />

December Roy (Sandy) MacSkimming On his latest <strong>book</strong>, Laurier in Love.<br />

2011<br />

January Dennis Dwyer “Mediation and Dispute Resolution” and<br />

“Small Home-Based Businesses for Seniors” .<br />

February ~ Meeting cancelled due to adverse weather ~<br />

March Simon Lunn Nature photography<br />

April Todd Stepaniuk The Perth &Smiths Falls Hospital.<br />

May Cliff Bennett Loons.<br />

June John Chattoe Information technology’s effect on families.<br />

September Wynne White<br />

Living and teaching in Ethiopia.<br />

October Elizabeth Goldman Amore community-minded and lively Library.<br />

November Maj-Gen.(Ret'd) Clive Addy Afghanistan documentary: If IShould Fall.<br />

December Gordon &Linda Craig Music series planned for Perth Manor Hotel.<br />

2012<br />

January Bennie Beattie Whales of the St. Lawrence River and Estuary.<br />

February Diana Beresford-Kroeger Arboretum Borealis and climate change.<br />

March Dr.David Turner Experiences with aboriginals in Australia.<br />

April Nancy Wildgoose Renaissance of the Perth &District Food Bank.<br />

May Ron Alquist Economic research and oil prices.<br />

June Brian Perkin Lake 88,our very own popular FM station.<br />

September Sandra Joyce<br />

The UK Home Children.<br />

October John McKenty All about the history of Christie Lake.<br />

November Glenn Tunnock The War of 1812.<br />

December Maj-Gen.(Ret'd) Clive Addy Security and Our Continued Safety.<br />

page 20

2013<br />

January Chris McGuire Sherwin, Lanark County Community Home Support.<br />

with Bonnie Waugh, Terrey Roach and Susan Samila<br />

February Amanda Groshinski Plasko Energy and their innovative technology.<br />

March Cheri Barton The Ontario Trillium Gift of Life Foundation.<br />

April Don Drummond The intricacies of government finance.<br />

May James Bissett Canada's new immigration agency.<br />

June Willa Dwyer Awoman in the "man's world" of<br />

long haul trucking.<br />

September David O'Blenis<br />

An unforgettable safari in Africa.<br />

October George Addy Foreign investment in Canada.<br />

November F/O (Ret'd) Jim Sands How radar helped to win World War II.<br />

December Craig Greenwood The Fantastic White Bears of the Ice.<br />

2014<br />

January Derek Cooke Eleven years in Saudi Arabia.<br />

February Alexis Troubetskoy His passion for Canada’s arctic and<br />

his <strong>book</strong> Arctic Obsession.<br />

March Ted Dyke Photo studies of wild life in its natural habitat.<br />

April George Laidlaw “For the Love of History.”<br />

May Gail Read &Ian McDonald Travels in Chile, Argentina, Peru and the Falklands.<br />

June Geoff Hart, Al Mcgregor Ticks on dogs and Lyme disease in our area.<br />

and Lisa Saunders<br />

September James Bissett<br />

The effectiveness of NATO.<br />

October Paola de Rose The Canadian approach to remote sensing.<br />

November General Paul Manson The New Face of War.<br />

December Alfred Von Mirbach Hiking the El Camino Trail.<br />

2015<br />

January Dennis Staples Smiths Falls' employment woes and rebirth.<br />

February Terrance Dickinson “ATour of the Universe” from the editor<br />

of SkyNews.<br />

March ~ Meeting cancelled due to apower outage ~<br />

April Kate Johnson “Empathy and Hope” in Canadian prisons.<br />

May Cheryl Coooper Seasons of War, novels of the War of 1812.<br />

June Toni Pickard, James Leake The Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) concept.<br />

and Bill Cooper<br />

September Dwayne Price and Greg Holbrooke “From Hand Signals to Satellites.”<br />

October Helga and David Zimmerly “Risk-taking during the Voyage of the Erasmus.”<br />

November Barry Crampton<br />

th<br />

The historical mapping project for the 200<br />

anniversary of the Perth Military Settlement.<br />

th<br />

December Jennifer Dickson The Perth 200 <strong>Anniversary</strong> Project.<br />

page 21

2016<br />

January Kevin Gray The French and Indian Wars and<br />

the Battle of the Plains of Abraham<br />

February Sturia Sigurjonsson Mutual Interests in the North: Canada<br />

March Nine speakers from...<br />

st<br />

and Iceland in the 21 Century<br />

‘The CARR’ — the Community Alliance<br />

for Refuge Resettlement<br />

April Gary Dickson Electronic Health Records<br />

May Fred Hitchens Canada in Space: AHistory<br />

June Dr.Sandra Taylor Medical Ethics<br />

page 22

Special Events, Tours, Travel and Dinners<br />

1996<br />

August<br />

September<br />

1997<br />

July<br />

October<br />

December<br />

1998<br />

May<br />

July<br />

August<br />

November<br />

December<br />

1999<br />

Spring<br />

July<br />

August<br />

December<br />

2000<br />

June<br />

November<br />

December<br />

2001<br />

May<br />

June<br />

October<br />

December<br />

Tour of the Albany Plant in Perth<br />

Thousand Island Boat Cruise -Gananoque<br />

Golf and Lunch at Links of Tay<br />

Wakefield Steam Train Excursion and Dinner at Kristy's<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner at Patterson's Restaurant<br />

Eastern Ontario Probus Club Gathering at Camp Merrywood<br />

Golf and Lunch at Links of Tay<br />

Tour of Blue Bird Acres<br />

Visit to Parliament Hill<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner at Patterson's Restaurant<br />

Visit to the War Museum and the Museum of Civilization<br />

Golf and Lunch at Links of Tay<br />

Visit to the Hull Casino<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner at Patterson's Restaurant<br />

Golf and Dinner at Links of Tay<br />

Visit to the Canadian Museum of Civilization<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner at Parkside Loft, Code's Mill<br />

Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

Golf and Dinner at Links of Tay<br />

Trip on the Wakefield Steam Train (a repeat event)<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner At The Links of Tay Golf Club<br />

page 23

2002<br />

February<br />

May<br />

June<br />

October<br />

December<br />

2003<br />

February<br />

May<br />

June<br />

October<br />

December<br />

2004<br />

January<br />

March<br />

April<br />

May<br />

June<br />

October<br />

December<br />

2005<br />

January<br />

April<br />

May<br />

June<br />

October<br />

November<br />

December<br />

Visit to the Aviation Museum and the National Gallery<br />

Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

Golf and Dinner at Links of Tay<br />

Two-day Trip to Sunshine Festival -Orillia<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner at the Links of Tay Golf Club<br />

Three Day Trip to the Carnaval de Québec<br />

Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

Golf and Dinner at Links of Tay<br />

Two-day Trip to the Stratford Shakespeare Festival<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner at the Links of Tay Golf Club<br />

Robbie Burns Day Dinner at the Legion<br />

Day trip to Museum of Civilization, Gatineau, Quebec<br />

Trip to the OMYA quarry at Tatlock<br />

Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

Golf and Dinner at Links of Tay<br />

Two-day Trip to the Stratford Shakespeare Festival<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner at the Links of Tay Golf Club<br />

Robbie Burns Day Dinner at the Legion<br />

Trip to the Diefenbunker<br />

Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

Golf and Dinner at Links of Tay<br />

Two-day Trip to Niagara Falls and Shaw Festival<br />

Day trip to the new Canadian War Museum in Ottawa<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner at the Links of Tay Golf Club<br />

2006<br />

May Wine Tour of Prince Edward County<br />

June Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

June Golf and Dinner at Links of Tay<br />

October<br />

th<br />

Probus Perth 10 <strong>Anniversary</strong> Gala Luncheon<br />

December Pre-Christmas Dinner at the Links of Tay Golf Club<br />

page 24

2007<br />

January<br />

May<br />

June<br />

October<br />

December<br />

Robbie Burns Day Dinner at the Legion<br />

Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

Golf and Dinner at Links of Tay<br />

Oktoberfest Dinner at Links of Tay<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner and Dance at Links o'Tay<br />

2008<br />

January<br />

May<br />

June<br />

October<br />

December<br />

Robbie Burns Day Dinner at the Legion<br />

Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

Golf and Dinner at Links of Tay<br />

Oktoberfest Dinner at Links of Tay<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner and Dance at Links o'Tay<br />

2009<br />

March<br />

April<br />

May<br />

June<br />

October<br />

October<br />

December<br />

Visit to Fortune Farms Sugar Bush<br />

Trip to the RCAF Memorial Museum in Trenton<br />

Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

Golf and Dinner at Links of Tay<br />

Fall Foliage Excursion on the Wakefield Steam Train<br />

Mississippi Mudds Mystery Theatre in Carleton Place<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner and Dance at Links o'Tay<br />

2010<br />

January<br />

January<br />

March<br />

May<br />

June<br />

October<br />

December<br />

Dinner and theatre at the Stone Cellar and Studio Theatre<br />

Robbie Burns Day Dinner at the Legion<br />

Dinner and theatre at the Stone Cellar and Studio Theatre<br />

Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

Golf and Dinner at Links of Tay<br />

Fall Colours Rideau Canal Cruise<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner and Dance at Links o'Tay<br />

page 25

2011<br />

January<br />

March<br />

May<br />

June<br />

October<br />

December<br />

2012<br />

January<br />

March<br />

May<br />

May<br />

June<br />

October<br />

December<br />

2013<br />

January<br />

February<br />

March<br />

April<br />

May<br />

June<br />

September<br />

December<br />

2014<br />

January<br />

January<br />

February<br />

May<br />

June<br />

September<br />

October<br />

December<br />

page 26<br />

Robbie Burns Day Dinner at the Legion<br />

Dinner and theatre at the Stone Cellar and Studio Theatre<br />

Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

Luncheon meeting at Timber Run Golf Club in Lanark<br />

Fall Colours Bus Tour of the Pontiac and Ottawa Valley<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner and Dance at the Lion's Club Hall<br />

Robbie Burns Day Dinner at the Legion<br />

Dinner and theatre at the Stone Cellar and Studio Theatre<br />

Probus Perth hosts Spring Fling 2012 at Code’s Mill for<br />

Eastern Ontario Probus Clubs<br />

Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

Luncheon meeting at the Legion<br />

ADay at Chateau Montebello<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner and Dance at the Lion's Club Hall<br />

Robbie Burns Day Dinner at the Legion<br />

Dinner and theatre at the Stone Cellar and Studio Theatre<br />

Senators vs. Tampa Bay Lightning at Scotiabank Place<br />

Dinner and theatre at Michael's Table and Full Circle Theatre<br />

Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

Luncheon meeting at the Legion<br />

Peterborough Lift Lock Cruise<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner and Dance at the Lion's Club Hall<br />

Senators vs. New York Rangers at Canadian Tire Place<br />

Robbie Burns Day Dinner at the Legion<br />

Dinner and theatre at the Stone Cellar and Studio Theatre<br />

Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque, plus Boat Tour<br />

Luncheon meeting at the Legion<br />

Bus tour to Rideau Hall and an Ottawa River cruise<br />

Dinner and theatre at Maximillian's and Studio Theatre<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner and Dance at the Lion's Club Hall

2015<br />

January<br />

April<br />

May<br />

June<br />

September<br />

November<br />

December<br />

Robbie Burns Day Dinner at the Legion<br />

Dinner and theatre at the Stone Cellar and Studio Theatre<br />

Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

Luncheon meeting at the Legion<br />

Fall Colours bus trip to several Pontiac-area small businesses<br />

Dinner and theatre at the Stone Cellar and Studio Theatre<br />

Pre-Christmas Dinner and Dance at the Lion's Club Hall<br />

2016<br />

January Robbie Burns Day Dinner at the Legion<br />

March Dinner and theatre at Maximillian’s and Studio Theatre<br />

April Tour of the Perth Campus of Algonquin College<br />

May Visit to the Thousand Island Playhouse in Gananoque<br />

June<br />

th<br />

Probus Perth 20 <strong>Anniversary</strong> Gala Luncheon<br />

page 27

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©2016 by Probus Perth

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