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CHAPTER 3<br />


MAGIC<br />

70<br />

While airborne, you can use a swift<br />

action each round to fire a bolt of<br />

<strong>magic</strong>al lightning as a ranged touch<br />

attack against any other airborne target<br />

within 60 feet. This attack deals 1 point<br />

of electricity damage per caster level<br />

(maximum 20 points) and reduces the<br />

target’s fly speed to 1/2 normal for the<br />

duration of the spell. This speed reduction<br />

doesn’t stack, so attacking the same<br />

target multiple times yields no extra<br />

reduction in fly speed (but continues<br />

to deal damage).<br />

Furthermore, while this spell is<br />

active, you can activate one lightning bolt<br />

(as the spell) as a standard action. Doing<br />

so ends the duration of lord of the sky, and<br />

if you do not have a natural fly speed, you<br />

drift to the ground as per the fl y spell.<br />

Special: If you are of the <strong>dragon</strong>blood<br />

subtype (see page 4), this spell grants<br />

you a fly speed of 60 feet (or 40 if<br />

encumbered as described above). Dragonblooded<br />

casters who already have a<br />

fly speed of 60 feet or greater instead<br />

gain a +10-foot improvement to their<br />

fly speed.<br />



Transmutation<br />

Level: Sorcerer 2<br />

Components: V, S<br />

Casting Time: 1 standard action<br />

Range: Personal<br />

Target: You<br />

Duration: 1 hour/level<br />

You speak your own name as you clench<br />

your fists at your side. An aura of bright<br />

energy forms around you, coalescing into<br />

the shape of a translucent <strong>dragon</strong> above<br />

your head.<br />

This spell grants you a variety of benefits<br />

related to your draconic feats. If<br />

you have no draconic feats, this spell<br />

has no effect.<br />

While this spell is active, you are<br />

considered to have two more draconic<br />

feats than normal for the purpose of<br />

determining the benefit of your draconic<br />

feats. For example, if you have<br />

the Draconic Heritage feat (see page<br />

17), you would gain a +2 bonus to the<br />

specified saves for the duration of this<br />

spell, over and above the bonus already<br />

granted by that feat.<br />

In addition, for the purpose of determining<br />

the benefit of a draconic feat,<br />

treat <strong>magic</strong> of the <strong>dragon</strong>heart as if its<br />

spell level equaled 1/2 your caster level.<br />

For example, an 8th-level sorcerer that<br />

has the Draconic Flight feat (Complete<br />

Arcane 77) would gain a fly speed of 40<br />

feet after casting this spell, as if it were<br />

a 4th-level spell.<br />

Finally, you gain a competence bonus<br />

equal to 1/2 your caster level (maximum<br />

+10) on skill checks made with<br />

the class skill granted by your Draconic<br />

Heritage feat (if you have the feat).<br />



Transmutation [Good]<br />

Level: Cleric 4, sorcerer/wizard 4<br />

Components: V, S<br />

Casting Time: 1 swift action<br />

Range: Personal<br />

Target: You<br />

Duration: 3 rounds or until ended<br />

Your hands glow softly, as if illuminated<br />

from within by a bright light.<br />

This spell adds a touch of good to your<br />

<strong>magic</strong>, granting you special potency<br />

against your evil-aligned enemies. Your<br />

spells gain the good descriptor. Any<br />

spell you cast of 3rd level or lower deals<br />

+50% damage to evil-aligned creatures.<br />

As part of the casting of this spell,<br />

you can sacrifice one sorcerer spell slot<br />

of 5th to 9th level; doing this increases<br />

the maximum level of spells affected<br />

by mark of the enlightened soul to the<br />

level of the sacrificed slot minus 1. For<br />

example, if you spend a 4th-level spell<br />

slot to cast the spell and a 7th-level spell<br />

slot to augment it, you would deal extra<br />

damage to evil-aligned creatures with<br />

spells of 6th level or lower.<br />

Special: A good-aligned caster of the<br />

<strong>dragon</strong>blood subtype can choose to<br />

end this spell’s duration by activating<br />

protection from evil (as the spell, but<br />

targeting itself) as a swift action. This<br />

effect lasts for the normal duration of<br />

protection from evil.<br />



Enchantment (Compulsion)<br />

[Mind-Affecting]<br />

Level: Sorcerer/wizard 8<br />

Components: V, S<br />

Casting Time: 1 standard action<br />

Range: Personal<br />

Target: You<br />

Duration: 1 hour/level or until<br />

expended<br />

As you close your eyes to mere slits, a black<br />

miasma of energy floats around your head,<br />

sucking in light and the stray minds of<br />

others.<br />

You twist your mind to become a<br />

<strong>magic</strong>al labyrinth, bewildering unsuspecting<br />

spellcasters. If an enemy casts<br />

a mind-affecting spell or abilityt that<br />

targets you, the enemy becomes confused<br />

for 1 round, disoriented by the<br />

mazelike confines of your consciousness.<br />

(This confusion occurs whether<br />

or not the spell successfully affects<br />

you.) A successful Will save (DC 18 +<br />

your Int modifier) negates this effect<br />

and renders that foe immune to this<br />

casting of the spell.<br />

Furthermore, while mind of the<br />

labyrinth is active, you can use an<br />

immediate action to activate a dominate<br />

person effect (as the spell, except<br />

that the duration is 1 hour) on one<br />

humanoid who casts a mind-affecting<br />

spell on you. Doing so ends the duration<br />

of mind of the labyrinth, though the<br />

dominate person effect lasts for 1 hour<br />

thereafter.<br />

Special: A character who learns this<br />

spell gains a +1 competence bonus on<br />

Bluff checks.<br />



Transmutation/Evocation [Air]<br />

Level: Druid 4, sorcerer/wizard 4<br />

Components: V, S<br />

Casting Time: 1 standard action<br />

Range: Personal<br />

Target: You<br />

Duration: 1 minute/level (D) or<br />

until expended

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