A magazine containing some of Mirleft Access students' creative writings. A magazine containing some of Mirleft Access students' creative writings.

Mirleft<br />

Access Center<br />

CREATI E<br />

Lycée qualifiant Youssef ben Tachfine<br />

2014– 2015<br />



The Story of my Name<br />

"My name is Karima. It's also one of the positive adjectives to<br />

describe people’s personality. Karima is an Arabic name which<br />

means « generous ». It's a lovely name. I like it very much. It<br />

was my grandmother who gave me that name because she loved<br />

it. My mom also loved my name because it was not popular<br />

in the town where I was born. There are many famous people<br />

who have the same name as I am.. Karima Skali is one of them.<br />

She is a great Moroccan singer. That is the story behind my<br />

name."<br />

Karima Ngou<br />


Mom<br />

Souk : Oh, my God ! I’m so tired and exhausted ! I’ve been cleaning all the day..<br />

all the week… all the month… all the year !! I’ve been cleaning nonstop all my<br />

life !!!What a life ! I’mjust fed up with cleaning ( She throws the broom) Well, I<br />

need to have some rest !! ( switches TV on and starts watching) yes yes yes …<br />

my favorite show. I totally forgot about it !<br />

( talking to her daughter) hey, you ! What are you doing there standing like<br />

that?<br />

Fatima : ( texting someone on her phone) I’m just looking through the window<br />

!<br />

Souk : OK, OK go on go on ( watching TV) Hey you come on ! No No No it’s …<br />

pass the ball !<br />

Fatima : Mom, there’s a man out there !<br />

Souk : ( watching TV) So what ? Is that a problem ?<br />

Fatima : No, but he’s trying to open your car !<br />

Souk : What ? go go<br />

Fatima : he’s opening the door of your car !<br />

Souk : What are you saying ? yes go go you stupid !<br />

Fatima : He’s taking the CD player of your car !!<br />

Soukaina : No, no ! you stupid<br />

Fatima : He’s putting in it in his bag !<br />

Souk : What are you talking about ? Don’t you see I’m watching football !<br />

Fatima : Well, I’m just telling you about your car.<br />

Soukaina : It’s OK . You are getting worried about nothing<br />

Fatima : ( Screamin) Mom !<br />

Souka : What ?<br />

Fatima : He’s starting your car !<br />

Souka : Who is ?<br />

Fatima : Him !<br />

Souk : Who ?<br />

Fatima : He’s driving away your car !<br />

Soukaina : ( moves towards Fatima) Why didn’t you tell me , you stupid<br />


Fatima : I told you , I was telling you and I’m telling you now, but you weren’t<br />

listening !<br />

Souk : Get out of my face, you stupid girl ! ( throws a shoe at Fatima but she<br />

breaks TV)<br />

Fatima : Oh, my God ! you broke the TV ! He’s gonna kill you !<br />

Souk : Oh ! it’s gonna be the last day in my life ! He’s gonna kill me ! ( addressing<br />

the audience) Good bye !<br />

Fatima : He’s coming ! Get ready !!!<br />

Kenza enters on stage<br />

Kenza : Hi sweetheart ! Is there anything to eat ? I’m so hungry ! I’m starving !<br />

Soukaina : Oh yeah, I’ve cooked a delicious TV.. ah I mean a delicious tagine<br />

for you.<br />

Kenza : Oh great ! Now let me relax a bit and watch the news on TV.<br />

Fatima / Soukaina: No, no..<br />

Fatima : Let’s go too the dinning room. The TV is ready… I mean the football is<br />

ready.. no I mean the fish tagine is ready !<br />

Kenza : Hey what’s wrong with both you ? Are you OK ? ( She pushes both of<br />

them and saw the broken TV) Oh, my God ! Oh, my TV ! Oh, my boken TV !<br />

( addressing both of them) Who broke my TV ? Tell me !<br />

Soukaina/Fatima : ( Terrified) Not me ! Not me !<br />

Kenza : What does that mean ? Not me not me !!!!! Who broke my TV ? Tell<br />

me ! You don’t want to tell me. It’s OK. ( calming down and smiling) Actually,<br />

this is not a big deal. I was thinking of buying a new smart FULL HD TV.<br />

Fatima : Oh, really ? I’m gonna play a lot of games on the new TV. Thanks<br />

mom.<br />

Kenza : What do you mean « thanks mom » ?<br />

Soukaina : Well, darling. It was me who broke the Tgaine.. I mean the TV.<br />

Kenza : Oh really ! that’s perfect ! ( becoming mad again) I’m gonna KILL You,<br />

you stupid woman !<br />

Fatima : Ohn please dad ! Stop it ! She broke the TV because she ….<br />

( Soukaina interrupts Fatima)<br />


Soukaina : I broke the Tagine .. I mean I boke the TV because … It was just an<br />

accident.. in fact, I’m pregnant !<br />

Kenza : What ? pregnant ?<br />

Soukaina: Not really!<br />

Kenza: What do you mean?<br />

Soukaina : Well, I just want to make you laugh a little.<br />

Kenza : Make me laugh ! Well, but me too I’m gonna make you cry a lot !<br />

Come here you stupid woman !!!<br />

Fatima : You need to explain to him.<br />

Soukaina : Ok ; I’ll explain . You know I was just watching my favorite team<br />

playing against Barca.<br />

Fatima : and they lost ! Messi scored two goals !<br />

Soukaina : Who told you ?<br />

Fatima : My boyfriend texted me.<br />

Soukaina/ Kenza : What !<br />

Fatima : I mean my best girlfriend.<br />

Kenza : I’m gonna kill both of you !<br />

Soukaina : I broke the TV because someone stole my car and I was so angry. !<br />

Kenza : Do YOU have a car ?<br />

Fatima : She means our family car.<br />

Kenza : What does that mean ?<br />

Soukaina : I mean your car, darling.<br />

Kenza : What ? My TV is broken and my car is stolen !!! I’m gonna kill both of<br />

you !( beating his wife)<br />

Fatima : ( calling 911) Please, is this 911 ? We have a fight here. Where ? at<br />

Zalagh hotel. Please come quickly. What ? with which hand he is beating her ?<br />

Is that a question ? stop it! He’s beating her with the right hand.. noo with the<br />

left hand. With both hands Now, he’s kicking her ! Come quick ! He’s gonna kill<br />

my mom !<br />

End.<br />

Fatima Elgouid,<br />

Kenza Elkodesi<br />

Soukaina Elouzzani<br />


A Sad Memory<br />

There are lots of important and memorable events in my life. But the drowning<br />

of my cousin was the most important and painful event I will never<br />

forget. I still remember the time when that tragedy occurred. It was in the<br />

summer of 2011 and I was 11 years old then. It was a hot and sunny day,<br />

so my brother, cousins and I decided to go to the beach. We picked up our<br />

stuff and went to the beach. On our way to the beach, we were playing music,<br />

dancing and teasing each other. When we got there, we played lots of<br />

games like football, Frisbee and volleyball. We had lot of fun. After lunch we<br />

all went swimming except my cousin Brahim. He decided to go surfing, instead.<br />

But he wasn’t good at swimming. That’s why my brother refused to<br />

give him his surfing board. So, he asked me for mine. He knew that I<br />

wouldn’t say no! He took my surfing board and went straight to the waves.<br />

After a while we heard some screaming and saw people running. From<br />

afar I could see a young boy lying down but I couldn't see his face. There<br />

was a crowd of people standing and looking at the boy lying on the sand. I<br />

asked a girl who that boy was and what was happening. She said "They<br />

found him drowning!" At that moment, l thought about Brahim and ran toward<br />

my brother and cousins to ask about him. But no one knew where he<br />

was .My brother call home to ask about him but the answer was «he is not<br />

here». I was afraid to tell him that he had gone swimming and given him<br />

my surfing board. But at the same time I was worried about him; so I told<br />

my brother what happened and what I did . When he heard that he ran to<br />

the ambulance and asked the doctor about the drowning boy. Fortunately, it<br />

wasn't Brahim. I was relieved and so happy. Yet, I felt sad and worried. After<br />

a while i saw Brahim walking toward us. Actually, he met a girl. Instead<br />

of going surfing he was walking hand in hand with that girl along the<br />

beach! I always think to myself: that girlfriend saved my cousin from<br />

drowning!<br />

Fatima Lagouid<br />


The Magic Potion<br />

One day, I was with my friend who used to love making potions. There was a<br />

corner in her room where she made all her experiments. She had a desk,<br />

some tubes, bottles and many chemical substances on it. She used to call<br />

that corner her laboratory ! she created a potion that she named the<br />

shrinking potion. I did not actually believe that it would work. So I took it with<br />

me home and I drank it. I felt just fine . After a few minutes, I began to<br />

shrink ! I did not believe what was happening to me. I was screaming and<br />

shouting for help. But, no one could hear me. After a while ; I heard a big<br />

noise. That was my mom’s steps. I just could believe i t was a dinosaur, but it<br />

was her. She almost smashed me with her huge shoes ; But I saved myself<br />

climbing up her leg. But it was really hard. As soon as I got closer to her ear,<br />

I shouted as loudly as I could calling her name. And because she couldn’t<br />

hear me I started pulling her hair as had as I could. But my foot slipped and<br />

I got inside her ear. I knew I was going to get lost in that hair Amazon jungle<br />

It was so hairy and looked like a jungle ! It was so filthy and gross ! I knew<br />

I was going to get lost there. So I decided to look for an exit. I didn’t want to<br />

spend the rest of my life in that horrible jungle. While trying to find an exit, I<br />

met a gigantic bug. Its legs were four or five times my length. I was scared<br />

to death. It started to move towards me ! It didn’t seem to have any eyes. All<br />

I could remember seeing was a huge mouth with hundreds of sharp teeth. I<br />

was screaming harder and harder as it was getting closer to me. I had no<br />

doubt it was going to crush me with his teeth ! I kept screaming with all my<br />

might but no one could hear me ! I thought that was it. I was going to die ! I<br />

screamed again so hard and loudly that I woke up to find myself lying on<br />

bed sweating all over ! It was just a horrible dream !<br />

Soumia Boussaa<br />


Some Boys<br />

Hate girls<br />

Love soccer<br />

Sleep late<br />

Also never arrive on time<br />

Love watching action movies<br />

Always<br />

Go swimming,<br />

Surfing<br />

Flirting with girls on the beach<br />

They often wear<br />

disgusting perfumes<br />

They’re so lazy<br />

They cheat in exams<br />

They chat with girls all night long<br />

They’re very messy<br />

Love boring colors<br />

Never cook a meal,<br />

But, they enjoy being bossy<br />

Giving orders to their sisters…<br />

Anyway… they’re boys after all !<br />

Fatima Bahmou<br />


YOU<br />

You are my life<br />

You are my light<br />

You are the moon in the darkest night<br />

In everything black you are the white<br />

When I lose my way, you are the door,<br />

You are the gate<br />

In the middle of noise, you are the quiet<br />

You give me anything I want<br />

You are the one who I trust<br />

I’m always wrong, you’re always right<br />

You asked me why and you shout!<br />

When I do make a mistake or when I fight<br />

You taught me how to forget and how to forget<br />

How I look at the future<br />

And forget the past<br />

When I hurry up, you tell me to wait<br />

To fix my shirt, shoes or skirt<br />

You’re the one who knows my habit<br />

You’re the one who calls me “my rabbit”<br />

I love you mom and I know you love me too.<br />

Soukaina ElOUAzzani<br />


HUNGER<br />

Alone, alone<br />

In the dark alone<br />

Everytime, I wish I could fly<br />

High above the sky<br />

Highe with the satrs<br />

Streets are my home<br />

Thoough I’m only ten years.. Ten years<br />

Violent is all my life<br />

Hunger has become a friend<br />

All the time I’m dreaming<br />

But my dreams have never come true<br />

All the time I pray to have a new life<br />

Oh my God, give another chance to live!<br />

Siham Doumani<br />


Beauty<br />

Every girl keeps trying her best to look like her favorite model who has<br />

the perfect skin , the perfect eyes, the perfect nose, the perfect smile..<br />

and the perfect body. But I don’t think beauty is all about that. Every girl,<br />

to my mind, should believe in herself, have more confidence in herself<br />

and more importantly accept who she is. Because noone is ugly. Girls<br />

may put on all sorts of make-up and look nice. But, beauty is not simply<br />

about superficial looks ! Beautiful people are not necessarily good, but<br />

good people are certainly beautiful. In my opinion, the real beauty comes<br />

from the heart. The real beauty is expressed through our sincere actions<br />

when we help people who are in need, listen to and feel their pains and<br />

troubles and make them happy. Genuine beauty may be just a smile from<br />

the haert that makes people forget for a while some of their suffereings<br />

and think there are still other people who care about them.<br />

I know there are times when we harm people. Sometimes we mean it,<br />

some others, we cause harm by accident. But, one thing I’m sure about<br />

is that in every black heart there’s a white side and vice versa. So, all we<br />

need to do is look for the goodness inside our hearts and the hearts of<br />

people around us. That’s the way to make people glow with happiness.<br />

Because that glow comes from inside and is true. We should never try to<br />

look like others. Lrt’s be ourselves and do good as much as we can and<br />

that is the true meaning of beauty.<br />

Soumia Boussa<br />


My Hero<br />

In this article I will be talking about a teenager girl like me, but not quite like me ! .. She is a girl so<br />

special, so strong, so unique that many consider a hero and a model to follow .<br />

Of course, everyone of us must have a hero. And our heros could be women, men or children who lived<br />

in the past or are still living with us in the present. They could also be real as well as characters from<br />

stories we read or movies we watched.<br />

Me, too.. I have a hero and my hero is neither Superman nor Superwoman, neither a man nor a woman..<br />

neither from a fiction book nor from a Hollywood movie… My hero is a teenager girl who has become a<br />

worldwide celebrity because of her strong activism.. she has become famous all over the world because<br />

she has been constantly fighting for women’ s rights and particularly girls’ rights to education.<br />

Malala is my hero and I have no doubt she is a hero for a lot of girls around the world.<br />

Let me start by a short biography of my hero. Malala Youssafzai was born on July 12th, 1997 in Swat<br />

Valley, Pakistan. Malala was raised in a home that strongly values education. Actually, her father is a<br />

poet ,a teacher and an education activist who used to run a number of schools in Swat valley. But the<br />

Talibans, a group of extremists, were not happy about girls going to schools ! So they decided to ban<br />

girls education in Swat valley! In fact, they destroyed many all-girl schools! Malala was, of course, not<br />

happy with what the Talibans did ! Because Malala was an ambitious student and for her education was<br />

EVERYTHING.. So she decided to do something . In 2009, she started a blog where she wrote about life<br />

under the Taliban rule. She described the fear and the terror she was experiencing while attending<br />

school. In that blog which she wrote for the BBC, she was expressing her opinions about girls’ right to<br />

education. Thanks to her blog, the world began to know about the difficult situation of school girls in<br />

Swat valley. She was a brave girl and continued to fight for girls right to education with a lot of determination<br />

and commitment. She gave interviews on TV, on the radio and newpapers talking about girls right<br />

to education and women’s rights, in general.<br />

But Malala’s voice was very disturbing for the Talibans. On 9 October 2012, Malala Yousafzai was shot in<br />

the head and neck by aTaliban gunman while returning home on a school bus ! They wanted to silence<br />

her ! But, they failed ! Her voice was much stronger and louder than their bullets ! Malala didn’t die ! You<br />

know why ? Because she has a strong will and determination. Because she is a brave and daring girl.<br />

And probably, because she has a strong skull, too ;-)<br />

Today, Malala Yousafzai is still fighting for girls’ rights to education in spite of the threats of Taliban. Her<br />

love for education is much stronger than any fear and that’s why I admire and consider her my hero.<br />

And because of that and other qualities she was awarded the National Youth Peace Prize in 2011 and in<br />

2014 the Nobel Prize for Peace.<br />

Thank you Malala for being an inspiring and brave fighter for the girls’rights to eduaction.<br />

Hafida Elhariti<br />


Access<br />

Access is the best thing that happened in my life<br />

Access is the key that opened new doors in my life<br />

Access is a school where every Sunday I learn new information<br />

Access is also fun and a lot of action<br />

Access is my home<br />

Access is my friends<br />

Access is a relation that never ends<br />

Access is an amazing experience<br />

Access gave me more confidence<br />

Access is a precious gift<br />

English is also a precious gift<br />

English is more than a language. It is light<br />

And our future with English will be bright<br />

Yassine Abehri<br />


To you my best friends<br />

Everyone thinks that being best friends<br />

Means having fun and playing games<br />

What they don’t know is<br />

Friendship is a mix of laughter and fights,<br />

Smiles and too much love<br />

My friends are true friends<br />

Not just passers- by<br />

They’re always on the standby<br />

When you’re low, they make you feel high<br />

I can’t think of more perfect friends<br />

To share with my dreams and plans<br />

My joys and my fears<br />

I don’t know if they can tell<br />

Just how much they mean to me<br />

And how proud they’ve always made me<br />

We have stood the test of time<br />

And with them I hope to stay till the end of time.<br />

Latifa Elmazzagui<br />


Hunger<br />

I’m so hungry I didn’t eat all the day<br />

Not a morsel of bread, not a drop of water<br />

My mind is so dry<br />

Everyday my friends die<br />

I wanna live like a bird<br />

And fly above the sky<br />

Eat whatever I want<br />

And as much as I can<br />

I don’t wanna die<br />

Where in this world is mercy?<br />

Cruelty is all I can see!<br />

Humans I also see<br />

But, no humanity!<br />

I’m a victim of hunger and poverty<br />

Why doesn’t anyone care about me?<br />

Why doesn’t anyone help me?<br />

Can you answer me?”<br />

Soukaina & Soumaia<br />


Writing for Everyone<br />

I closed my eyes<br />

Wanted to sleep<br />

Without forgetting<br />

Our memories<br />

And the sky was blue<br />

It’s been raining<br />

And there's nothing to do<br />

I shall never watch my face<br />

With my desires an ddreams<br />

I have no hope, no tears<br />

A bitter sweet memory<br />

With that promise and hope<br />

In your eyes<br />

All I see is water<br />

No more laughter<br />

No more singing<br />

Make them better than before<br />

Words I cannot say<br />

Silenced my voice<br />

Give me a chance<br />

It’s time to wake up<br />

Under a new sun<br />

And after this day<br />

Nothing will be the same<br />

I want just to write<br />

In my booknote<br />

To express the pain I feel<br />

But I haven’t found the pen!<br />



My Family<br />

You are the gate to success<br />

You are the pen that draws smiles on our faces<br />

You are the wind that blows the blues away<br />

Friends and family that’s what we were, that’s what we are<br />

And that’s what we shall forever and ever be<br />

Love is what we share<br />

When life gets dark<br />

And family brings back its colors, moments I can’t forget<br />

Friends I can’t let go of<br />

It’s hard to let go<br />

But I’ll never let go<br />

I love you all<br />

With you I learned the meaning of life<br />

I love you all<br />

Naima MRABIT<br />




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