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CHAPTER 4<br />


BEASTS<br />

Flight of the Drakkensteed (EL 7): Four drakkensteeds<br />

pause by a lake to drink, resting their wings between legs of a<br />

long journey. Three of the drakkensteeds quench their thirst,<br />

while the fourth keeps watch. If anyone intrudes upon them<br />

and fails to remain hidden, the drakkensteeds immediately take<br />

wing and fly away. If a creature or character approaches within<br />

30 feet of the drakkensteeds before being noticed, all four<br />

drakkensteeds attack and attempt to trample the intruders.<br />


Most people consider drakkensteeds nothing but a myth.<br />

Descendants of an ancient blending of <strong>dragon</strong> and horse<br />

blood, drakkensteeds are intelligent and easily frightened,<br />

preferring to stay far from humanoids for fear that they<br />

might be captured or harmed. Few live drakkensteeds have<br />

ever been seen up close, and the beasts remain a mystery to<br />

most natural scholars.<br />

Drakkensteeds live in small, wild herds away from the<br />

reaches of civilization, but they are inherently social animals.<br />

Their herds move as one, sleep as one, graze as one, and are as<br />

tightly knit as some humanoid families. Some rumors suggest<br />

that drakkensteeds will take revenge for a fallen member of<br />

the herd, though more likely this is just the result of their<br />

protective nature. Drakkensteeds fly from danger whenever<br />

they can, but if threatened, they can be more dangerous than<br />

a charging bull.<br />

Most drakkensteeds are content to live simple lives, moving<br />

from one location to another to graze. Competition for mates<br />

within a herd is usually fierce and violent, frequently leaving<br />

potential male suitors dead or mortally wounded. Female<br />

drakkensteeds are equally fierce in their choice of mates,<br />

sometimes joining in a fight for dominance to assist the male<br />

that they consider the worthiest.<br />

Environment: Drakkensteeds typically live in secluded<br />

areas, far from civilization of any kind. One of their favored<br />

homes is a forgotten garden or forest, an area of untamed<br />

wilderness that has passed beyond the memories of mortals.<br />

A very few drakkensteeds will live near druid circles, but<br />

only if those circles are isolated from the rest of the world.<br />

Typical Physical Characteristics: Drakkensteeds are<br />

huge by animal standards, combining the size and shape of<br />

a warhorse with the wingspan of a <strong>dragon</strong>. Drakkensteeds<br />

stand taller than most humans and have a wingspan of<br />

roughly 15 feet, allowing them to fly with ease. They also<br />

possess a long, <strong>dragon</strong>like tail that they use in self-defense<br />

and to balance their large bodies during flight. This tail is<br />

typically 5 to 7 feet long, though it usually remains curled<br />

around the drakkensteed’s hindquarters when not in use.<br />

the drakkensteed detects the character, it flees immediately.<br />

If the character manages to approach within 30 feet, she can<br />

then attempt a DC 25 Handle Animal check to convince the<br />

drakkensteed to allow her to come close enough. Paladins<br />

who have drakkensteed mounts need not make these checks<br />

on their own mounts.<br />

Captured and domesticated drakkensteeds are extremely<br />

rare; a trained young specimen can cost up to 15,000 gp. The<br />

few trainers who can tame such a beast usually charge around<br />

3,000 gp for their services.<br />


“Upon further research, it has become quite evident that huitzil<br />

make challenging familiars due to their tendency to hoard any spell<br />

components that reflect too much light.”<br />

—Naelan, half-elf wizard and Lord of the Uttercold<br />

This small flying creature resembles a tiny <strong>dragon</strong> with short<br />

forelimbs and a potbelly. Its leathery wings beat quickly to keep it<br />

afloat, and it flutters about with casual, yet quick movements. Its<br />

jagged beak features a slight underbite, and a single horn protrudes<br />

from its snout, jutting straight up from the beak. The creature has<br />

a very short neck that almost puts its head directly attached to its<br />

upper body.<br />

Huitzil CR 1/3<br />

Always N Tiny animal (<strong>dragon</strong>blood)<br />

Init +2; Senses low-light vision, Listen +0, Spot +2<br />

AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 15<br />

(+2 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural)<br />

hp 4 (1 HD)<br />

Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +0<br />

Speed 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 60 ft. (average)<br />

Melee bite +4 (1d3–3) and<br />

talons –1 (1d2–3)<br />

Space 2–1/2 ft.; Reach 2–1/2 ft.<br />

Base Atk +0; Grp –11<br />

Atk Options distract<br />

Abilities Str 5, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 8<br />

Feats Hover, Weapon Finesse B<br />

Skills Hide +10, Listen +0, Search +0, Sleight of Hand* +6,<br />

Spot +2<br />

* Huitzils have a +4 racial bonus on Search and Sleight of<br />

Hand checks.<br />

Distract (Ex) Huitzils are adept at making lots of noise and<br />

getting in the way, and when their nests are threatened,<br />

they often fly at a predator’s head in an attempt to<br />

distract it. As a standard action, a huitzil can make a<br />

melee touch attack with a +4 attack bonus against a<br />

creature whose space it shares. If successful, that target<br />

takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round.<br />

114<br />


Like horses, drakkensteeds can be used as mounts. Finding<br />

and domesticating a drakkensteed is no easy task; most are too<br />

frightened by humanoids to allow a character to come close.<br />

Any PC approaching a drakkensteed must succeed on both a<br />

Hide check and a Move Silently check to avoid detection. If<br />

Huitzils are small, mischievous drakken descended from<br />

the ancient coupling of <strong>dragon</strong>s and birds. Possessing the<br />

curiosity and love for treasure found in both <strong>dragon</strong>s and<br />

crows, they frequently cause minor trouble for travelers in<br />

their domains and are considered little more than an annoyance<br />

by those they bother.

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