Product Datasheet Tocotrienol VitaTrin™ Gelpells®

Product Datasheet Tocotrienol VitaTrin™ Gelpells®

Product Datasheet Tocotrienol VitaTrin™ Gelpells®


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<strong>Product</strong> <strong>Datasheet</strong><br />

<strong>Tocotrienol</strong> VitaTrin Gelpells ®<br />

<strong>Tocotrienol</strong>s<br />

<strong>Tocotrienol</strong>s are members of the vitamin E family, an essential nutrient<br />

for the body. Four tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta)<br />

and four tocotrienols (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta) are belonging<br />

to this group of fat-soluble vitamins.<br />

<strong>Tocotrienol</strong>s are natural components found at low levels in vegetable<br />

oils, wheat germ, barley, saw palmetto, and some nuts and grains.<br />

They are extracted and concentrated from palm oil.<br />

Chemically seen, the tocotrienols are antioxidants. One model for the<br />

function of the tocotrienols in the body is that they protect cell membranes,<br />

active enzyme sites, and DNA from free radical damage.<br />

<strong>Tocotrienol</strong>s can protect brain cell damage [1] , prevent cancer [2] and<br />

reduce cholesterol. [3] These biological characteristics, do not apply<br />

for Tocopherols. [4]<br />

On the other hand, symptoms caused by alpha-tocopherol deficiency<br />

can be alleviated by <strong>Tocotrienol</strong>s. <strong>Tocotrienol</strong>s may be seen as being<br />

members of the natural vitamin E family, not only structurally but<br />

also functionally.<br />

Dosage<br />

The effective dosage of VitaTrin-<strong>Tocotrienol</strong>s is 300 mg per day,<br />

which is equal to two capsules size “0” containing 420mg Pellets<br />

(36% tocotrienols load).<br />

Gelpells enhance bioavailability<br />

<strong>Tocotrienol</strong>s are insoluble in water. The bioavailability of<br />

the <strong>Tocotrienol</strong>s depends on the particle size of the oil<br />

droplets in water. The smaller the particle size, the<br />

higher is the surface for the absorption in the gut. The<br />

gelatin of the pellets is a natural polymer which is soluble<br />

in warm water. During this solution process the gelatin<br />

polymer is able to disperse the nutrients in water.<br />

This in-situ micro emulsion enhances the bioavailability<br />

of the nutrients. In clinical studies Gelpell found that the<br />

AUC of the plasma levels of fat soluble ingredients such<br />

as Q10, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K2 after oral supplementation<br />

in pellet form was increased by some 30% in<br />

comparison to softgel formulations. Piperine may be<br />

added to the GSM Oil pellet increasing the bioavailability<br />

of fat soluble ingredients by another 30% [5] .<br />

Advantages of the <strong>Tocotrienol</strong> Gelpells<br />

• Unique delivery form<br />

• Appealing pellets with a shiny surface<br />

• Regular shape and natural orange colour<br />

• Gelatin matrix 100% natural and digestible<br />

• Easy to fill into capsules, sticks or sachets<br />

• No colorants, additives or preservatives<br />

• Increased bioavailability<br />

<strong>Tocotrienol</strong> Gelpells<br />

(Load 36%)<br />

1. Sen CK, Khanna S, Roy S (March 2006). "<strong>Tocotrienol</strong>s: Vitamin E beyond tocopherols". Life Sciences 78 (18): 2088–98.<br />

2. Nesaretnam K (October 2008). "Multitargeted therapy of cancer by tocotrienols". Cancer Letters 269 (2): 388–95.<br />

3. Parker RA, Pearce BC, Clark RW, Gordon DA, Wright JJ (May 1993). "<strong>Tocotrienol</strong>s regulate cholesterol production in mammalian cells by post-transcriptional suppression of 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl-coenzyme<br />

A reductase". The Journal of Biological Chemistry 268 (15): 11230–8.<br />

4. Das S, Lekli I, Das M, et al. (February 2008). "Cardioprotection with palm oil tocotrienols: comparison of different isomers". American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology 294<br />

(2): H970–8.<br />

5. Badmaev, V., et al, "Piperine Derived from Black Pepper Increases the Plasma Levels of Coenzyme Q10 Following Oral Supplementation" J Nutr Biochem 11.2 (2000),109-13

<strong>Tocotrienol</strong> VitaTrin Gelpells ®<br />

<strong>Product</strong> 420 mg Pellets in a capsule size „0“<br />

Label claim 150 mg <strong>Tocotrienol</strong>s<br />

Raw material quality Active Ingredient <strong>Tocotrienol</strong>s VitaTrin<br />

(ex Lipid Nutrition)<br />

Gelatin food-grade bovine gelatin<br />

min. 86% protein content<br />

Phys. - chem. parameters Appearance round pellets, free-flowing<br />

Colour brownish-yellow<br />

Size > 95% between 1 - 2 mm<br />

Bulk density, loose app. 730 g / l<br />

Dissolution in water max. 30 minutes<br />

Nutritional values per 100 g Fat 23.2 g<br />

Protein 50.0 g<br />

Carbohydrates 0.0 g<br />

Energy 1’708 kJ (417 kcal)<br />

Microbiology fulfils Ph. Eur. 5.1.4<br />

TAMC max. 10'000 / g<br />

TYMC max. 100 / g<br />

Gram-negative, bile-<br />

tolerant bacteria max. 100 / g<br />

E. coli negative / g<br />

Staph. aureus negative / g<br />

Salmonella negative / 10g<br />

Contaminants Gelpells fulfil requirements for heavy metals and mycotoxins:<br />

Contaminants regulations (EC) No. 1881/2006 and 629/2008<br />

Other quality parameters GMO-free, not irradiated, no allergen, Gluten-free, Lactose-free<br />

We can fill the Gelpells in two-piece capsules and/or jars, e.g.:<br />

Hard gelatin capsule Size „0“, from Gelatin or HPMC<br />

Length 21.7 +/- 0.7 mm, weight (empty) 96 +/- 6 mg<br />

Fill weight 420 mg<br />

Daily dosage 2 capsules<br />

Price indication We would be pleased to provide a detailed offer<br />

June 18, 2010<br />

GELPELL AG Kirchbergerstrasse 10 CH-9534 Gähwil Switzerland<br />

Phone +41(0)71 932 13 33 Fax +41(0)71 932 13 34 info@gelpell.com www.gelpell.com

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