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Presentations<br />

Primary analysis of the EORTC 10041/ BIG 3-04 MINDACT study:<br />

A prospective, randomized study evaluating the clinical utility<br />

of the 70-gene signature (MammaPrint) combined with common<br />

clinical pathological criteria for selection of patients for adjuvant<br />

chemotherapy in breast cancer with 0 to 3 positive nodes<br />

Authors*: Martine Piccart, Emiel Rutgers, Laura van’ t Veer, Leen Slaets, Suzette Delaloge, Giuseppe Viale,<br />

Jean Yves Pierga, Peter Vuylsteke, Etienne Brain, Suzan Vrijaldenhoven, P. Neijenhuis, Bruno Coudert,<br />

Tineke Smilde, Miguel Gil, Alastair Thompson, Isabel Rubio, Rodolfo Passalaqua, Erika Matos, Urlike Nitz,<br />

Mauro Delorenzi, Geraldine Thomas, Theodora Goulioti, Carolyn Straehle, Konstantinos Tryfonidis,<br />

Jan Bogaerts, Fatima Cardoso<br />

Pres #: CT039 Section: Presentation Date/Time: Monday, April 18: 10:30-10:50AM<br />

Location: La Nouvelle Orleans Ballroom<br />

Presentation Type: Clinical Trials Plenary Session<br />

van ‘t Veer Lab Expertise: Dr. van ’t Veer’s research focuses on personalized medicine & advancing patient<br />

management based on knowledge of the genetic makeup of the tumor as well as the genetic makeup of the<br />

patient. Her laboratory investigates human kinases & how kinase inhibitors elicit response & resistance, which<br />

is also utilized to understand agent efficacy in the I-SPY 2 TRIAL. She is the PI of the Athena Breast Health<br />

Network, a 150,000 women cohort study evaluating new paradigms to enhance breast health. She leads the<br />

targeted genome testing of 100,000 women for 9 breast cancer susceptibility genes and a selection of ~100<br />

known susceptibility SNPs. She is one of the PIs for the NIH Big Data to Knowledge Center Translational<br />

Genomics, facilitating worldwide standardization of sharing annotated genomics data.<br />

http://cancer.ucsf.edu/people/profiles/vantveer_<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

Targeting KRAS stemness<br />

Authors*: Frank McCormick<br />

Pres #: Section: Presentation Date/Time: Monday, April 18: 10:40-11:05AM<br />

Location: New Orleans Theater A<br />

Presentation Type: Major Symposium<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />

Translating genomic discoveries into therapy for<br />

acute lymphoblastic leukemia<br />

Authors*: Mignon L. Loh<br />

Pres #: Section: Presentation Date/Time: Monday, April 18: 11:30-11:55AM<br />

Location: Room 260<br />

Presentation Type: Recent Advances in Diagnostics and Therapeutics Research<br />

*<strong>UCSF</strong> authors in bold<br />


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