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Detect Dragonblood<br />

———————— Aura Power* ————————<br />

Creature Faint Moderate Strong Overwhelming<br />

Dragonblood subtype (HD) 10 or lower 11–25 26–50 51 or higher<br />

Dragon type (HD) 2 or lower 3–8 9–20 21 or higher<br />

You feel a fire burning deep within you.<br />

Crimson scales quickly grow over your<br />

body, a pair of great wings sprouts from your<br />

shoulders, and the scent of sulfur fills the air<br />

as you transform into a <strong>dragon</strong>.<br />

CHAPTER 3<br />


MAGIC<br />

66<br />

This spell functions like detect evil,<br />

except that you detect the auras of<br />

creatures of the <strong>dragon</strong> type or the<br />

<strong>dragon</strong>blood subtype (see page 4).<br />

The amount of information revealed<br />

depends on how long you study a particular<br />

area or subject.<br />

1st Round: Presence or absence of<br />

<strong>dragon</strong>blooded creatures.<br />

2nd Round: Number of <strong>dragon</strong>blooded<br />

in the area, and the power of<br />

the most potent aura.<br />

3rd Round: The power and location<br />

of each aura. If an aura is outside your<br />

line of sight, you learn its direction<br />

but not its exact location. If an aura is<br />

within your line of sight, you can make<br />

a Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 10<br />

+ target’s HD) to determine whether<br />

the aura is of the <strong>dragon</strong> type or the<br />

<strong>dragon</strong>blood subtype.<br />

Aura Power: The power of a <strong>dragon</strong>blooded<br />

creature’s aura depends on its<br />

Hit Dice and the strength of its connection<br />

to <strong>dragon</strong>s; see the accompanying<br />

table. If a creature’s aura falls into more<br />

than one category, the spell indicates<br />

the stronger of the two.<br />


Universal<br />

Level: Sorcerer/wizard 2, wu jen 2<br />

(all)<br />

Components: V, S<br />

Casting Time: 1 standard action<br />

Range: Touch<br />

Effect: One personal rune or mark,<br />

all of which must fit within 1 sq. ft.<br />

Duration: Permanent<br />

Saving Throw: None<br />

Spell Resistance: No<br />

A brightly glowing sigil appears briefly,<br />

burning as though branded into the surface<br />

before fading to invisibility.<br />

This spell allows you to brand a special<br />

arcane mark onto an object or creature,<br />

denoting that it is under your watchful<br />

eye. The mark inscribed is unique to<br />

your casting of this spell; no two casters<br />

create the same mark. It otherwise<br />

functions just as arcane mark, with two<br />

exceptions.<br />

First, you can treat the marked object<br />

or creature as familiar for the purpose<br />

of any divination (scrying) spell.<br />

Second, three times per day you can<br />

(as a swift action) detect the direction<br />

and distance of the marked object or<br />

creature from you. If the creature is<br />

dead or on another plane, you gain no<br />

knowledge from this function.<br />

Special: If you are of the <strong>dragon</strong>blood<br />

subtype (see page 4), any object or<br />

creature with a <strong>dragon</strong>eye rune gains a<br />

+2 bonus on saves against divination<br />

(scrying) spells or effects cast by other<br />

<strong>dragon</strong>blooded creatures.<br />


Transmutation (Polymorph)<br />

Level: Sorcerer/wizard 3<br />

Components: V, S<br />

Casting Time: 1 swift action<br />

Range: Personal<br />

Target: You<br />

Duration: 1 round/level (D)<br />

Your body shrinks to the size of a housecat, as<br />

red-brown scales replace your normal skin<br />

and your fingers turn into sharp claws. A<br />

sinuous barbed tail grows from the base of<br />

your spine, and two leathery wings burst<br />

from your back.<br />

You take the form of a Tiny pseudo<strong>dragon</strong><br />

(MM 210). For details, see The<br />

Polymorph Subschool on page 60.<br />


Transmutation (Polymorph)<br />

Level: Sorcerer/wizard 6<br />

Components: V, S<br />

Casting Time: 1 swift action<br />

Range: Personal<br />

Target: You<br />

Duration: 1 round/level (D)<br />

You take the form of a Large young<br />

red <strong>dragon</strong> (see below). You gain 60<br />

temporary hit points, which disappear<br />

at the end of the spell’s duration. For<br />

details, see The Polymorph Subschool<br />

on page 60.<br />

Young Red Dragon CR 7<br />

Init +0; Senses blindsense 60 ft.,<br />

darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision<br />

(4 × human), Listen +17, Spot +17<br />

Languages Draconic<br />

AC 21, touch 9, flat-footed 21<br />

(–1 size, +12 natural)<br />

hp as normal form (+60 temporary hp)<br />

Immune fire, <strong>magic</strong> sleep effects,<br />

paralysis<br />

Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +9<br />

Weakness vulnerability to cold<br />

Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 150 ft.<br />

(poor); Flyby Attack, Hover<br />

Melee bite +20 (2d8+7) and<br />

2 claws +14 (1d8+3) and<br />

2 wings +14 (1d6+3) and<br />

tail slap +14 (1d8+10)<br />

Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with<br />

bite)<br />

Base Atk +13; Grp +24<br />

Atk Options Power Attack<br />

Special Actions breath weapon, Hover<br />

Abilities Str 25, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 12,<br />

Wis 13, Cha 12<br />

Feats Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved<br />

Natural Attack (bite), Power Attack,<br />

Weapon Focus (bite)<br />

Skills Appraise +17, Bluff +17,<br />

Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +19,<br />

Listen +17, Search +17, Sense<br />

Motive +17, Spot +17, Survival +1<br />

(+3 following tracks)<br />

Breath Weapon (Su) Once every 1d4<br />

rounds, 40-ft. cone, 6d10 fire;<br />

Reflex DC 19 half<br />


Divination<br />

Level: Cleric 6, sorcerer/wizard 6,<br />

wu jen 6 (all)<br />

Components: V, S, M<br />

Casting Time: 1 standard action<br />

Range: Personal<br />

Target: You<br />

Duration: 1 round/level or until<br />


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