Little Butterfly

Free chapters Joy Lee was content. In love with Kyle, her career as a Detective on track, her friendships were significant and fulfilling. Finding the broken body of a young man, the first in a spate of suicides, encouraged by the esoteric doctrine of the one called The Teacher, was to change everything. Challenged personally and professionally, Amelia is seduced by the words of The Teacher, Cater struggles with the depravity of each suicide, while Doctor Jewels is pushed to breaking point. Searching for The Teacher they now must find the one responsible for sending the taunting notes Kyle and uncover the meaning of ‘Little Butterfly.’ Her career in tatters, disowned by her parents, fearful of losing Kyle, Joy decides the only way to end the torment is to kill the man responsible. Set in Perth Western Australia, Little Butterfly is the second book in the Jewel House Series, and is the sequel to Muffled Sounds. Trigger Warning; Little Butterfly deals with strong adult content.

Free chapters
Joy Lee was content. In love with Kyle, her career as a Detective on track, her friendships were significant and fulfilling. Finding the broken body of a young man, the first in a spate of suicides, encouraged by the esoteric doctrine of the one called The Teacher, was to change everything.
Challenged personally and professionally, Amelia is seduced by the words of The Teacher, Cater struggles with the depravity of each suicide, while Doctor Jewels is pushed to breaking point. Searching for The Teacher they now must find the one responsible for sending the taunting notes Kyle and uncover the meaning of ‘Little Butterfly.’
Her career in tatters, disowned by her parents, fearful of losing Kyle, Joy decides the only way to end the torment is to kill the man responsible.
Set in Perth Western Australia, Little Butterfly is the second book in the Jewel House Series, and is the sequel to Muffled Sounds.
Trigger Warning; Little Butterfly deals with strong adult content.


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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Butterfly</strong><br />

Rochelle McDonnell<br />

2<br />

Copyright © 2015 by R. McDonnell.<br />

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not<br />

be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without<br />

the express written permission of the publisher except for<br />

the use of brief quotations in a book review.<br />

Ebook released in Australia<br />

First release: 2015<br />

ISBN 978-0-9943564-1-3<br />

Jewel House<br />

Perth<br />

Western Australia<br />

To contact the publisher mail to :Email Publisher<br />


<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Butterfly</strong><br />

Rochelle McDonnell<br />

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Mastering his fear he transcends toward death.<br />

Holding fast to the belief that fuelled his intent, he took<br />

each step slowly.<br />

Standing atop the tower in the moonless night, he filled<br />

his senses with the twinkling lights of the city and the<br />

reflections on the water.<br />

Breathing deeply, he reminded himself that truth was his,<br />

owning all that was to be, all that had gone before and all<br />

that was to come.<br />

Sliding his hand into his pocket, he fingered the note<br />

written to enlighten those who sought the truth.<br />

Walking the small platform, he whispered his mantra,<br />

repeating his connection and resonance with the earth,<br />

water, air and fire.<br />

He pushed up onto the railing, balancing his weight as he<br />

crouched, knees bent, and hands holding tightly. Releasing<br />

his fingers and pushing forward with his feet, he pictured<br />

being one with all things.<br />

Falling into the darkness, confident in his truth, he<br />

became one with his belief.<br />


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Eyes fixed in death, broken and twisted, the drizzling<br />

rain bathed him in preparation for the autopsy table.<br />

Police tape cordoned off the area while curious<br />

onlookers watched in sombre silence. The soft rain<br />

whispered the first signs of the approaching winter.<br />

Looking at the imposing double spiral staircase built to<br />

represent the Double Helix Molecule of DNA, she<br />

shuddered, hoping she wouldn’t have to climb the one<br />

hundred and one steps to the top.<br />

“You ready?” Carter asked, zipping up his weatherproof<br />

jacket.<br />

Nodding, Amelia flipped up the hood of her jacket and<br />

covered her auburn hair. “Yes,” she breathed, opening the<br />

car door. “What do you think… jumper?” she asked, glancing<br />

up at the tower and then back at the body.<br />

“Could be,” Carter replied, nodding to the Officer<br />

controlling the growing crowd of curious onlookers. “You<br />

would think they would have something better to do.”<br />

“I guess there’s nothing like a drama to start the day.”<br />

Sliding her hands into her jacket Amelia walked briskly<br />

beside Carter towards the Officer standing vigil over the<br />

body.<br />

Ignoring the rain and the curious looks of the growing<br />

crowd, he moved towards Carter. “Coroner’s Investigation

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Unit has been notified, and we have locked down the scene.<br />

A jogger found him and called triple zero for an ambulance.<br />

The guy was still alive when she called. That’s her in the<br />

patrol car,” the officer said, pointing at the car. “Detective<br />

Lee,” he said, looking over at Carter.<br />

Watchful and alert, the women waved at Amelia and<br />

opened the door. Dressed in sweat pants and a tee shirt, her<br />

hair damp, her body lean and toned, she jogged towards<br />

them.<br />

“Joy,” Amelia said, her face breaking into a smile.<br />

Walking quickly to his Commodore, Carter popped the<br />

boot and took the space blanket from the first aid kit he<br />

carried.<br />

Jogging towards Joy, he shook it free from its wrapping.<br />

“Joy, what are you doing here?” he asked, draping the<br />

blanket around her shoulders and stepping back.<br />

“Thanks,” she whispered, wrapping the blanket tightly<br />

around her. “I was going for a run. I take a week’s leave, and<br />

I’m still working,” she said with a smile. “I found him about<br />

six this morning; he was conscious, but only just. I did what I<br />

could while I waited for the ambulance and you guys. He<br />

died just after the ambo’s got here.”<br />

“Did he say anything?”<br />

She shook her head. “He was barely hanging on Carter.”

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“What’s your thought?”<br />

“Jumper.”<br />

“You sure?”<br />

“No, but there are no signs of a struggle, his hands have<br />

no cuts or bruises. It looks like he hit face first, he’s a<br />

mess,” she said, walking with Carter towards Amelia and<br />

the Paramedics.<br />

Carter scanned the young man with the battered face<br />

and the compound fractures distorting his body.<br />

“There was nothing we could do,” the Paramedic said.<br />

“I’d say massive internal injuries.”<br />

“Thanks, did he say anything to you?” he asked, glancing<br />

up at the paramedic<br />

“No. Detective Lee did her best to keep him breathing, he<br />

wasn’t conscious when we got here.”<br />

Hands on hips, Carter leaned back and looked up at the<br />

tower and then down at the body, his mind busy working out<br />

angles and positioning.<br />

“How high?” he asked, looking at Amelia.<br />

“About fifteen metres or so.”<br />

Shaking his head and smiling, he pushed up on his<br />

knees. “I’m old school, feet?”<br />

“Close to fifty feet,” Joy Lee answered. “I’m old school<br />

too, but unlike Carter I’ve learned the maths.”

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“Anybody see anything?”<br />

“No one was here when I jogged past it was only just<br />

getting light.”<br />

“You said he was face down when you found him, right?”<br />

“Yes,” Joy said with a nod. “I rolled him over, but you can<br />

see the blood splatter here and here,” she said, pointing at<br />

the ground.<br />

Angling the camera, Carter took photos while listening to<br />

Joy. “Did you see anything else on the ground?”<br />

“Not that I could see.”<br />

Sliding his hands into the pockets of the bloodied jeans<br />

he pulled out a wallet and opened it. “Jonathon House aged<br />

nineteen.” Handing the wallet to Amelia, he unfolded the<br />

piece of paper he found in the jacket pocket.<br />

Eyes locked on the paper in front of him, he breathed out<br />

slowly. “Looks like a suicide note, but it makes no sense to<br />

me.”<br />

“What’s it say?”<br />

“What is, is not.<br />

What was, may be.<br />

What appears to be real is always false.<br />

I die freely, knowing the truth.”<br />


<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Butterfly</strong><br />

Rochelle McDonnell<br />

8<br />

Leaning back in the leather office chair she gazed out the<br />

window onto the manicured gardens of Jewel House. The<br />

sound of tyres crunching over the blue metal alerted her to<br />

the Porsche meandering its way up the long driveway.<br />

Owned by Sam Emmerson, Jewel House was nestled in<br />

the hills of Roleystone. It was a large house with five<br />

bedrooms, all with their own bathroom, a gym, lounge and<br />

dining room and a well equipped kitchen, surrounded by<br />

three acres of native bush and tall gum trees.<br />

Scanning her office, she smiled at the order and comfort<br />

it gave. The office was larger than the one she had at St<br />

Michael’s. It was equipped with leather armchairs, a polished<br />

mahogany desk which rested in the corner of the room, and<br />

a high back leather office chair, designed for ease and style,<br />

which held her snugly. She was now comfortable in her role<br />

providing support and counselling for Sam. Her new practice<br />

as an independent practitioner and consultant was beginning<br />

to grow, and she was settling into working from Jewel<br />

House. Pushing back from her desk, she walked towards the<br />

front door.<br />

Joy smiled when she saw Adrienne’s silver BMW<br />

convertible, pulling the Porsche alongside, she leaned back

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into the leather seat gathering her thoughts before walking to<br />

the front door. She rang the doorbell with a nervous hand<br />

and then ran her hands through jet black hair while she<br />

waited.<br />

“Joy… nice to see you,” Adrienne said, hugging her.<br />

“You look good,” she said with a smile and returning the<br />

hug.<br />

“Come in.” Draping her arm around Joy she led her<br />

through the hallway into the spacious lounge room.<br />

“Do you want coffee?”<br />

“Please.”<br />

“Good, coffee is made,” Adrienne told her. “It's so good<br />

to see you.”<br />

Pulling out a stool Joy sat down and rested her elbows<br />

on the bench top in the large well equipped kitchen.<br />

“I’m just dropping some things off for Kyle. I pick her up<br />

from the airport at three this afternoon. I saw your car, so I<br />

thought I would pop in.”<br />

“Oh, I didn’t know she was away, she didn’t mention it to<br />

me,” Adrienne replied, resting the coffee mugs next to the<br />

coffee maker.<br />

“Some spur of the moment business thing,” Joy told her.

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Pouring the coffees, Adrienne glanced over at Joy.<br />

“What’s on your mind?” she asked, setting a mug of coffee in<br />

front of Joy and sitting opposite her.<br />

Running her fingers over the handle of the mug she<br />

smiled. “You always do that… why can’t I just visit?”<br />

Adrienne shrugged and raised the coffee mug to her lips.<br />

“I found a body this morning.”<br />

Sipping her coffee, Adrienne waited.<br />

“Suicide, I’m on leave, go for a jog and find a body. Can<br />

you believe that?”<br />

Opening a tin of ginger snaps and placing it in easy<br />

reach; she smiled at Joy waiting for her to continue.<br />

“Well… I was wondering why people kill themselves,” she<br />

said, biting into a ginger snap before finishing her sentence.<br />

“Many reasons, fear, deep despondency, terror, a sense<br />

of worthlessness, the list is endless. Essentially death is<br />

seen as the only way out.” Resting her mug on the bench,<br />

she leaned towards Joy. “Now… you want to tell me the real<br />

reason you’re here?”<br />

Blushing and shifting uncomfortably on her stool, she<br />

reached for another ginger snap.<br />

“It's Kyle. I'm worried about her.”<br />

“I see.”<br />

“Do you know she’s having nightmares?”

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“Joy, I can’t discuss Kyle with you, you know that.”<br />

“I know… It freaks me out, she wakes up in the middle of<br />

the night screaming, yelling all sorts of stuff… she’s crying<br />

and begging you for forgiveness…” Her voice fading out, she<br />

looked out the window.<br />

Resting her elbows on the breakfast bar, Adrienne<br />

smiled. “So you and Kyle?”<br />

“About six weeks now. You didn’t know? I thought she<br />

would have told you,” she said, her eyes fixed on the tree<br />

outside the kitchen window.<br />

“Oh, I know, I’m not blind. I was waiting for you to tell<br />

me.”<br />

Hiding behind her coffee mug Joy turned and looked at<br />

Adrienne.<br />

“I didn’t know how you would react.”<br />

“Come on Joy, you know me better than that. This is not<br />

easy for me, I am her psychiatrist I am also her friend and<br />

yours, and I walk a tightrope every day trying to balance the<br />

two.”<br />

“I know, I’m sorry,” she whispered. “It just happened… I<br />

mean we got close when we were all hiding out from<br />

Ahemed. At first I thought we were drawn together because<br />

of all the drama.” She paused, gathering her thoughts.<br />

“But...” She shrugged, lost for words.

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Leaning across the breakfast bar Adrienne took Joy’s<br />

hand gently in hers.<br />

“Sweetie, it's hard enough being in a relationship, never<br />

mind a same sex relationship. There is so much prejudice<br />

and judgement. With Kyle being who she is, a recluse,<br />

someone who needs her space and privacy, and who hides<br />

the fact that she is Sam Emmerson, it’s not going to be<br />

easy.” She paused, holding Joy’s eyes. “Add to that her<br />

disassociation and all that goes with, you’re taking on a lot,”<br />

she said gently.<br />

“I know,” Joy whispered, brushing away a tear. “But I<br />

want to be with her, I just need some help.”<br />

****<br />

The hand held gently, shook with the emotion that<br />

surged in waves. Amelia looked down at the delicate fingers<br />

clawing in grief and seeking comfort from her touch. Sitting<br />

rigidly next to his wife, his face pale, jaw clenched, fighting<br />

with his loss and anger, Eddie House swallowed back the<br />

pain and looked to Carter.<br />

“We are both so sorry to have to bring this news,” Carter<br />

said. “Is there anyone we could call?”

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Shaking his head, he fixed his eyes on a spot on the<br />

floor. “No… his sister, oh god Sarah, we need to call Janet.”<br />

This revelation brought on a bout of fresh sobbing from<br />

his wife. Amelia rubbed her back gently.<br />

“Would you like me to call her for you?” Amelia asked.<br />

Sarah House shook her head. “No… I.” Unable to<br />

answer, she allowed the grief to consume her.<br />

“Mr House, do you know if anything was troubling<br />

Jonathon?”<br />

“No, he was a good boy, a good son,” he told them, the<br />

words filled with emotion.<br />

“Yes, I am sure he was,” Carter said, his voice soft and<br />

even. “Did anything happen recently that was out of the<br />

ordinary?”<br />

“No.”<br />

“Was Jonathon working?”<br />

Eddie House cleared his throat in the vain attempt to<br />

control the tremor in his voice. “No he is…was a student.”<br />

Stumbling over the words, he coughed and looked down at<br />

the floor.<br />

“What was he studying?”<br />

“Um.” Wiping an errant tear he glanced at his wife.<br />

“Social Sciences at Scott University.”<br />

“Did you meet any of his friends?”

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“Yes… they are good lads, all of them.”<br />

“So nothing happened that you are aware of that may<br />

have been troubling Jonathon?” he asked again.<br />

“He was a bit stressed with his studies,” she said quietly.<br />

“That new thing he was studying… Ed, you remember…”<br />

Her voice trailed off as a fresh wave of tears fell.<br />

“I don’t know… some new course he signed up for,” he<br />

said quietly.<br />

“I don’t understand why… why he did it? He was a good<br />

boy, my baby.”<br />

“We don’t know, I am so sorry, but we just don’t know at<br />

the moment,” Amelia said gently.<br />

Moving the box of tissues closer, Amelia rested her<br />

hand on a shoulder that trembled with grief.<br />

Carter rested his elbows on his knees and clasped his<br />

hands.<br />

“Mr House, even though we found Jonathon’s wallet with<br />

his driver’s licence, we do need for someone to formally<br />

identify that it is Jonathon.”<br />

“What does that mean?”<br />

Carter looked to Amelia; he took a long slow breath<br />

before looking at Ed House.

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“For you to view Jonathon and tell us if it is him,” he said<br />

gently. “A counsellor will meet with you and go through<br />

everything.”<br />

It was late afternoon, Carter leaned back in his chair,<br />

fingers interlaced behind his head, eyes closed looking for<br />

answers. Blocking out the sounds of ringing telephones and<br />

the conversations of his colleagues, he focused his thoughts<br />

on the broken body of Jonathon House.<br />

Worrying through the morning events and trying to<br />

understand why someone so young had decided to end it all,<br />

he sighed. There was no history of mental illness, no<br />

depression, nothing out of the ordinary. A strong young man<br />

who studied hard and never had been in any serious trouble,<br />

now dead.<br />

“Carter?” Amelia’s voice penetrated his thoughts. “Planet<br />

earth to Carter,” she teased.<br />

Unlocking his fingers and opening his eyes, he leaned on<br />

the desk looking across at Amelia.<br />

“That was the Coroner’s Office. Mr House will be<br />

identifying the body in the morning.” Looking at Carter to see<br />

if he was listening, she continued. “He said that early<br />

toxicology showed no traces of alcohol, we should have the<br />

full results by tomorrow.”

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“Okay.”<br />

“Initial assessment is suicide. Carter, this was the fourth<br />

suicide in the past three weeks, all young adults between the<br />

ages of nineteen and twenty-two.”<br />

“Hmm… anything else?”<br />

“No, that’s about it,” she said, flicking through her<br />

notebook.<br />

“I want to interview some of his friends from the<br />

university, see if they know anything. You know how it is…<br />

kids will tell their mates what they won’t tell their parents. We<br />

can also speak with his lecturers; you never know they may<br />

be able to tell us something.”<br />

“Tomorrows job?” she asked, glancing at her watch.<br />

“Tomorrow… you know something Amelia,” he continued<br />

not waiting for an answer, “that note was strange… why<br />

would you write I freely die?”<br />

****<br />

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