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CHAPTER 4<br />


BEASTS<br />

Illus. by A. Swekel<br />


A <strong>dragon</strong>like humanoid the size of an ogre flexes red-scaled muscles<br />

as it roars a wordless challenge.<br />

Redspawn Berserker CR 8<br />

Always CE Large monstrous humanoid<br />

Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Listen +2, Spot +2<br />

Languages Draconic<br />

AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 20<br />

(–1 size, +2 armor, +1 shield, +8 natural)<br />

hp 105 (10 HD)<br />

Immune fear, fire, paralysis, sleep<br />

Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +8<br />

Weakness vulnerability to cold<br />

Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)<br />

Melee morningstar +15/+10 (2d6+5) and<br />

bite +10 (1d8+2)<br />

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.<br />

Base Atk +10; Grp +19<br />

Atk Options berserk attacks +2d6, Cleave, Power Attack<br />

Abilities Str 21, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 7<br />

Feats Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Power<br />

Attack<br />

Skills Balance +5, Jump +12, Listen +2, Spot +2, Tumble +18<br />

Possessions morningstar, leather armor, light bone shield<br />

Vulnerability to Cold (Ex) A redspawn berserker takes 1-1/2 ×<br />

normal damage from cold attacks.<br />

Berserk Attacks (Ex) A redspawn berserker can’t help but be<br />

enraged at the last person who dealt it damage. It deals<br />

2d6 extra points of damage with its melee attacks when it<br />

hits the foe who last damaged it with a melee attack in<br />

the previous round. If no enemy damaged the redspawn<br />

berserker with a melee attack since before its last turn,<br />

this extra damage doesn’t apply.<br />


To increase the size and power of her forces more swiftly,<br />

Tiamat causes red <strong>dragon</strong>s and half-<strong>dragon</strong>s of red descent to<br />

bear redspawn berserker children. A single egg can hold three<br />

or four young. Newborn redspawn berserkers have a voracious<br />

appetite, and with sufficient food, they grow to adult size in<br />

just a year, regardless of their size at birth or the size of their<br />

mother. Their hunting impacts the local ecology significantly<br />

unless a stock of living beings is provided for them.<br />

Environment: Redspawn berserkers live in whatever<br />

landscape they were born into, usually the fiery peaks that<br />

red <strong>dragon</strong>s often inhabit.<br />

Typical Physical Characteristics: Redspawn berserkers<br />

stand 9 to 10 feet tall and weigh 650 to 700 pounds. They lack<br />

gender and have no means to procreate.<br />


Newborn redspawn berserkers mature quickly, ensuring<br />

that they don’t impose too long upon their often fickle and<br />

wrathful mothers. Full grown berserkers are exiled from their<br />

homes, but they usually remain close by, acting as guards<br />

and scouts. When Tiamat has something more specific in<br />

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Tiamat created her spawn for many purposes, and redspawn<br />

berserkers exist purely to destroy. Brutish and fearless, they<br />

thunder swiftly across the battlefield to come to grips with<br />

foes and rend them to pieces.<br />


A redspawn berserker charges into melee to bring itself<br />

close to as many foes as possible. It focuses its attacks on<br />

whatever foe last wounded it, crushing and slashing<br />

the enemy with its morningstar and bite attacks.<br />


Despite their innately chaotic natures, redspawn<br />

berserkers unfailingly behave as Tiamat or her representative<br />

demands.<br />

Air Assault (EL 13): Tiamat has set two redspawn<br />

berserkers and two juvenile red <strong>dragon</strong>s<br />

to destroy or delay the player characters. The<br />

<strong>dragon</strong>s carry the berserkers into battle,<br />

dropping them from their claws to land<br />

amid the enemy. As the berserkers occupy<br />

the PCs in melee, the <strong>dragon</strong>s breathe fire<br />

on the battle.

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