GRAVITATION - Indian tradition

GRAVITATION - Indian tradition

GRAVITATION - Indian tradition


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<strong>GRAVITATION</strong> -<br />

<strong>Indian</strong> <strong>tradition</strong><br />

V C Kuriakose<br />

CUSAT, Kochi

►Gravity Gravity is one of those things we take<br />

completely for granted.<br />

► it is always there,<br />

► it never changes

►Chronology Chronology of developments of<br />

physics and astronomy<br />

►Greek Greek’s s thoughts (Aristotle)<br />

►Nicholas Nicholas Copernicus((AD<br />

Copernicus( (AD 1473 – 1543,<br />

Poland) Poland<br />

►John John Kepler<br />

(AD 1571- 1571 1630,Germany)<br />

►Galileo Galileo (AD1564-1642, (AD1564 1642, Italy)<br />

►Isaac Isaac Newton (1642-1727, (1642 1727, UK)

►Kanada Kanada (Kanad)<br />

►<br />

Kanad) - around BC 600<br />

- Father of atomic theory:<br />

- In his text, the Vaisheshik Darshana, Darshana he describes an<br />

atomic theory<br />

more than a century before Democritus<br />

- All objects were composed of nine elements:<br />

earth water light wind<br />

ether time space mind soul.<br />

- Gurutva (gravitation<br />

( gravitation) ) was responsible for the falling<br />

of objects on the Earth.

Aryabhatta born in (AD 476 –<br />

►<br />

550) .

Statue of<br />

Aryabhata<br />

on the grounds<br />

of<br />

IUCAA, Pune.

► Aryabhata<br />

is the father of the Hindu-Arabic<br />

Hindu Arabic or<br />

the Decimal number system<br />

- the Earth to spin on its axis, the planets move with<br />

respect to the Sun.<br />

- the Earth's circumference and diameter,<br />

- explained the lunar eclipse and solar eclipse<br />

- measured radius of the planetary orbits in terms of<br />

the radius of the Earth/Sun orbit<br />

- their periods of rotation around the Sun.<br />

- orbits of the planets around the Sun are ellipses.<br />

Aryabhatta's master piece, the Aryabhattiya,<br />

Aryabhattiya,<br />

was translated into Latin in the 13th century

►Varahamihira (AD AD 505 –<br />

587) 587<br />

Existence of force which might be keeping<br />

bodies stuck to the Earth, and also keeping<br />

heavenly bodies in their determined places. places.<br />

The school of mathematics at Ujjain<br />

►sin sin xx = cos(π/2 cos( /2 - xx), ),<br />

►Sin^2( Sin^2(x) x) + cos^2( cos^2(xx )= 1, and<br />

►(1 (1 -<br />

cos<br />

2xx)/2 )/2 = sin^2( sin^2(x) x). .

►Brahmagupta<br />

Brahmagupta, (7th century)<br />

He was the head of the astronomical observatory at<br />

Ujjain<br />

"Bodies fall towards the Earth as it is in the<br />

nature of the Earth to attract bodies, just as it is<br />

in the nature of water to flow".<br />

Gurutvakarshan : amalgam of Guru-tva Guru tvaakarshan<br />

- Gurutvakarshan<br />

-<br />

law of gravitations, sine tables and the<br />

concept of trigonometry

►describes describes Zero as one of the numerals<br />

which stood for meaning nothing.<br />

► elaborates as to how integers positive<br />

and negative consequence when played<br />

with zero.

►Bh Bhāskara skara<br />

I<br />

(AD600 -<br />

680 )<br />

►first first to write numbers in the Hindu-Arabic<br />

Hindu Arabic<br />

decimal system<br />

with a circle for the zero, zero,<br />

and who gave a unique and remarkable<br />

rational approximation<br />

of the sine<br />

function<br />

in his commentary on Aryabhata's<br />

Aryabhata's<br />

work<br />

►born born in Kerala<br />

as a Nambudiri<br />

Brahmin<br />

►He He and Brahmagupta<br />

are the most<br />

renowed<br />

<strong>Indian</strong> mathematicians who<br />

made considerable contributions to the<br />

study of fractions

►BHASKARA BHASKARA II (Bhaskaracharya<br />

( Bhaskaracharya)<br />

►Born: Born: 1114 in Vijayapura, Vijayapura,<br />

India<br />

Died: 1185 in Ujjain, Ujjain,<br />

India<br />

►Bhaskaracharya<br />

Bhaskaracharya became head of the<br />

astronomical observatory at Ujjain<br />

►built built up a strong school of mathematical<br />


►he he knew that x^2 x^2<br />

= 9 had two solutions.<br />

He also gave the formula

Kerala<br />

school of astronomy<br />

and mathematics :<br />

►Madhava Madhava of Sangamagrama<br />

►Parameshvara<br />

Parameshvara, ,<br />

►Neelakanta Neelakanta Somayaji, Somayaji,<br />

►Jyeshtadeva<br />

Jyeshtadeva, ,<br />

►Achyuta Achyuta<br />

►Melpathur Melpathur<br />

►Achyuta Achyuta<br />

Pisharati, Pisharati,<br />

Narayana<br />

Panikkar. Panikkar.<br />

Bhattathiri<br />


►The The school flourished between the 14th<br />

and 16th centuries and the original<br />

discoveries of the school seems to have<br />

ended with Narayana<br />

Bhattathiri<br />

(1559- (1559<br />

1632)<br />

►Their Their most important results—series<br />

results series<br />

expansion for trigonometric functions— functions<br />

were described in Sanskrit<br />

verse in a book<br />

by Neelakanta<br />

called Tantrasangraha, Tantrasangraha,<br />

and<br />

again in a commentary on this work,<br />

called Tantrasangraha--vakhya<br />

Tantrasangraha vakhya, , of<br />

unknown authorship

►The The theorems were stated without proof,<br />

but proofs for the series for sine, cosine,<br />

and inverse tangent were provided a<br />

century later in the work Yuktibhasa Yuktibhasa<br />

(c.1500-c.1610), (c.1500 c.1610), written in Malayalam, Malayalam,<br />

by<br />

Jyesthadeva, Jyesthadeva,<br />

and also in a commentary on<br />

Tantrasangraha.<br />


►Their Their work, completed two centuries<br />

before the invention of calculus<br />

in Europe,<br />

provided what is now considered the first<br />

example of a power series<br />

(apart from<br />

geometric series). However, they did not<br />

formulate a systematic theory of<br />

differentiation<br />

and integration, integration,<br />

nor is there<br />

any direct evidence of their results being<br />

transmitted outside Kerala

►Madhava Madhava of Sangamagrama<br />

(c. 1340- 1340<br />

1425) lived at Irinjalakuda:<br />

Irinjalakuda:<br />

►Madhava Madhava’s discoveries include<br />

Nilkantha<br />

attributes the series for sine sine to<br />

Madhava. Madhava.<br />

►the the Taylor series for the sine, cosine,<br />

tangent and arctangent functions;<br />

►the the second-order second order Taylor series<br />

approximations of the sine and cosine<br />

functions and the third-order third order Taylor series<br />

approximation of the sine function;

► the power series of π, , usually attributed to<br />

Leibniz<br />

but now known as the Madhava-Leibniz<br />

Madhava Leibniz<br />

series; series<br />

► the solution of transcendental equations<br />

by<br />

iteration; iteration<br />

► the approximation of transcendental numbers<br />

by<br />

continued fractions. fractions<br />

► Madhava<br />

correctly computed the value of π to 9<br />

decimal places and 13 decimal places,<br />

► produced sine and cosine tables to 9 decimal<br />

places of accuracy<br />

► extended some results found in earlier works,<br />

including those of Bhaskara. Bhaskara.

►Jyesthadeva<br />

Jyesthadeva<br />

(c. 1500-1600)<br />

1500 1600)<br />

►Yuktibhasa Yuktibhasa (in Malayalam)<br />

Malayalam)<br />

- the world's<br />

first Calculus<br />

text<br />

►contains contains proofs of theorems, derivations<br />

of rules and series, a derivation and proof<br />

of the Madhava-Gregory Madhava Gregory series of the<br />

arctangent function, proofs of most<br />

mathematical theorems and infinite series<br />

earlier discovered by Madhava<br />

and other<br />

mathematicians of the Kerala

NP-2005-8-711-GSFC<br />

NASA: Explore. Discover. Understand.<br />


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