
The mission of United School Administrators of Kansas,<br />

through collaboration of member associations, is to serve,<br />

support, and develop educational leaders and to establish<br />

USA|Kansas as a significant force to improve education.<br />

Kansas Association of Elementary School Principals<br />

(KAESP)<br />

Kansas Association of Middle School Administrators<br />

(KAMSA)<br />

Kansas Association of School Business Officials<br />

(KASBO)<br />

Kansas Association of School Personnel Administrators<br />

(KASPA)<br />

Kansas Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development<br />

(KASCD)<br />

Kansas Association of Special Education Administrators<br />

(KASEA)<br />

Kansas Association of Secondary School Principals<br />

(KASSP)<br />

Kansas Council of Career and Technical Education Administrators<br />

(KCCTEA)<br />

Kansas School Public Relations Association<br />

(KanSPRA)<br />

Kansas School Superintendents Association<br />

(KSSA)<br />


Welcome from Executive Director G.A. Buie<br />

Welcome to the 2016 Uniting Leaders conference hosted by United School<br />

Administrators of Kansas. As school and district leaders we have again battled through<br />

another school year of victories, success stories, failures and loss, but in the end it’s the<br />

educational structure we build together that unites us. USA|Kansas represents 10<br />

different educational leadership organizations and without any one of these organizations<br />

contributing to the success of all students the task of educating and providing<br />

opportunities for the students of Kansas would be overwhelming. To borrow an old phrase, “Together<br />

we achieve more”.<br />

As partners, USA|Kansas understands the obstacles that lie in front of Kansas educators, but over the<br />

years, we’ve learned it is not about the obstacles, it’s about the responsibility we have chosen to<br />

undertake. There is no profession in our great state that can bring more enjoyment, excitement, tears and<br />

satisfaction then that as an educator. We have chosen a noble calling. As leaders we are obligated to<br />

prepare students for their future, find their own success, walk with dignity and enjoy the experience.<br />

This is no small undertaking.<br />

On June 10 th USA|Kansas will unveil a new mission and vision statement. As education continues to<br />

change and evolve, so must the organizations who support the educational leaders who are making a<br />

difference every day. USA|Kansas is committed to all Kansas educational leaders, members and nonmembers<br />

alike. If we are not helping to support you and your job, we are failing at ours. My hope for<br />

you when you leave Wichita after the 2016 conference is that you are rejuvenated, connected and<br />

prepared to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Please know that USA|Kansas is there every day to help<br />

you and your leadership position and if there is anything we can do to make your job a little easier<br />

please let us know.<br />

Have a great week and we look forward to connecting!<br />

G.A. Buie<br />

Executive Director


WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 ....................................................................................................................... 2-4<br />

Registration Open (Lower Gallery between the Hyatt and Expo Hall, Century II) - 8:00a.m.<br />

KAMSA Board Meeting (Eagle F) – 10:00 a.m. – Noon<br />

USA|Kansas Ed Camp (Redbud 210 B) – 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.<br />

General Session Daisy Dyer Duerr (Eagle Ballroom) – 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.<br />

Exhibits Open and Vendor Reception (Expo Hall) - 4:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.<br />

THURSDAY, JUNE 9 .......................................................................................................................... 5-29<br />

Registration Open (Lower Gallery between the Hyatt and Expo Hall, Century II) - 7:00 a.m.<br />

New Administrator Breakfast – Sponsored by Lifetouch (Eagle FG) – 7:30 – 8:30 a.m.<br />

KSSA Day Seminar (Eagle ABC) – 8:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.<br />

58th Annual KASSP and KAESP Summer Workshop (Cypress A) – 8:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.<br />

Learning Clusters - 8:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.<br />

Grab & Go Lunch/ Vendor Sessions – 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.<br />

President’s Reception - Hosted by Josten’s (Riverview Ballroom) - 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.<br />

Hospitality and Dance - Sponsored by Lifetouch (Redbud 210 ABC) - 9:00 p.m. - Midnight<br />

FRIDAY, JUNE 10............................................................................................................................. 30-31<br />

Board Meetings – 7:15 a.m.<br />

Breakfast (Eagle Ballroom) - 8:15 a.m.<br />

Closing Session: Deputy Commissioner Dale Dennis - 9:00 a.m.<br />

Kansas Education Commissioner Dr. Randy Watson – 9:30 a.m.<br />

Dr. Monte Selby - 10:00 a.m.<br />

2016 Exhibitors.........................................................................................................................................33<br />

USA|Kansas Officers ..............................................................................................................................34<br />

Map of Hyatt ...........................................................................................................................................35<br />

Map of Century II ............................................................................................................................. 36-37<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />


Please come to the registration area in the Lower Gallery between the Hyatt and Century II beginning at<br />

8:00 a.m. to pick up your name badge and packet.<br />

Name Badges Sponsored by Daymark Solutions<br />

❑ Kansas Association of Middle School Administrators<br />

Board of Directors<br />

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ........................................................................................................ Eagle F, Hyatt<br />

Presiding .................................................................................................................. Mary Wright, President<br />


1:00 – 2:30 p.m., Redbud 210 B, Hyatt<br />

Open to anyone, this “unconference” on June 8th will bring leaders together to create their own agenda<br />

on the spot, and then meet.<br />

The Edcamp concept is a phenomenon that is gaining traction nationwide. As described on the Edcamp<br />

Foundation’s website: “Unlike traditional conferences which have schedules set months in advance by<br />

the people running the conference, Edcamp has an agenda that’s created by the participants at the start of<br />

the event. Instead of one person standing in front of the room talking for an hour, people are encouraged<br />

to have discussions and hands-on sessions.”<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />


Keynote Speaker Daisy Dyer Duerr<br />

3:30 p.m., Eagle Ballroom, Hyatt<br />

Daisy Dyer Duerr, EdS is a National Keynote Speaker, NASSP Digital Principal, a featured panelist and<br />

the principal of first rural school featured at Digital Learning Day Live! (2015). As a Turnaround<br />

Principal she used a great team/community approach to transform an isolated, impoverished, rural<br />

school in Arkansas from the “Worst to First.” Daisy twice led the transformation of one of the lowest<br />

performing schools in the state to a School Recognized as “Model Schools” by Dr. Willard Daggett’s<br />

ICLE. She is a proud rural educator who works as an educational consultant, leadership coach, and an<br />

advocate for ALL students in every ZIP CODE!<br />

Daisy was named a Distinguished Alumnus of Lyon College in the Fall of 2015 and also appeared on<br />

the Arkansas Times list of the 2015 Top 20 Innovators.<br />

@DaisyDyerDuerr<br />

daisydyerduerr.com<br />

daisydyerduerr@gmail.com<br />

Welcome ......................................................................................... Steve Splichal, President, USA|Kansas<br />

Presentation of the Distinguished Service Award .................. Donna Zerr, President-elect, USA|Kansas<br />

Introduction of Speaker<br />

Speaker............................................................................................................................. Daisy Dyer Duerr<br />

Closing ............................................................................................ Steve Splichal, President, USA|Kansas<br />

Opening General Session Sponsored by Piper Jaffray<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />


WEDNESDAY ONLY from 4:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. – Expo Hall<br />

The USA|Kansas Convention Committee encourages you to spend this time visiting exhibits. Please<br />

take time to talk with vendors and business partners about your needs. Exhibitors are vital to the success<br />

of our convention. They recoup their investment only when you stop by and visit.<br />

We will be holding raffles throughout the evening. You must be present to win and will have 15 minutes<br />

to claim your prize before another winner is drawn.<br />

Convention Trade Show Sponsored by Trane<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />


Please come to the registration area in the Lower Gallery between the Hyatt and Century II beginning at<br />

7:00 a.m. to pick up your name badge and packet.<br />


7:30 – 8:30 a.m., Eagle FG, Hyatt<br />

Daisy Dyer Duerr and G.A. Buie, two former principals who combine for over 35 years of building<br />

leadership at the elementary, middle and high school levels, sit down and share with young leaders how<br />

to avoid falling into the traditional leadership traps. After enjoying a complimentary breakfast sponsored<br />

by Lifetouch, Daisy and G.A. will share with new administrators the challenges and pitfalls they<br />

experienced in their first few years as school leaders and through table conversation discuss how today's<br />

new leaders can avoid the same mistakes. This session is open to any leader who is stepping into their<br />

first job as a leader or just finished their first year in leadership.<br />

New Administrator Breakfast Sponsored by Lifetouch National School Studios<br />



KSSA DAY<br />

8:15 – 11:45 a.m., Eagle ABC<br />

8:15 – 8:50 am<br />

Adrienne Rosel-Bulinski is a nationally recognized & award winning motivational speaker.<br />

Join Adrienne as she shares her heartfelt journey of success to bitter tragedy to rising above<br />

the odds. Adrienne opens up about life’s struggles with peer pressure, negativity and learning<br />

how to walk at the age of 24. Adrienne gets real with her audiences as she talks about<br />

dreams, self-confidence, depression, and life's obstacles. Adrienne’s mission is to motivate<br />

youth and young adults 1) to believe in themselves and their self-worth (attitude) 2) to<br />

believe in their passions and their goals (dream) 3) to believe in their capabilities of reaching<br />

many great achievements in their lifetime (persevere).<br />

8:55-9:50 am<br />

Kevin Case, USD 448 Superintendent - #TweetingSuperintendents - Lets spend some<br />

time taking about the possibilities of how twitter can inspire our staff and our colleagues,<br />

connect us to a broader audience, help promote meaningful change and provide positive PR<br />

for our schools and education in general. A wide variety of twitter basic and intermediate<br />

topics will be discussed, shared and modeled including but not limited to: Creating an<br />

engaging user profile; Following and creating twitter lists; Understanding, searching and<br />

appropriately using #hashtags; Leveraging the power of twitter chats, Tweeting about your<br />

school; and Using hootsuite and group tweet to organize your twitter<br />

presence. #LeadershipMatters @USAKansas #KSSA<br />



KSSA DAY<br />

8:15 – 11:45 a.m., Eagle ABC<br />

10:00-11:45 am (Joint session with Public Relation directors)<br />

Kelly Wachel is the Public Relations Director for Center School District in south Kansas<br />

City. She is the author of “Parents and Schools Together: Blueprint for Success with Urban<br />

Youth” and “Having an Impact on Learning: The PR professional and the Principal.” She<br />

has experience in corporate communications, sales, and 10 years of school public relations<br />

work.<br />

Matt Wachel has been a teacher, principal, early childhood director, and is currently an<br />

assistant principal in the Park Hill School District in Kansas City. He is the co-author of<br />

“Having an Impact on Learning” and an ASCD Emerging Leader.<br />

Academics and Political Communication – can they mesh?<br />

In this dynamic session, interact with presenters Kelly and Matt Wachel as they share their knowledge<br />

about student achievement and political engagement through the lens of communication. How do<br />

Superintendents and Public Relations Directors talk about student achievement? How do we talk about<br />

politics in relation to schools in this ever increasing hostile environment? How do we listen? Based<br />

partly on their book “Having an Impact on Learning,” this session will provide practical and useful tips<br />

in communicating about both student achievement and legislative action.<br />

Special Thanks to the DLR Group for sponsoring this year’s event!<br />



58 TH ANNUAL<br />


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Thursday, June 9, 2016<br />

8:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.<br />

Hyatt Regency – Cypress A<br />

Wichita, KS<br />

8:15 a.m. KASSP Welcome<br />

KASSP President Amy McAnarney – Assistant Principal, Lawrence Free State<br />

KASSP Executive Director – Eugene S. Haydock<br />

8:25 a.m. “Recruiting, Developing, and Inspiring Teacher Leaders”<br />

Justin Coffey – Kansas Teacher of the Year, Dodge City High School<br />

8:55 a.m. “Principal Matters – Learning & Growing as School Leaders”<br />

William D. Parker – High School Principal, Skiatook, Oklahoma<br />

10:00 a.m. Introduction of New KAESP Executive Director<br />

President Amy McAnarney<br />

10:15 a.m. Peer Time Break<br />

10:30 a.m. “The Good News About School Activities”<br />

Gary Musselman, KSHSAA Executive Director<br />

11:00 a.m. Back to School – “Positive Strategies” - Setting the Tone for 2016-2017!!!<br />

Joe Coles Consulting - Facilitator<br />

KASSP 2016-2017 Board Members<br />

Cara Ledy – Wichita South<br />

Donna Schmidt – Seaman High School<br />

Marc Williams – Spring Hill High School<br />

Benjamin Jimenez – Decatur Community High School<br />

11:25 a.m. Announcing the 2016-2017 KASSP Theme<br />

Marc Williams, KASSP 2016-2017 President, Principal Spring Hill High School<br />

11:30 a.m. Adjourn<br />




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Thursday, June 9, 2016<br />

8:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.<br />

Hyatt Regency – Cypress A<br />

Wichita, KS<br />

8:15 a.m. KAESP Welcome<br />

KAESP President John Befort – Washington Elementary – Ellis USD 338<br />

KAESP Executive Director – Eugene S. Haydock<br />

8:25 a.m. “Recruiting, Developing, and Inspiring Teacher Leaders”<br />

Justin Coffey – Kansas Teacher of the Year – Dodge City High School<br />

8:55 a.m. “Principal Matters – Learning & Growing as School Leaders”<br />

William D. Parker – High School Principal, Skiatook, Oklahoma<br />

10:00 a.m. Introduction of New KAESP Executive Director<br />

President John Befort<br />

10:15 a.m. Peer Time Break<br />

10:30 a.m. NAESP Update<br />

Duane Dorshorst – NAESP Zone 8 Director – Oberlin Elementary<br />

11:00 a.m. Back to School – “Positive Strategies” - Setting the Tone for 2016-2017!!!<br />

Joe Coles Consulting - Facilitator<br />

KAESP 2016-2017 Board Members<br />

Jason May – Southwest Elementary<br />

Kim McCune – Seal Elementary<br />

Eric Sacco – Clifton-Clyde Middle School<br />

Susan Holthaus – Grandview Elementary<br />

11:25 a.m. Announcing the 2016-2017 KAESP Theme<br />

Jason May - KAESP 2016-2017 President – Principal Southwest Elementary, Pratt USD 382<br />

11:30 a.m. Adjourn<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />


8:30 – 9:15 a.m.<br />

9:30 – 10:15 a.m.<br />

10:30 – 11:15 a.m.<br />

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.<br />

12:45 – 1:30 p.m.<br />

1:45 – 2:30 p.m.<br />

2:45 – 3:30 p.m.<br />

USA|Kansas is proud to have some of the most talented and dedicated education professionals as our<br />

members. USA|Kansas has a strong network of practicing and retired administrators who have been<br />

recognized for their achievements. Membership in USA|Kansas allows individuals access to these<br />

talented professionals; supports a forum for open and engaging dialogues; opportunities to share<br />

experiences; and participation in professional development programs.<br />

8:30 - 9:15 a.m.<br />

❑ A Learning Community for School Leaders<br />

❑ Decisions to Make When Transitioning to KESA<br />

❑ Investigating Discrimination and Harassment<br />

❑ Rethinking How We Work with Children with Emotional and Behavioral Challenges: Looking at the<br />

Neurodevelopmental Relationship Between Brain and Behavior around Trauma<br />

❑ Tackling Education Construction Projects: Receiving the Most Value for Your Dollars<br />

9:30 - 10:15 a.m.<br />

❑ Be the Change – Making a Difference Beyond You<br />

❑ Current Administrative Perceptions of the Role of the School Counselor<br />

❑ Innovation and Design with 3-D Printing<br />

❑ Managing Aggressive Behavior<br />

❑ Research on Preventing Theft in School Fundraising and Student Activities<br />

❑ Small Group Math Stations: Fraction Action for All<br />

10:30 - 11:15 a.m.<br />

❑ Connecting the Dots: Helping Students Connect the Classroom to Their Lives<br />

❑ E-rate 2.0: Modernizing Your E-Rate Paradigm<br />

❑ Reality U- Financial Literacy for Teens and for Our Future<br />

❑ Retention of Licensed Educators and the Influence of a Servant Leader<br />

❑ When Bullying and FAPE Collide<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

11:30a.m. - 12:30 p.m.<br />

❑ Grab & Go Lunch/Vendor Sessions - American Fidelity<br />

❑ Grab & Go Lunch/Vendor Sessions - Edgenuity<br />

❑ Grab & Go Lunch/Vendor Sessions - Insuring Success<br />

❑ Grab & Go Lunch/Vendor Sessions - Nabholz<br />

❑ Grab & Go Lunch/Vendor Sessions - Piper Jaffray<br />

12:45 - 1:30 p.m.<br />

❑ 504 Training<br />

❑ Are Your Students Tech Ready?<br />

❑ Executing Instructional Leadership Through Effective Feedback!<br />

❑ Facility Assessment Flyover<br />

❑ Help Your Students Get Career Ready with ACT WorkKeys<br />

❑ Superintendents Serve as Reading Leaders<br />

❑ Top Ten Legal Mistakes Administrators Make<br />

1:45 - 2:30 p.m.<br />

❑Becoming Future Ready: Positioning Your District for Digital Learning Excellence!<br />

❑ Having an Impact on Learning: The Public Relations Professional and the Principal<br />

❑ Maximizing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Your School Counselors<br />

❑ Meeting Needs of New Kansas Leaders Through Quality Mentoring and Induction<br />

❑ PBIS in an MTSS Elementary: Challenges and Successes<br />

❑ Plan for the Future & Reduce Risk!<br />

❑ The Millennial Generation: Considerations for School Districts<br />

2:45 - 3:30 p.m.<br />

❑ Having an Impact on Learning: The Public Relations Professional and the Principal<br />

❑ Helping School Leaders Plan for Integration of Transgender Students<br />

❑ Let’s Build the Skills that Matter Most<br />

❑ School Funding/Legislature Q&A<br />

❑ The K-12 Technology Ecosystem: Trends and Challenges for K-12: What District Leaders Need to<br />

Know<br />

❑ Three Keys to Lessen Stress in Leadership<br />

❑To Take a Sick Day or to Go to a PD Day? That is the Question!<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />


8:30 – 9:15 a.m.<br />

❑ A Learning Community for School Leaders<br />

Do you want to expand YOUR leadership skills? This interactive session will provide an overview of<br />

transformational professional learning for all leaders - district/system, building, and or teacher<br />

leaders. Yes, for YOU! How do you build collective responsibility, create a culture of continuous<br />

improvement, develop your expertise as a leader (skills, strategies, resources, etc.), provide individual<br />

and team support for implementing new practices, and work with other educators on your local<br />

issues/situations that involve complex change? Join us as we, Learning Forward Kansas, share<br />

our Educational Leadership Program (ELP) that is designed to build the capacity of all educational<br />

leaders to implement complex change through effective professional learning that transforms practice.<br />

Target Audience ............................................................................................. Principals, KASCD, KSSA<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Osage 207, Hyatt<br />

Presenter ......................................................... Dayna Richardson, Ex Director, Learning Forward Kansas<br />

daynarichardson45@gmail.com<br />

❑ Decisions to Make When Transitioning to KESA<br />

The Accreditation Advisory Council has worked to develop KESA to include options for<br />

implementation. The presenters serve on that Council as well as the AdvancED Kansas Council and can<br />

provide numerous perspectives regarding what you’ll want to consider when making your decisions<br />

regarding the model you’ll use. Please come to be fully informed before making any key decisions.<br />

Target Audience ......................................................................................................... Principals, KASCD<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Maple 205, Hyatt<br />

Presenters .................................................................. Dr. Nancy Bolz, Ed.D., Director, AdvancEd, Wichita<br />

nbolz@advanc-ed.org<br />

Dr. Brian Jordan, Assistant Executive Director, Leadership Services, KASB<br />

Dr. Nick Compagnone<br />

❑ Investigating Discrimination and Harassment<br />

This session will address the complex and seemingly ever-changing subject of harassment and<br />

discrimination. Specifically, we will focus on the preliminary considerations when investigating a<br />

harassment and/or discrimination complaint. How do you develop an investigation plan, conduct the<br />

investigation, and deliver the findings? This session can help you identify the necessary action steps to<br />

complete a thorough investigation of harassment and discrimination complaints.<br />

Target Audience ............................................................................................................................. KASPA<br />

Location ........................................................................................................................... Birch 203, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ..................................................... Jessica Bernard, Attorney, Guin Mundorf, LLC, Kansas City<br />

bmeyer@gmschoollaw.com<br />

Shellie Guin, Attorney, Guin Mundorf, LLC<br />

Bryan Meyer, Attorney, Guin Mundorf, LLC<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

❑ Rethinking How We Work with Children with Emotional and Behavioral Challenges: Looking<br />

at the Neurodevelopmental Relationship Between Brain and Behavior around Trauma<br />

Project STAY, a technical assistance team working throughout Kansas for over 20 years, has seen a<br />

trend where children with severe and persistent challenging behaviors have been referred for technical<br />

assistance at younger ages. This presentation will discuss how experiences shape brain development<br />

and, consequently, result in many of the challenging behaviors we see at school. A discussion will<br />

provide insight into how to address these behaviors within the context of school.<br />

Target Audience ............................................................................................................. KASEA, KASCD<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Cedar 204, Hyatt<br />

Presenter ...... David Eichler, Behavioral and Educational Consultant, Greenbush - Project STAY, Topeka<br />

david.eichler@greenbush.org<br />

❑ Tackling Education Construction Projects: Receiving the Most Value for Your Dollars<br />

Achieving a successful construction project is no easy task. There are numerous parts and pieces –<br />

fundamental processes – that must take place prior to the big reveal and excitement of the first day of<br />

school in the new facility. Focusing on the fundamentals while negotiating and executing your next<br />

contract will build a solid foundation that can support a project with less challenges.<br />

USD 305 Salina Schools recently achieved a $110.7 million bond program earning the district two major<br />

high school renovation projects (currently under construction). Kris Upson, Director of Bond Projects,<br />

along with his architect and construction manager, will discuss the steps he took to achieve this<br />

program:<br />

Obtaining the bond/funding<br />

Selecting the right delivery method and team based off the level of expertise available to the<br />

owner<br />

Ensuring a responsive and efficient design process that leads to a quality set of documents<br />

Adhering to a realistic budget and a schedule that accurately presents the performance period<br />

executing in a collaborative effort<br />

These crucial decisions made by owners who embark on construction projects can help overcome<br />

project challenges and ensure the community receives the most value for its investment.<br />

Target Audience .............................................................................................................................KASBO<br />

Location ............................................................................................................................. Oak 206, Hyatt<br />

Presenter ...............................................................Kris Upson, Director of Bond Projects, Salina USD 305<br />

kris.upson@usd305.org<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

9:30 – 10:15 a.m.<br />

❑ Be the Change – Making a Difference Beyond You<br />

Establishing a new school can be a very daunting task. Now finishing up our fifth year, Valley Center<br />

Intermediate School has overcome various obstacles and challenges in order to create a positive school<br />

culture that is beneficial for both students and staff. Drawing on inspiration from the Eleven Principles<br />

of Character Education, students and staff have worked diligently to create building-wide core values<br />

based on our school motto "Be the C.H.A.N.G.E.-Making a Difference Beyond You." During this<br />

session, we will discuss how we have utilized the Eleven Principles of Character Education as well as<br />

the Social, Emotional, and Character Development (SECD) standards to build a positive school culture<br />

that is focused on educating the "whole-child." Participants will walk away with ideas that they can<br />

implement in their own buildings or classrooms.<br />

Target Audience ........................................................................................................ KAMSA, KanSPRA<br />

Location ........................................................................................................................ Walnut 208, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ............................................................... Greg Lehr, Principal, Valley Center Schools USD 262<br />

greg.lehr@usd262.net<br />

Nicole Burdette, Counselor, Valley Center Intermediate School USD 262<br />

Katie Orr, Interventionist, Valley Center Intermediate School USD 262<br />

❑ Current Administrative Perceptions of the Role of the School Counselor<br />

In 2015, all administrators in Kansas were surveyed regarding their perception of the current role of<br />

school counselors within their building. The study involved over 500 building administrators from<br />

elementary, middle, and high schools across rural, suburban, and urban districts across all of Kansas.<br />

This presentation will discuss the findings, beliefs, and current trends regarding school counseling<br />

across the state, and implications for schools and students.<br />

Target Audience ................................................................................................................ KCTE, KASPA<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Osage 207, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ......................................... Jessica J. Lane, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Kansas State University<br />

jjj3636@ksu.edu<br />

Robert L. Kircher, Ed.D., Assistant Professor, Emporia State University<br />

Gregory L. Bohner, MA, Kansas State University<br />

❑ Innovation and Design with 3-D Printing<br />

3D printing offers a rich way to enhance and reinforce science, technology, engineering, art, math, and<br />

design with learning by doing experiences that help prepare students for their future. Max will share<br />

about his experience as an administrator with integrating 3D printing into college and career ready<br />

education. This session introduces free and powerful learning tools including design software to get 3D<br />

printing started in your school.<br />

Target Audience ............................................................................................................................... KCTE<br />

Location ............................................................................................................................. Oak 206, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ................. Max Heinrichs, Director of College and Career Readiness, ESSDACK, Hutchinson<br />

maxh@essdack.org<br />

Katie Gillmore, ESSDACK<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

❑ Managing Aggressive Behavior<br />

Usually the thought of working with an aggressive person stirs strong emotions in each of us. We may<br />

respond with fear, anger, confusion, or a combination of emotions. Although we are often able to<br />

understand the causes of aggression and violent behavior, few of us were taught to effectively address<br />

such behavior.<br />

How we go about working with a youth acting aggressively affects our ability to successfully stop the<br />

behavior, as well as influence how the person acts in the future. Because young people are highly<br />

impressionable and vulnerable, we must be extremely sensitive to the impact of our interventions<br />

and/or non-interventions.<br />

As service providers we are held liable for our behavior with students. We, therefore, need<br />

standardized and universally accepted information and training in effective intervention methods. Using<br />

effective intervention techniques is very important in providing quality service to students, in protecting<br />

school personnel, and in being accountable to the community.<br />

In addition, staff need direction in how to proceed. It is necessary that their efforts are supported by<br />

district leaders and policy. Managing Aggressive Behavior training is designed to help improve the<br />

quality of service provided to children, youth, and their families by strengthening workers’ skills, and<br />

preparing them to prevent and intervene in the aggressive behavior of students.<br />

With changes in Kansas legislation involving juvenile justice reform, come join in the discussion about<br />

how we can support all students, families, and the staff moving forward in our districts.<br />

Target Audience ............................................................................................................................. KASEA<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Cedar 204, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ........................................... Jeremy Warren, Certified Trainer, Managing Aggressive Behavior,<br />

National Resource Center for Youth Services, Eudora<br />

j.j.warren82@ gmail.com<br />

Jean Carpenter-Williams, NRCYS, Tulsa, OK<br />

Corey Grame, USD 501, Center for Restorative Education, Topeka<br />

Melanie Reser, USD 321, Rossville<br />

❑ Research on Preventing Theft in School Fundraising and Student Activities<br />

According to data from parentbooster.org, one-in-12 shoppers will steal. Given this new dynamic in<br />

America, what can school leaders do to protect their organization? Attendees will have the opportunity<br />

to discuss who steals and why, and how to stop it. They will learn how theft occurs because of high trust<br />

levels, lax financial controls, and failure to enforce any financial control policies.<br />

Target Audience .............................................................................................................................KASBO<br />

Location ........................................................................................................................... Birch 203, Hyatt<br />

Presenters .................................... Rob Scheib, Asst. Supt. for Business, Emporia Public Schools USD 253<br />

rob.scheib@usd253.net<br />

Keva Scheib, Principal, Emporia Public Schools USD 253<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

❑ Small Group Math Stations: Fraction Action for All<br />

Join Renee' for this hands-on session and experience a differentiated math station structure that can be<br />

used in K-8 classrooms. This structure allows students to become independent learners by moving when<br />

ready, rather than on a bell, and provides the teacher time to work with students in a small group setting<br />

for intervention or enrichment. During this session, participants will experience fraction activities<br />

aligned to the KCCRS but the structure works with all math concepts.<br />

Target Audience .............................................................................................................................KASCD<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Maple 205, Hyatt<br />

Presenter ............................................. Renee' Smith, Math Educational Specialist, ESSDACK, Hutchinson<br />

reneesmith@essdack.org<br />

10:30 – 11:15 a.m.<br />

❑ Connecting the Dots: Helping Students Connect the Classroom to Their Lives<br />

During this learning cluster Adrienne will shed light on the disconnect between the classroom and the<br />

work force. What are the basic life skills our students are missing? How do we get our students<br />

interested, get our students to take ownership in their education/future, and squeeze more information<br />

into our already packed schedule? Learn what the average employee to the successful business owner<br />

are saying about the basic life skills missing from their own educations and what employers are noticing<br />

is missing in the new generation of people's education. Learn some tactical and easy solutions to better<br />

equip your students for a successful and profitable future.<br />

Target Audience .............................................................................................................. KAMSA, KCTE<br />

Location ........................................................................................................................ Walnut 208, Hyatt<br />

Presenter ............................. Adrienne Bulinski, Youth Motivational Speaker, Be Known LLC, Arvada, CO<br />

ab@adriennebulinski.com<br />

❑ E-rate 2.0: Modernizing Your E-Rate Paradigm<br />

Recent changes to the federal E-Rate funding program require us to re-think how we approach E-Rate<br />

funding. E-Rate funding changes such as Category 1 funding changes, Category 2 budgets, eligibility<br />

for Managed Services funding, and tips for facilitating the process will all be discussed!<br />

Target Audience .............................................................................................................................KASBO<br />

Location ............................................................................................................................. Oak 206, Hyatt<br />

Presenter ................................................................................. Melinda Stanley, Membership Development,<br />

Kansas Research and Education Network, Lawrence<br />

mstanley@kanren.net<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

❑ Reality U- Financial Literacy for Teens and for Our Future<br />

Imagine being able to see 10 years into your future. That's what you can do through the eyes of a 15-<br />

year-old in this fast-paced financial literacy exercise. You are challenged to make ends meet as you<br />

navigate child care, transportation, groceries, utilities, etc. just like your students. Reality U meets many<br />

KSDE Financial Literacy standards, but more importantly, by aligning their current GPA to their desired<br />

lifestyle, they realize the importance of school performance and completion.<br />

Target Audience .............................................................................................................................KASCD<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Maple 205, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ............................................... Nancy Hinten, Executive Director, The Pando Initiative, Wichita<br />

nhinten@thepandoinitiative.org<br />

Susan Hussey, Retired Principal Wichita USD 259<br />

Seth Houston, Social Studies Teacher and Team Leader, USD 259, Brooks Middle<br />

❑ Retention of Licensed Educators and the Influence of a Servant Leader<br />

Retention of licensed educators has been a concern for many school districts as there is now greater<br />

competition than ever before occurring between districts as well as with other states. A retention and<br />

recruitment committee was formed in USD #253 to increase retention and to recruit high quality<br />

applicants. This presentation is an outcome of an action research project that examined why licensed<br />

educators stay in their position and profession, as opposed to what factors influence them to leave.<br />

Examination of having a principal as a servant leader was determined to be a factor that influenced<br />

teacher retention and was further investigated through an electronic survey, exit interview information,<br />

and trends in the quantitative retention data from the district. Participants will be provided researchbased<br />

recommendations with the goal of increasing retention in their districts.<br />

Target Audience ............................................................................................................................. KASPA<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Cedar 204, Hyatt<br />

Presenter .............................. Allison Anderson Harder, Principal, Walnut Elementary, Emporia USD 253<br />

allison.harder@usd253.net<br />

❑ When Bullying and FAPE Collide<br />

Student bullying situations have historically been considered an administrative issue that is not<br />

addressed by IEP and 504 teams. However, several recent cases and administrative decisions have<br />

revealed the trend to characterize bullying as a discrimination issue and/or a denial of FAPE. This trend<br />

impacts the manner in which bullying of disabled students must be addressed in order to minimize the<br />

district’s exposure and liability.<br />

Target Audience ......................................................................................................... Principals, KASEA<br />

Location ........................................................................................................................... Birch 203, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ................................................................................. Shellie Guin, Attorney, Guin Mundorf, LLC<br />

bmeyer@gmschoollaw.com<br />

Bryan Meyer, Attorney, Guin Mundorf, LLC<br />

Jessica Bernard, Attorney, Guin Mundorf, LLC, Kansas City<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.<br />

❑ Grab & Go Lunch/Vendor Sessions - American Fidelity ..................................... Redbud 210A, Hyatt<br />

Specific information was not available before the program went to press, but American Fidelity<br />

will be discussing success stories and what they can offer to your district during this Grab & Go<br />

Lunch Session.<br />

❑ Grab & Go Lunch/Vendor Sessions – Edgenuity ................................................ Cypress 209 B, Hyatt<br />

Specific information was not available before the program went to press, but Edgenuity will be<br />

discussing success stories and what they can offer to your district during this Grab & Go Lunch<br />

Session.<br />

❑ Grab & Go Lunch/Vendor Sessions - Insuring Success........................................Redbud 210 B, Hyatt<br />

Insuring Success is fast becoming the #1 supplemental insurance provider for educators.<br />

“Our 3 year old boy was diagnosed with Leukemia just over a year ago. Chad and his company have<br />

been wonderful. They deposit money into our account. It’s been that simple. We chose the policy solely<br />

for the payback feature. Thank goodness because it has been a tremendous comfort financially this last<br />

year.” -High School Teacher<br />

“It makes sense to connect Insuring Success with staff. There is no paperwork on our end and if plans<br />

aren’t used they are 100% refundable. It’s a win-win for everyone.” -Superintendent<br />

“It is nice to work with a professional agent who provides excellent coverage to our staff as well as<br />

strong follow-up. Products which are available for educators that are this good do not come around<br />

very often.” -Superintendent<br />



$250 VALUE<br />





Uniting Leadership<br />

❑ Grab & Go Lunch/Vendor Sessions – Nabholz ................................................... Cypress 209 A, Hyatt<br />

Specific information was not available before the program went to press, but Nabholz will be<br />

discussing success stories and what they can offer to your district during this Grab & Go Lunch<br />

Session.<br />

Grab & Go Lunch/Vendor Sessions - Piper Jaffray..............................................................Eagle E, Hyatt<br />

Specific information was not available before the program went to press, but Piper Jaffray will<br />

be discussing success stories and what they can offer to your district during this Grab & Go<br />

Lunch Session.<br />

12:45 – 1:30 p.m.<br />

❑ 504 Training<br />

The Top 10 Questions You Need to Ask About Section 504 - The number of students requiring Section<br />

504 plans has increased over the last few years. Schools often find themselves struggling to understand<br />

their responsibilities under this law. Join Lori Church, KASB attorney, in exploring the questions you<br />

need to be asking about Section 504.<br />

Target Audience ......................................................................................................... Principals, KASEA<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Cedar 204, Hyatt<br />

Presenter ......................................... Lori Church, Attorney, Kansas Association of School Boards, Topeka<br />

lchurch@kasb.org<br />

❑ Are Your Students Tech Ready?<br />

This session will focus on what today's students need in order to be technology ready. We will cover the<br />

piloting and rolling out of a 1:1 device initiative, how to get teacher input and buy-in, and how to create<br />

a program that focuses on the career readiness of students in the ever-changing world of information<br />

technology.<br />

Target Audience ............................................................................................................... KASCD, KCTE<br />

Location ............................................................................................................................. Oak 206, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ................................ Teresa Lacock, Technology Coordinator/Testing Coordinator/PDC Chair<br />

USD 321 Kaw Valley Schools<br />

lacockt@kawvalley.k12.ks.us<br />

Kerry Lacock, Superintendent USD 321 Kaw Valley Schools<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

❑ Executing Instructional Leadership Through Effective Feedback!<br />

Educational Leaders understand the importance and value of instructional leadership. However, despite<br />

the best of intentions a principal's ability to execute those strategies into the fabric of their daily routine<br />

remains elusive. The READ framework is designed to maximize teacher development and focus on key<br />

initiatives by prioritizing and protecting time for instructional leadership, providing effective feedback<br />

to leverage teacher development and to develop each teacher in your building.<br />

Target Audience ......................................................................................................................... Principals<br />

Location ........................................................................................................................... Birch 203, Hyatt<br />

Presenters .......................................................... Dr. Bret Church, Owner, King Prawn Consulting, Lenexa<br />

bret.church@gmail.com<br />

Pete Bastian, Principal, West Elementary, Valley Center USD 262<br />

❑ Facility Assessment Flyover<br />

Learn ways to stay on top of facilities and what your team(s) need to help accomplish – from outside<br />

consultants to contractors to architects to the internal facilities team and even the administration’s team.<br />

This will be a lively interactive discussion that will benefit all the voices at the table regardless of a<br />

district’s size. We’ll focus on how to take tried and true assessment planning tools that can help you<br />

project the knowns and some unknowns to mitigate issues down the road. We’ll start the session at a<br />

50,000’ look and we’ll also peer into the some tried and true processes. You’ll hear from 20+ year<br />

veteran Tyler Clubb who knows how to build the watch as well as how to tell the time. Together with<br />

Tyler, Justin adds a bottom line / solution-focused approach. He and Tyler have worked together for<br />

10+ years. Justin’s empathic communication style has opened many doors to winning relationships<br />

across every spectrum.<br />

Target Audience ................................................................................................... KASBO, KSSA, KCTE<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Osage 207, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ..................... Justin Durham, AIA, NCARB, Client Leader, Hollis + Miller, Lee’s Summit, MO<br />

jdurham@hollisandmiller.com<br />

Jennifer Baldridge, APR, Director of Corporate Communications + Marketing, Hollis + Miller<br />

Tyler Clubb, Assistant Director of Facilities, Shawnee Mission USD 512<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

❑ Help Your Students Get Career Ready with ACT WorkKeys<br />

ACT WorkKeys is a job skills assessment system that helps employers select, hire, train, develop, and<br />

retain a high-performance workforce. As part of ACT's Work Readiness System, ACT WorkKeys has<br />

helped millions of people in high schools, colleges, professional associations, businesses, and<br />

government agencies build their skills to increase global competitiveness and develop successful career<br />

pathways. Successful completion of ACT WorkKeys assessments in Applied Mathematics, Locating<br />

Information, and Reading for Information can lead to earning ACT's National Career Readiness<br />

Certificate (ACT NCRC), a portable credential earned by more than 2.3 million people across the United<br />

States. This session will provide an overview of the ACT WorkKeys assessment system and the ACT<br />

NCRC. In addition, you will also learn about how McPherson USD 418 is currently using ACT<br />

WorkKeys and the NCRC as they work to gain status as a Work Ready Community.<br />

Target Audience ............................................................................................................ Principals, KCTE<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Maple 205, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ................................................................Lisa Wolf, Account Executive, ACT, Inc, Iowa City, IA<br />

lisa.wolf@act.org<br />

Angie McDonald, Director of Instruction, McPherson USD 418<br />

❑ Superintendents Serve as Reading Leaders<br />

Increasing numbers of superintendents are serving as reading leaders in their communities and are also<br />

tapping into the power of family literacy by leading the One District-One Book program in their school<br />

districts. The One District-One Book program was created by Read to Them, an AASA School<br />

Solutions Center partner. One District-One Book connects homes, schools, and communities by<br />

engaging elementary students and their families in reading the same children’s book at the same time.<br />

This session will feature a presentation about the Great Bend USD 428 One District-One Book program<br />

that was rolled out in September 2015, and how you can become a reading leader in your district and<br />

community.<br />

Target Audience ............................................................................................ KSSA, KASCD, KanSPRA<br />

Location ............................................................................................................ Chisholm Stimson, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ..................................................... Brad Reed, Superintendent of Schools, Great Bend USD 428<br />

brad.reed@usd428.net<br />

Tricia Reiser, Principal Eisenhower Elementary, Great Bend USD 428<br />

JoAnn Blevins, Principal Riley Elementary, Great Bend USD 428<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

❑ Top Ten Legal Mistakes Administrators Make<br />

As the legal issues in public education continue to expand, the legal requirements and potential pitfalls<br />

associated with being an administrator also increase. In this session, using practical examples, we will<br />

identify the top 10 most common legal mistakes made by administrators and provide guidance on how to<br />

avoid them. Attendees will leave with a list of common mistakes along with action that may be taken to<br />

avoid them or to minimize the legal risk.<br />

Target Audience ..................................................................................................................................... All<br />

Location ........................................................................................................................ Walnut 208, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ..................................................... Jessica Bernard, Attorney, Guin Mundorf, LLC, Kansas City<br />

bmeyer@gmschoollaw.com<br />

Shellie Guin, Attorney, Guin Mundorf, LLC<br />

Bryan Meyer, Attorney, Guin Mundorf, LLC<br />

1:45 - 2:30 p.m.<br />

❑ Becoming Future Ready: Positioning Your District for Digital Learning Excellence!<br />

A Don't Miss for districts planning or broadening digital learning implementations! Join us for a<br />

conversation with National Ed Tech Leaders from the US Dept. of Education's Office of Educational<br />

Technology who share the National Ed Tech Plan and Future Ready Initiative's robust tools and<br />

resources for district leaders to strategically plan and implement digital learning opportunities.<br />

Target Audience .............................................................................................................................KASCD<br />

Location ............................................................................................................................. Oak 206, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ............................................................................... Melinda Stanley, Membership Development,<br />

Kansas Research and Education Network, Lawrence<br />

mstanley@kanren.net<br />

Katrina Stevens, Deputy Director, USDoE Office of Ed Tech<br />

Takecia Saylor, Deputy Director, USDoE Office of Career<br />

❑ Having an Impact on Learning: The Public Relations Professional and the Principal<br />

Based on Kelly and Matt’s new book, this session will help education leaders understand how to use<br />

situations to see both the public relations point-of-view and the principal point-of-view when faced with<br />

certain topics. Intuitively we know that principals and public relations people should always be on the<br />

same page, but practically it might be a bit tougher.<br />

Target Audience ..................................................................................................... Principals, KanSPRA<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Cedar 204, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ............. Kelly Wachel, Public Relations Director, Center School District in South Kansas City<br />

kwachel@center.k12.mo.us<br />

Matt Wachel, Assistant Principal, Park Hill School District<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

❑ Maximizing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Your School Counselors<br />

Historically, school counselors were initially focused primarily at the high school level and on guidance<br />

activities. However, as student needs have evolved, school counselor preparation programs have adapted<br />

to the diverse developmental needs of students at P-12 levels. Today, professional school counselors are<br />

prepared in the areas of personal-social, academic, and career domains to serve all students at the<br />

elementary, middle, and high school levels through a proactive, comprehensive school.<br />

Target Audience ............................................................................................ Principals, KCTE, KASEA<br />

Location ........................................................................................................................ Walnut 208, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ........................................... Robert L. Kircher, Ed.D., LCPC, NCC, NCSC, Assistant Professor,<br />

Emporia State University<br />

rkircher@emporia.edu<br />

Jessica J. Lane, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School Counseling, Kansas State University<br />

Gregory L. Bohner, M.A., Kansas State University<br />

❑ Meeting Needs of New Kansas Leaders Through Quality Mentoring and Induction<br />

With new Mentoring & Induction guidelines by KSDE, field practitioners need to understand effective<br />

components in mentoring and induction programs for new leaders in Kansas and how these components<br />

provide critical support to developing leadership capacity that positively impacts school districts.<br />

Support for new leaders in their initial years of practice is delivered through face-to-face, on-site visits<br />

by experienced and trained Kansas leaders as a part of the Kansas Educational Leadership Institute<br />

(KELI). The individualized approach and program structure provided by KELI aligns to national and<br />

state leadership standards and consistently demonstrates a high level of satisfaction among participants.<br />

The session facilitator will provide a platform for discussion on current issues, how mentoring can help<br />

new leaders understand their role in establishing a learning-focused culture, and why new leaders must<br />

have support from trained mentors to embrace today's educational environments.<br />

Target Audience ................................................................................................................................ KSSA<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Maple 205, Hyatt<br />

Presenter .......................... Donna Augustine-Shaw, Asst. Professor & KELI Staff, Kansas State University<br />

donna5@ksu.edu<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

❑ PBIS in an MTSS Elementary: Challenges and Successes<br />

Holton USD 336 recently made a commitment to implementing a Positive Behavior Intervention<br />

Support (PBIS) system at both Central and Colorado Elementary schools, which will consolidate into<br />

the new Holton Elementary School in 2016. The process started with a dedicated group of teachers<br />

willing to adopt a growth-mindset in order to nurture positive behaviors in students and bring colleagues<br />

together as a team. Our program has capitalized on the strength of the town's community to help<br />

students learn "soft-skills" that are currently emphasized in our state's conversations about education.<br />

This session will detail the strategies involved in bringing a system of behavioral interventions to<br />

students, staff and patrons, as well as the challenges and successes experienced during our first year of<br />

implementation. There will also be time to periodically reflect on participants' current systems of<br />

behavior interventions, collaboratively share ideas and determine any changes that can be made.<br />

Target Audience ............................................................................................................................. KAESP<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Osage 207, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ............ Joseph Kelly, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent, Elementary Principal, Holton USD 336<br />

j.kelly@holtonks.net<br />

Beth Smith, Elementary Principal, Holton USD 336<br />

❑ Plan for the Future & Reduce Risk!<br />

Democracy works, but it isn’t easy! We invite you to come and learn how a well-designed Facilities<br />

Master Plan can benefit you, the community and most importantly; our kids.<br />

Target Audience ................................................................................................................ KSSA, KASBO<br />

Location ............................................................................................................ Chisholm Stimson, Hyatt<br />

Presenter ......................................................................................................................................... P1 Group<br />

❑ The Millennial Generation: Considerations for School Districts<br />

Millennials represented 35% of the workforce in 2015. They are now the largest generation represented<br />

in the workplace and they are growing. The educational community has been slow to adjust with this<br />

new reality. This session will focus on characteristics and values of millennials and the impact they<br />

could have on professional development, budgets, recruiting, and retention. Join us to consider whether<br />

your district or school understands the millennials.<br />

Target Audience ............................................................................................................................. KASPA<br />

Location ........................................................................................................................... Birch 203, Hyatt<br />

Presenters .......................................................... Dr. Bret Church, Owner, King Prawn Consulting, Lenexa<br />

bret.church@gmail.com<br />

Rena Duewel, Principal, Journey School of Choice, Turner USD 202<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

2:45 - 3:30 p.m.<br />

❑ Having an Impact on Learning: The Public Relations Professional and the Principal<br />

Based on Kelly and Matt’s new book, this session will help education leaders understand how to use<br />

situations to see both the public relations point-of-view and the principal point-of-view when faced with<br />

certain topics. Intuitively we know that principals and public relations people should always be on the<br />

same page, but practically it might be a bit tougher.<br />

Target Audience ..................................................................................................... Principals, KanSPRA<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Cedar 204, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ............. Kelly Wachel, Public Relations Director, Center School District in South Kansas City<br />

kwachel@center.k12.mo.us<br />

Matt Wachel, Assistant Principal, Park Hill School District<br />

❑ Helping School Leaders Plan for Integration of Transgender Students<br />

In an ever increasing multicultural society, people are often faced with those who are different than<br />

themselves. Transgender students challenge many parents, educators and community members to<br />

rethink our understanding of gender as universally fixed at birth. School leaders play a vital role in<br />

developing policies and practices that are consistent with school non-discrimination policies, while<br />

staying within the federal law guidelines and building a school culture of understanding and respect for<br />

all students. Objectives for this workshop include:<br />

Understanding of the LGBTQ youth and what the acronyms mean<br />

Navigating school facilities to provide for safe places for our LGBTQ students<br />

Educating staff on best practices for working with LGBTQ<br />

Understanding our professional responsibilities in providing an equitable education<br />

Target Audience ....................................................................................................................... All Leaders<br />

Location ............................................................................................................ Chisholm Stimson, Hyatt<br />

Presenters .......................................... Sharlene Ramsey, Consultant, Smoky Hill Education Service Center<br />

sramsey@smokyhill.org<br />

Noalee Mcdonald-Augustine, Consultant, Smoky Hill Education Service Center<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

❑ Let’s Build the Skills that Matter Most<br />

Research in education, psychology, and economics suggest non-cognitive skills like grit, growth<br />

mindset, and self-control are key predictors of numerous positive life outcomes such as academic<br />

achievement, physical and mental health, and positive labor market outcomes. But can these skills be<br />

explicitly taught and developed? Is it possible to help students become more self-motivated, disciplined,<br />

gritty, and resilient? Based on his research over the past seven years in attempting to answer these<br />

questions, Dr. Brian Davidson, founder and president of the Intrinsic Institute and passionate educator<br />

and developer of human potential, will share what he has learned in his attempts to measure and build<br />

the key skills driving human excellence in students, educators, and educational leaders throughout the<br />

United States.<br />

Throughout the presentation, Dr. Davidson will share the growing body of research supporting the need<br />

to develop non-cognitive skills in both students and educators. He will also discuss his groundbreaking<br />

research conducted at The University of Kansas examining the relationship between non-cognitive skills<br />

and transformational leadership in Kansas’ educational leaders. Finally, Dr. Davidson will highlight<br />

what can be done to best foster these incredibly important factors in both students and educators.<br />

Attendees will leave this session with a newfound knowledge of the importance of non-cognitive skills<br />

as well as a wealth of strategies they can use to develop this incredibly crucial set of skills in others. If<br />

you genuinely desire to help students develop the skills needed for a lifetime of success, you do not want<br />

to miss this session!<br />

Target Audience ................................................................................................ KASSP, KASCD, KCTE<br />

Location ........................................................................................................................ Walnut 208, Hyatt<br />

Presenter .................................................................. Dr. Brian Davidson, Teacher/President and Founder,<br />

Gardner Edgerton High School/Intrinsic Institute, Gardner Edgerton USD 231<br />

davidsonb@usd231.com<br />

❑ School Funding/Legislature Q&A<br />

School district advocate Mark Tallman will review the major issues of the 2016 Legislative session, the<br />

status of school funding; school finance litigation and the Legislature's response; and preview the 2016<br />

primary and general elections races.<br />

Target Audience ....................................................................................................................... All Leaders<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Osage 207, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ............................................. Mark Tallman, Associate Esecutive Director for Advocacy, KASB<br />

mtallman@kasb.org<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

❑ The K-12 Technology Ecosystem: Trends & Challenges for K-12: What District Leaders Need<br />

to Know<br />

K-12 Districts are challenged with one of the most complex technology ecosystems that exist--from<br />

managing services, software and apps for the vast range of instructional needs to supporting a complex<br />

range of operational, administrative, and management systems. Presenters will share the current/future<br />

trends shaping the Ed Tech landscape and provide K-12 district leaders with insights to assist them in<br />

addressing challenges in shifts to virtual/cloud computing, cybersecurity and IT Staffing.<br />

Target Audience .............................................................................................................................KASBO<br />

Location ............................................................................................................................. Oak 206, Hyatt<br />

Presenters<br />

Melinda Stanley, Membership Development,<br />

Kansas Research and Education Network, Lawrence<br />

mstanley@kanren.net<br />

Leslie Rullman, Technology Director for USD 114 Riverside<br />

Daniel Hinrichsen, Technology Coordinator for Keystone Learning Services<br />

Tom Sextro, Technology Director for USD 336, Holton<br />

❑ Three Keys to Lessen Stress in Leadership<br />

Is your passion for work decreasing? Are you drained at the end of the day? Is your stress level high? Is<br />

your school culture being drained by the constant demands and politics? If you answered yes to any of<br />

these questions...Join us to find out how to increase energy and satisfaction within yourself and the<br />

culture of your organization. Participants will:<br />

<br />

<br />

determine what triggers stress<br />

heighten your awareness of your energy and engagement and how it impacts individuals, teams,<br />

and organizations<br />

Target Audience ............................................................................................................................ KAMSA<br />

Location ........................................................................................................................... Birch 203, Hyatt<br />

Presenters .................................................. Tammy Fellers, Education Consultant, ESSDACK, Hutchinson<br />

tammyfellers@essdack.org<br />

Tamara Konrade, Professional Learning Team Lead, ESSDACK<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />

❑ To Take a Sick Day or to Go to a PD Day? That is the Question!<br />

Is staff energy and enthusiasm for professional development flagging in your district/school? Are you<br />

wanting your staff excited to engage in robust professional learning? If so, come and learn how to<br />

incorporate the essential elements of personalized learning, in a blended format, to add new energy,<br />

enthusiasm and staff engagement in your professional learning opportunities. You just may end up with<br />

staff requesting to use their sick days to engage extra PD… it happened to us!<br />

Target Audience ......................................................................................................... Principals, KASCD<br />

Location .......................................................................................................................... Maple 205, Hyatt<br />

Presenters ....................... Kirsten Wondra, Assistant Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment,<br />

Lawrence USD 497<br />

kwondra@usd497.org<br />

Angelique Nedved, Assistant Superintendent, Lawrence USD 497<br />



Uniting Leadership<br />


Hosted by Jostens<br />

4:30 – 6:00 p.m.<br />

Riverview Ballroom, Hyatt<br />

Join us for heavy appetizers and drinks in the Riverview Ballroom. Meet up with your friends,<br />

colleagues and retired colleagues before going out to dinner on your own. We will also recognize Gene<br />

Haydock for his years of service to KASSP as their executive director. As many of you know Gene will<br />

retire June 30 of this year.<br />


Sponsored by Lifetouch National School Studios<br />

9:00 p.m. – Midnight<br />

Redbud 210ABC, Hyatt<br />


FRIDAY, JUNE 10<br />

Uniting Leadership<br />


❑ Kansas Association of Elementary School Principals<br />

Board of Directors<br />

7:15 – 9:00 a.m................................................................................................................................ Eagle B<br />

Presiding .................................................................................................................... John Befort, President<br />

❑ Kansas Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development<br />

Board of Directors<br />

7:30 - 9:00 a.m. ............................................................................................................................... Eagle C<br />

Presiding ...............................................................................................................Christie Meyer, President<br />

❑ Kansas Association of Secondary School Principals<br />

Board of Directors<br />

7:15 - 9:00 a.m. ............................................................................................................................... Eagle A<br />

Presiding ...........................................................................................................Amy McAnarney, President<br />

❑ Kansas School Superintendents Association<br />

Board of Directors<br />

7:30 - 9:00 a.m. ............................................................................................................. Chisholm Stimson<br />

Presiding ................................................................................................................ Destry Brown, President<br />


FRIDAY, JUNE 10<br />

Uniting Leadership<br />


8:15 a.m. - Breakfast<br />

9:00 a.m. – Deputy Commissioner Dale Dennis<br />

9:30 a.m. – Kansas Education Commissioner Dr. Randy Watson<br />

10:00 a.m. - Dr. Monte Selby<br />

Eagle Ballroom, Hyatt<br />

Dr. Monte Selby lives in Colorado, but has his roots in education as a former Kansas teacher, principal<br />

and professor. He works as a trainer and consultant, has keynoted numerous national and international<br />

conferences, and written music with nearly 35,000 K-12 grade students. On the creative side, he’s coauthored<br />

eight books and composed over 100 published songs, including “Check Your Attitude”,<br />

included on the 2012 Grammy Award winning Best Children’s Album. Over one thousand<br />

performances, workshops and leadership presentations have left audiences laughing, singing, and<br />

applauding across North America, Asia and Europe. Hundreds of educators have evaluated Monte's<br />

sessions as, "the most engaging presentation I've ever attended!”<br />

Presiding ........................................................................................ Steve Splichal, President, USA|Kansas<br />

Introduction of the Performance .........................................G.A. Buie, Executive Director, USA|Kansas<br />

Adjournment ................................................................................. Steve Splichal, President, USA|Kansas<br />



Thank You to our 2016 Convention Exhibitors<br />

ACT, Inc**<br />

AdvancED Kansas<br />

A-Lert Roof Systems<br />

Allegion<br />

Allen Community College<br />

American Fidelity Assurance Company**<br />

AR Commercial Roofing LLC*<br />

ATHCO<br />

Benchmark, Inc<br />

Beynon Sports<br />

BG Consultants Inc*<br />

Cardiac Science<br />

Circle C Paving & Construction LLC<br />

Commair Inc*<br />

Commercial Laundry Sales & Service<br />

Cox Business<br />

Desco Coatings<br />

ECCHIC<br />

Edgenuity**<br />

Educational Design Solutions*<br />

Electronic Contracting Company<br />

Emporia State Univ Graduate School<br />

Energy Solutions Professionals*<br />

Fisher Tracks Inc<br />

Friends University<br />

Gabbart Communications*<br />

GCA Services Group Inc<br />

George K. Baum & Company**<br />

Heartland Seating Inc<br />

Hollis + Miller Architects<br />

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt<br />

Howard & Helmer Architects*<br />

HTK Architects<br />

Illuminate Education<br />

Insuring Success**<br />

Integrated Consulting Engineers<br />

Inter-State Studio and Publishing Company<br />

JE Dunn Construction<br />

Josten's Inc** *<br />

KAESA<br />

KAHPERD*<br />

Kansas Association of School Boards<br />

Kansas City Audio Visual<br />

Kansas Council on Economic Education<br />

Kansas Fiber Network (KsFiberNet)<br />

Kansas State University Global Campus<br />

Knipp Services<br />

Lifetouch National School Studios Inc**<br />

Master's Transportation Inc<br />

McConnell & Associates Corporation<br />

McCownGordon Construction<br />

Meridian Roofing Solutions, LLC<br />

Mid-American Courtworks<br />

Mid-Continental Restoration Co Inc<br />

Mid-States School Equipment Co Inc<br />

Midwest Bus Sales Inc<br />

Midwest Transit Equipment Inc<br />

Musco Sports Lighting<br />

Navitas<br />

OFG Financial Services Inc** *<br />

PBA Architects P.A.<br />

Piper Jaffray **<br />

Power Prep Inc<br />

Prairie View Inc<br />

Pur-O-Zone<br />

Qualite Sports Lighting<br />

Riggs Recreation Equipment Inc<br />

SafeDefend, LLC<br />

Sandifer Engineering<br />

School Specialty Inc<br />

SectorNow LLC<br />

Simpson Construction Services<br />

SJCF Architecture<br />

SOCS Website Solutions & FES Mktg Services*<br />

Southwestern College<br />

Stanfield Roofing*<br />

Strawbridge Studios<br />

TeacherMatch, LLC*<br />

The Clark Enerson Partners<br />

The Garland Company Inc<br />

The Learning System*<br />

The Master Teacher<br />

Trane**<br />

Twotrees Technologies Inc<br />

Washington Roofing<br />

Wichita State University College of Ed<br />

WillSub*<br />

Wray Roofing Inc*<br />

**USA|Kansas Convention Sponsor<br />

*USA|Kansas Convention Raffle Sponsor<br />


USA|Kansas Staff<br />

G.A. Buie, Executive Director<br />

Kim Torrez, Coordinator of Membership Services<br />

Jessica Clark, Executive Assistant<br />

USA|Kansas Board of Directors<br />

Steve Splichal, Eudora, KASCD, President<br />

Donna Zerr, Augusta, KASSP, President-Elect<br />

Craig Wilford, Derby, KSSA, Past President<br />

Sue Givens, El Dorado, KSSA, Director<br />

Destry Brown, Pittsburg, KSSA, Director<br />

Glen Suppes, Smoky Valley - Lindsborg, KSSA, Director<br />

Cory Gibson, Valley Center, KSSA, Director<br />

Donna Schmidt, Topeka, KASSP, Director<br />

Brent Harrell, Conway Springs, KASSP, Director<br />

Pete Bastian, Valley Center, KAESP, Director<br />

Jeff White, Osawatomie, KAESP, Director<br />

Ryan Jilka, Goddard, KAMSA, Director<br />

Sean Cochran, Wamego, KASEA, Director<br />

Ann Matthews, Auburn-Washburn-Topeka, KASEA, Director<br />

Dan Brungardt, Bonner Springs, KASBO, Director<br />

Jimmy Hay, Paola, KASBO, Director<br />

Corbin Witt, Junction City, KASCD, Director<br />

Joe Ryan, Smoky Hill Ed Service Center - Salina, KCCTEA, Director<br />

Ron Harbaugh, Topeka, KanSPRA, Director<br />

Susan Scherling, Dodge City, KASPA, Director<br />

USA|Kansas Member Association Presidents<br />

John Befort, Ellis, KAESP<br />

Mary Wright, Junction City, KAMSA<br />

Destry Brown, Pittsburg, KSSA<br />

Diana Bredehoft, Fredonia, KASBO<br />

Christie Meyer, Goddard, KASCD<br />

Amy McAnarney, Lawrence, KASSP<br />

Rebekah Helget, Junction City KASEA<br />

P.J. Reilly, Valley Center, KCCTEA<br />

Kristin Magette, Eudora, KanSPRA<br />

Susan Scherling, Dodge City, KASPA<br />








Network & Stay Connected<br />

https://www.facebook.com/USAKansas<br />

@USAKansas<br />

#USAKS16<br />


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