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Resources<br />

If you absolutely must have something to accomplish a mission,<br />

such as a map or a description of a target, your cabal<br />

provides it. Beyond that, you are expected to take care of<br />

your own needs. In major cities, the cabal can arrange for you<br />

to buy illegal materials (such as thieves’ tools and poisons)<br />

safely, but at your own expense. The group is not insensitive<br />

to your financial needs, however, and might give you leads on<br />

legitimate opportunities for jobs or treasure, thus ensuring<br />

that you acquire the funds you will need to pull off future<br />

secret missions.<br />



“Myrmith is a great trapfinder—witty, clever, and dependable. I<br />

just wish he wouldn’t wander off so often. Sometimes it takes two<br />

or three days to find him for a new mission.”<br />

—Regdar, fighter<br />

A hand of the winged masters needs a cabal from which to<br />

take orders, and one or more worthwhile <strong>dragon</strong> rulers to<br />

work for. These need not be particularly complicated (the DM<br />

can use the First Scroll or the Shadow’s Fangs; see Chapter<br />

5), but they should match the character’s interests. A chaotic<br />

good scout should be approached by a group working toward<br />

the common good, while a lawful evil ninja is more likely<br />

to serve a <strong>dragon</strong> that believes the world must be conquered<br />

and remade in a more orderly manner.<br />

A cabal presents an easy way to interest the character in an<br />

adventure. A note from the organization requesting information<br />

about a particular dungeon or ordering the assassination<br />

of a certain evil wizard pushes the hand, and his companions,<br />

into adventure as easily as do commands from a paladin’s or<br />

cleric’s superiors.<br />

Organization<br />

A <strong>dragon</strong>-led cabal can organize itself in numerous secret<br />

ways. Typically, a hand of the winged masters knows only<br />

a few other agents and leaders, ensuring that he can’t leak<br />

much to the group’s enemies if he is captured. The hand is<br />

taught passwords and secret signs to identify other members<br />

of the cabal, but if group leaders suspect that the information<br />

has been compromised, they quickly change these codes<br />

and signals. Normally, a hand works without direct aid<br />

from the cabal, receiving orders through a secret method of<br />

communication (perhaps from a barmaid at a favored tavern)<br />

and reporting his results to a different agent. Again, if these<br />

arrangements are compromised, a new cabal member makes<br />

herself known to the hand and institutes a new set of contact<br />

procedures.<br />

NPC Reactions<br />

As long as a hand keeps his cover story intact, others treat him<br />

as if he is exactly what he claims to be. Most hands pose as<br />

adventurers who happen to be expert locksmiths, which gives<br />

them a veneer of legitimacy but often provokes suspicion<br />

from guards and nobles. However, if a hand’s role as a spy<br />

for <strong>dragon</strong>s is discovered, practically everyone immediately<br />

considers him a threat, and thereafter he receives an indifferent<br />

reaction at best.<br />


LORE<br />

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (history) can research<br />

hands of the winged masters to learn more about them. When<br />

a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following,<br />

including the information from lower DCs.<br />

DC 10: Hands of the winged masters are agents for secretive<br />

<strong>dragon</strong>s.<br />

DC 15: Each hand receives orders from a secret cabal and<br />

rarely knows more than one or two other members.<br />

DC 20: Hands are alert, they benefit from arcane spells<br />

more than most, and they act as spies, assassins, or couriers<br />

for their <strong>dragon</strong> overlords.<br />

Finding a hand of the winged masters is difficult at best. A<br />

DC 20 Gather Information check reveals where to drop off a<br />

request for a meeting. After that, the player characters must<br />

wait to see if a hand shows up or makes contact. Only if the<br />

PCs have some urgent business will the cabal expose even a<br />

junior member of its organization.<br />



Before introducing hands of the winged masters into a<br />

campaign world, the DM should decide why one or more<br />

<strong>dragon</strong>s would need a cabal of spies, and then consider the<br />

nature of the group. The Shadow’s Fangs (see page 144) are<br />

one example of a cabal, but it’s possible for a group to serve<br />

a council of <strong>dragon</strong>s, or even drakes of good alignment<br />

that want to keep their involvement in humanoid affairs as<br />

clandestine as possible. Once you have a simple idea for the<br />

cabal, introduce it to the players and see if they’re interested<br />

in working more closely with the secretive group.<br />

A hand of the winged masters appeals most to players who<br />

like rogues, secrets, and ongoing plots. The class is built to<br />

let a PC carry out covert missions and serve hidden agendas<br />

while still having reasons to go on adventures with the rest<br />

of the party. Players who enjoy the idea of medieval spies in<br />

a fantasy setting should find the class intriguing.<br />

Adaptation<br />

Hands of the winged masters are less closely tied to <strong>dragon</strong>s<br />

than most of the other prestige classes in this chapter. They<br />

could easily be transformed into bodyguards for arcane spellcasters,<br />

couriers serving a deity of travel, or simply advanced<br />

spies. Their class features would remain the same, but the DM<br />

would need to restructure the group they work for.<br />

CHAPTER 2<br />

DRAGON<br />



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