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Phynxkin<br />

SAMPLE<br />


Phynxkin are wild hunters that rarely venture close enough<br />

to civilization to pose a threat. However, travelers in untamed<br />

regions of the world, particularly forests and jungles, should<br />

be wary of phynxkin attacks.<br />

Hunting Party (EL 3): Three phynxkin attempt to bring<br />

down larger prey in order to feed the weaker and younger<br />

members of their pack, hunting unprepared travelers through<br />

the dense forest. Two of the phynxkin lie in wait by the side<br />

of the trail, hidden from sight, while a third perches in a tree.<br />

When unsuspecting travelers pass by, the phynxkin in the<br />

tree leaps down on the rearmost target, while the other two<br />

assault the front of the group, pinning the victims in the<br />

middle.<br />


Phynxkin are the distant descendants of ancient unions<br />

between <strong>dragon</strong>s and great jungle cats. Though all supernatural<br />

traces of their draconic ancestry were bred out of<br />

them long ago, phynxkin still physically resemble <strong>dragon</strong>s<br />

but show more of their animal heritage. They prefer to live in<br />

forests and jungles, places that teem with good hunting and<br />

allow them to hide from their prey before pouncing. Some<br />

phynxkin bury themselves in the ground while hunting<br />

so light won’t shine off their scales and alert potential prey,<br />

though most prefer the darkness of a thick forest canopy or<br />

jungle overgrowth.<br />

As pack animals, phynxkin live in small groups of fifteen<br />

to twenty, with an assorted mix of males, females, and cubs.<br />

They nest in secluded areas that are well hidden from snooping<br />

creatures, allowing their hunters to go out and retrieve<br />

food without having to worry about defending their young.<br />

Most hunters encountered in the wild are widely separated<br />

from the pack. Intelligent for animals, phynxkin are capable<br />

of long-term memory and sometimes end a particular hunt<br />

to tend to their pack, resuming the chase weeks or months<br />

later when the time is right.<br />

Environment: Phynxkin prefer forests and jungles—the<br />

thicker the overgrowth, the better. They operate well<br />

in hot, cold, and temperate environments but stay<br />

clear of deserts, badlands, and tundra, where they<br />

have few places to hide. Some packs of phynxkin<br />

prefer grasslands where wheat and other goldcolored<br />

grains grow tall, allowing their hunters<br />

to hunker down and blend in while pursuing<br />

prey.<br />

Typical Physical Characteristics: Phynxkin<br />

stand roughly 3 feet tall and extend about 5 feet<br />

from snout to rear. They have thick, stout legs and<br />

sharp, curved claws that allow them to climb trees by<br />

digging into the bark and pulling themselves up. Most<br />

phynxkin weigh approximately 100 pounds during adulthood,<br />

though particularly powerful specimens have been<br />

known to weigh up to twice that. Female and male phynxkin<br />

are indistinguishable from one another.<br />


A dire phynxkin is the result of a rare but natural evolution.<br />

These creatures appear only in places where interaction<br />

between humans and <strong>dragon</strong>s is common. They usually bond<br />

closely with humanoids, a habit that some scholars attribute<br />

to genetic memory of their draconic ancestry.<br />

Dire Phynxkin CR 4<br />

Always N Large animal (<strong>dragon</strong>blood)<br />

Init +7; Senses low-light vision, Listen +2, Spot +2<br />

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 13; Dodge, Mobility<br />

(–1 size, +3 Dex, +4 natural)<br />

hp 51 (6 HD)<br />

Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +4; +4 on saves against spells<br />

Speed 50 ft. (10 squares), climb 30 ft.<br />

Melee bite +9 (1d8+6) and<br />

2 claws +4 each (1d6+3)<br />

Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.<br />

Base Atk +4; Grp +14<br />

Atk Options pounce<br />

Abilities Str 23, Dex 16, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 12<br />

Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility<br />

Skills Climb +14, Hide +3, Intimidate +3, Listen +2, Move<br />

Silently +5, Spot +2<br />

Pounce (Ex) When a dire phynxkin makes a charge, it can<br />

follow with a full attack.<br />

Illus. by Deschamps<br />

CHAPTER 4<br />


BEASTS<br />


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