IPP Annual Report 2007 - Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik ...

IPP Annual Report 2007 - Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik ...

IPP Annual Report 2007 - Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik ...


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the reference profile database. The neoclassical transport<br />

simulations for W7-X are based on the DKES database of<br />

mono-energetic transport coefficients for the low-mirror, the<br />

standard, and the high-mirror configurations with ι(a)=1.<br />

Here, the standard configuration has the lowest neoclassical<br />

transport which is further reduced with increasing β (whereas<br />

the bootstrap current increases with β). The high-mirror<br />

configuration fulfils the optimisation criterion of minimized<br />

bootstrap current as long as “electron-root” scenarios are<br />

avoided, although the bootstrap current is also expected to<br />

increase with β (due to reduction of the toroidal mirror term).<br />

The ray-tracing code TRAVIS has been included as a module<br />

in the transport code to self-consistently simulate modifications<br />

of electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH), noninductive<br />

current drive, and plasma profiles. The upgraded<br />

codes can now handle multi-beam heating schemes with reflection<br />

from mirrors and the vacuum vessel which is especially<br />

important for O2 (second harmonic of the ordinary mode)<br />

and X3 (third harmonic of the extraordinary mode) scenarios<br />

with incomplete first-pass absorption of the ECRH power.<br />

Transport Simulations of High-Power O2 Heating in W7-X<br />

ECRH at densities as high as 2×10 20 m -3 is envisaged for<br />

W7-X at the second harmonic of the ordinary mode (O2).<br />

First-pass absorption of O2 ECRH is relatively poor for the<br />

projected plasma parameters, enforcing the adoption of a<br />

multi-pass absorption scheme with a fixed launching geometry<br />

to conform with the placement of mirrors and reflecting<br />

surfaces within the vacuum vessel. Using the transport/raytracing<br />

package, this scheme is predicted to deliver threepass<br />

absorption in excess of 95 % and produce plasmas with<br />

〈β〉≈4 % for 10 MW of ECRH power. For such simulations,<br />

the combination of Shafranov shift and diamagnetic effect<br />

moves the ECRH deposition zone significantly inwards<br />

which is most easily counteracted by increasing the initial<br />

strength of B by several percent.<br />

ITER Benchmark of the Ray-Tracing Code TRAVIS<br />

A successful benchmark with the reference scenario 2 for<br />

ITER has been performed with the recently developed raytracing<br />

code TRAVIS. In particular, the electron cyclotron current<br />

drive (ECCD) was calculated for both the upper and equatorial<br />

launcher. It has been found that for the range of angles<br />

expected to be optimal for ECCD, accounting for momentum<br />

conservation is mandatory. Additionally, the scenario with<br />

reduced magnetic field has been considered, where it was<br />

found that the ECCD efficiency (as well as the deposition profile)<br />

may be significantly altered for the equatorial launcher<br />

due to unwanted absorption at the higher (parasitic) harmonics.<br />

Divertor Transport Studies for Helical Devices<br />

Transport essentials of the helical divertor in LHD were<br />

investigated and compared to those already intensively studied<br />

Theoretical Plasma Physics<br />

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for the island divertor of W7-AS, aiming at identifying common<br />

physics issues of two helical devices with completely<br />

different divertor concepts and geometries. For W7-X, a<br />

systematic numerical study of the island screening effect on<br />

recycling neutrals and intrinsic impurities has been started<br />

with the standard island divertor configuration; preliminary<br />

results are being analyzed. The EMC3-EIRENE code is<br />

being implemented for NCSX.<br />

Configuration Studies for W7-X<br />

The configuration space of Wendelstein 7-X has been explored<br />

at large toroidal mirror ratios. These configurations<br />

show worsened interchange stability properties as both<br />

shear and depth of the vacuum magnetic well are reduced so<br />

that most configurations become interchange unstable at<br />

medium to high β values. Another interesting quality is a<br />

further reduction of the parallel current density which completely<br />

suppresses the dipole component of the Pfirsch-<br />

Schlüter currents for mirror fields around 30 %. Configurations<br />

with negligible Shafranov shift at 〈β〉≈10 % can<br />

be found.<br />

Recovery of External Coil Currents for W7-X Vacuum<br />

Configurations<br />

The fast equilibrium reconstruction technique, called function<br />

parametrisation (FP), was applied, indirectly, to recover<br />

the external coil currents of W7-X in an inverse transformation.<br />

The “inversion” is in the mapping of (known or<br />

pre-determined) physical parameters of a configuration<br />

onto the coil currents. The importance of this lies in the<br />

fact that it serves to answer queries on the feasibility of<br />

desired configurations with respect to allowed values of<br />

external currents, something very crucial during the operation<br />

of stellarators. The method employs an iterative minimisation<br />

of target functions using the FP with the coil currents<br />

as independent parameters since direct inversion is<br />

not possible.<br />

Scientific Staff<br />

C. D. Beidler, M. Borchardt, S. Braun, M. Drevlak, D. Eremin,<br />

Y. Feng, J. Geiger; P. Helander, K. Kauffmann, R. Kleiber,<br />

A. Könies, H. Maaßberg, N. Marushchenko, A. Mishchenko,<br />

C. Nührenberg, J. Nührenberg, J. Riemann, A. Runov, F. Sardei,<br />

A. Sengupta, Yu. Turkin, P. Xanthopoulos, X. Zha.<br />

Guests<br />

J. Canic (ORNL), T. Fülöp (TU Chalmers Göteborg),<br />

L. Guazzotto (MIT), M. Kobayashi (NIFS), L. Koziol (USC),<br />

R. Maingi (ORNL), M. Mikhailov (Kurchatov <strong>Institut</strong>e),<br />

D. Mikkelsen (PPPL), A. Simakov (LANL), Z. Unterberg<br />


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