International Operating Engineer - Spring 2016

The quarterly magazine of the International Union of Operating Engineers.

The quarterly magazine of the International Union of Operating Engineers.


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Healthcare<br />

IUOE Nurses Keep Up the Fight for Patient Rights<br />

and Worker Rights<br />

IN APRIL, more than 200 JNESO District Council 1<br />

health care workers gathered for their biennial convention<br />

in Atlantic City. Members attended seminars on emerging<br />

issues in health care, addressed union matters, and earned<br />

the continuing education units (CEUs) required to keep their<br />

licenses current.<br />

“Every other year, JNESO membership gathers for<br />

our Convention and it demonstrates the strength and<br />

unity of our organization,” said Elfrieda Johnson, Board<br />

President of JNESO District Council 1. “Our successes at the<br />

bargaining table and in the legislative arena are rooted in the<br />

participation and active engagement of our members, and I<br />

am thrilled with the record turnout at this year’s Convention.”<br />

Throughout the four day convention, members discussed<br />

various issues at length. Three priority areas that were<br />

addressed are often inter-related—the need to codify safe<br />

nurse-to-patient staffing ratios; addressing violence in<br />

the workplace; and supporting the expansion of collective<br />

bargaining rights for healthcare workers.<br />

Safe Nurse-to-Patient Staffing Ratios<br />

Representing more than 5,000 health care workers in New<br />

Jersey and Pennsylvania, JNESO has long advocated for safe<br />

nurse-to-patient staffing ratios in hospitals and ambulatory<br />

care centers throughout both states.<br />

In December 2015, nurses and patient advocates took a<br />

step toward legislative victory when safe staffing legislation<br />

was posted for a vote before the New Jersey Assembly Health<br />

Committee. After more than twenty years, this bill was finally<br />

voted upon by a legislative committee, and JNESO nurses<br />

were there to share their first-hand experiences and be a<br />

strong voice for safe nurse-to-patient staffing ratios.<br />

While this was indeed an historic step forward, the fight<br />

for full passage of safe staffing ratios in both state capitals<br />

continues.<br />

Violence in the Workplace<br />

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration<br />

(OSHA) reports that over 2 million American workers are<br />

victims of workplace violence each year. The health care<br />

industry leads all other sectors in the incidence of nonfatal<br />

workplace assaults; particularly in emergency departments<br />

[above] JNESO Board members are sworn in at<br />

convention. L to R: Board President, Elfrieda Johnson,<br />

Board members Valerie-Clary Muronda and Regina<br />

DiSalvio.<br />

and in psychiatric settings. Nurses serve on the frontlines<br />

of health care delivery, and are often the targets of violent<br />

encounters - both verbal and physical. Workplace violence<br />

continues to be a serious occupational risk that requires<br />

targeted responses from employers, law enforcement, the<br />

community, and state legislators.<br />

Collective Bargaining for Health Care Workers<br />

Patients and their families expect nurses and other health<br />

care workers to fight for them at the bedside, even when it<br />

conflicts with the profit motive of hospital administrators,<br />

insurance companies, and others in the health care industry<br />

who put the bottom line above patient interest and safety.<br />

When unionized nurses are fighting for their patients, the<br />

union is fighting for our nurses.<br />

Charles Wowkanech, president of the New Jersey State<br />

AFL-CIO, which represents one million working men and<br />

women and their families, addressed the convention. “Nurses<br />

advocating for patients and safety are doing so because they<br />

have protection from retaliation as unionized nurses. They<br />

are asking for standards on behalf of every patient in New<br />

Jersey, and every nurse and health care worker who cannot<br />

speak up. Their voices need to be heard!”<br />

10<br />


SPRING <strong>2016</strong> 11

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