Indian Christianity

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twentieth century to establish that "Jesus belongs to India." He made it clear that <strong>Christianity</strong> is not an<br />

imported, alien, foreign religion but is indigenous to <strong>Indian</strong> needs, aspirations, and faith. He remains one<br />

of the permanently significant figures of <strong>Indian</strong> <strong>Christianity</strong>."<br />

Quotes from Sadhu Sunder Singh<br />

Should I worship Him from fear of hell, may I be cast into it. Should I serve Him from desire of gaining<br />

heaven, may He keep me out. But should I worship Him from love alone, He reveals Himself to me, that<br />

my whole heart may be filled with His love and presence.<br />

Every Christian, whether man or woman, boy or girl, rich or poor, workman or peasant, writer or priest,<br />

judge or official, doctor or lawyer, teacher or pupil, Government official or missionary, is only a Christian<br />

on condition that he witnesses for his Lord....all Christians, wherever they are, have the opportunity of<br />

witnessing for their Master. They can do this by their upright life, their blameless character, by the<br />

integrity of their behaviour and their sincerity in speech, by their enthusiasm for their religion and their<br />

love for their Master, using every possible opportunity of telling others about Jesus Christ.<br />

Salt, when dissolved in water, may disappear, but it does not cease to exist. We can be sure of its<br />

presence by tasting the water. Likewise, the indwelling Christ, though unseen, will be made evident to<br />

others from the love which he imparts to us.<br />

It is not necessary that every single member of the body should become useless and weak before death<br />

occurs. A weakness of, or a blow upon, the heart or the brain will suffice to bring an end to life, however<br />

strong and healthy other parts of the body may be. Thus one sin by its poisonous effect on the mind and<br />

heart is sufficient to ruin the spiritual life not of one only, but of a whole family or nation, even of the<br />

whole race. Such was the sin of Adam.<br />

When Jesus entered Jerusalem the people spread their clothes in the way and strewed branches before<br />

Him in order to do Him honour. Jesus rode upon an ass, according to the word of the prophet. His feet<br />

did not touch the road which was decorated in His honour. It was the ass which trod upon the garments<br />

and the branches. But the ass would have been very foolish to have been uplifted on that account; for<br />

the road really was not decked in its honour! It would be just as foolish if those who bear Christ to men<br />

were to think anything of themselves because of what men do to them for the sake of Jesus. The human<br />

spirit abides in the body very much as the chicken in the shell. If it were possible for the bird within the<br />

shell to be told that outside of it was a great widespread world, with all kinds of fruit and flowers, with<br />

rivers and grand mountains, that its mother also was there, and that it would see all this when set free<br />


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