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CHAPTER 4<br />


BEASTS<br />

116<br />

insects that live within treetops. Though not a primary<br />

source of nutrition, many huitzils seem to favor butterflies<br />

and enjoy the game of hunting the brightly colored insects.<br />

Some huitzils have been domesticated and make loyal, if mischievous,<br />

pets. Unfortunately, their penchant for scavenging<br />

means that they usually are employed and trained by thieves<br />

to act as accomplices.<br />

Environment: Huitzils live in dark, quiet places and prefer<br />

natural caves near water. Particularly coveted are caverns that<br />

exist behind waterfalls or lie deep in the woods. Huitzils<br />

do not mind traveling a short distance for sustenance but<br />

seem to nest in locations where food, water, and safety are<br />

all close at hand. Domesticated huitzils cannot be caged for<br />

long without becoming miserable (and destructive), so most<br />

keep nests or rooks atop the houses of their owners and fly<br />

free unless called.<br />

Typical Physical Characteristics: Huitzils are usually<br />

about 2 feet long from horned snout to tail, with a wingspan<br />

of roughly 4 feet. They have short, stubby hind legs and<br />

underdeveloped forelimbs, causing them to waddle along<br />

the ground awkwardly. In flight, a huitzil can hover in place<br />

indefinitely by flapping its leathery wings, though most seem<br />

to fly in lazy circles if required to stay in one place.<br />


Wizards and sorcerers capable of summoning huitzils can<br />

use them as familiars. No special feat or spell is required to<br />

bond a huitzil as a familiar, and particularly mischievous<br />

spellcasters frequently use the creatures as an outlet for their<br />

own trickery. A huitzil behaves as a normal fa amiliar and<br />

grants its master a +3 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks when<br />

the master and familiar are within 1 mile of each other.<br />


“For two days the thing tracked us, never breaking pursuit even<br />

though we pushed hard and fast through the night. It was a breakneck<br />

pace, even for us, but there it stayed, shadowing our footsteps<br />

the whole way.”<br />

—Ivagmar, half-orc ranger,<br />

on being stalked by a phynxkin<br />

This creature stands waist-high to a human, creeping across the<br />

ground like a dangerous hunting cat. Its golden scales reflect light,<br />

and its eyes glow with yellow intensity. The creature’s angular<br />

head comes to a point at a small beak filled with razor-sharp teeth,<br />

suggesting that it can tear through thick hides with relative ease.<br />

Three claws on each paw curve wickedly forward, giving the animal<br />

a semblance of both feline and draconic ancestry.<br />

Phynxkin CR 1<br />

Always N Medium animal (<strong>dragon</strong>blood)<br />

Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Listen +0, Spot +0<br />

AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12<br />

(+1 Dex, +2 natural)<br />

hp 6 (1 HD)<br />

Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0; +2 on saves against spells<br />

Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.<br />

Melee bite +2 (1d6+2) and<br />

2 claws –3 each (1d4+1)<br />

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.<br />

Base Atk +0; Grp +2<br />

Atk Options pounce<br />

Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 8, Cha 8<br />

Feats Improved Initiative<br />

Skills Climb +8, Hide +3, Listen +0, Move Silently +4,<br />

Spot +0<br />

Pounce (Ex) When a phynxkin makes a charge, it can follow<br />

with a full attack.<br />

Phynxkin are sleek, predatory drakken that move with the<br />

grace of hunting cats. Though dangerous in the wild, some<br />

domesticated phynxkin serve as loyal companions to those<br />

willing to train them.<br />


Most phynxkin use Hide and Move Silently to sneak up on<br />

an opponent before making an attack. If one has sufficiently<br />

scouted a foe and can predict its path (such as with adventurers<br />

following a well-worn trail through a forest), the phynxkin<br />

often climbs to higher ground and leaps down, using its<br />

pounce ability to get a full attack along with its movement.<br />

In groups, phynxkin are highly mobile and enjoy switching<br />

targets in the middle of a fight. They use their speed to<br />

charge an opponent, pounce, and then in subsequent rounds<br />

disengage to flee and attack another target, while its allies<br />

continue to attack the first target. Fighting a pack of phynxkin<br />

can be very dangerous, because they move so quickly that it<br />

is often difficult to continue sustained attacks against the<br />

same one each round.<br />

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Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn more<br />

about phynxkin. When a character makes a skill check, the following<br />

lore is revealed, including the information from lower<br />

DCs.<br />

Knowledge (nature)<br />

DC Result<br />

11 Phynxkin are predatory animals of ancient draconic<br />

an cestry with a passing physical resemblance to<br />

<strong>dragon</strong>s.<br />

16 Phynxkin are pack animals that hide their young far from<br />

where they hunt. A lone phynxkin is rarely seen, and<br />

more often is just a distraction to herd prey into the<br />

trap of a larger hunting group.<br />

21 Phynxkin are adept hunters and can attack with both<br />

claws and teeth, even when charging at full speed. They<br />

are also surprisingly resistant to <strong>magic</strong>.<br />

26 Phynxkin possess draconic blood and sometimes grow<br />

to unusual size in the presence of <strong>dragon</strong>s or draconic<br />

<strong>magic</strong>.<br />


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