Istanbul, the first days of spring… I’m warming myself in the sun on a café’s balcony in the Old Town. The sunbeams are as stunning as the fine strands of newly reeled silk. Meanwhile the old oak trees give their morning greeting to the glossy stone road as their red-brown leaves gently fall. The Old Town is still half-asleep, like a lazy girl who’s turned off her alarm after ringing the first time. Sunlight visits each street, dancing happily on passers-by’s shoulders, making the atmosphere more intimate to me – the traveler’s first time here. I feel more amorous in Istanbul. I’m enchanted by everything, from sweet lokum to the light sour ice-cream with ground ice on top, or from the gorgeous domes of hundreds of mosques and palaces to their uniquely designed windows, and from the discreet eyes of Muslim girls to the multitude of boards and posters with the images of Besiktas – the city’s legendary football team. I have fallen in love with Bosphorus Bay since the first time seeing the seagulls hovering in the open sky, creating invisible strings that connect the two continents – Asia and Europe. The clear blue sky is reflected on the deep blue sea, giving me tranquility. I drop my last Lira into the water of the Bosphorus, not to make a wish, but in hopes that they will preserve my memories here. And somehow, the water currents might bring them somewhere else to be found by me again, or might accidentally be stumbled upon by a boy who is playing with sand on a sunny beach. Tomorrow, I will go to Grand Bazzar, buy some postcards, and write something to leave beneath the sun near a mosque before sending them to some friends of mine. I do hope that these postcards, together with the coins, will inspire and attract more visitors to this land. Uhm… will you come there?

Istanbul, the first days of spring…
I’m warming myself in the sun on a café’s balcony in the Old Town. The sunbeams are as stunning as the fine strands of newly reeled silk. Meanwhile the old oak trees give their morning greeting to the glossy stone road as their red-brown leaves gently fall. The Old Town is still half-asleep, like a lazy girl who’s turned off her alarm after ringing the first time. Sunlight visits each street, dancing happily on passers-by’s shoulders, making the atmosphere more intimate to me – the traveler’s first time here.
I feel more amorous in Istanbul. I’m enchanted by everything, from sweet lokum to the light sour ice-cream with ground ice on top, or from the gorgeous domes of hundreds of mosques and palaces to their uniquely designed windows, and from the discreet eyes of Muslim girls to the multitude of boards and posters with the images of Besiktas – the city’s legendary football team.
I have fallen in love with Bosphorus Bay since the first time seeing the seagulls hovering in the open sky, creating invisible strings that connect the two continents – Asia and Europe. The clear blue sky is reflected on the deep blue sea, giving me tranquility. I drop my last Lira into the water of the Bosphorus, not to make a wish, but in hopes that they will preserve my memories here. And somehow, the water currents might bring them somewhere else to be found by me again, or might accidentally be stumbled upon by a boy who is playing with sand on a sunny beach.
Tomorrow, I will go to Grand Bazzar, buy some postcards, and write something to leave beneath the sun near a mosque before sending them to some friends of mine. I do hope that these postcards, together with the coins, will inspire and attract more visitors to this land. Uhm… will you come there?


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Chÿ vÌi 200.000 VNß++/kh∏ch, bπn Æ∑ c„<br />

th” th≠Îng th¯c kh´ng giÌi hπn c∏c loπi bia<br />

vµ nhπc sËng tπi buffet Bia Î Le Bar tı 17h00<br />

Æ’n 20h00 tËi 30/4. ß∆c bi÷t, tı 29/4 Æ’n 1/5<br />

lµ thÍi gian phÙc vÙ buffet tËi mıng l‘ ThËng<br />

nh†t tπi nhµ hµng The Square vÌi ch≠¨ng tr◊nh<br />

Æ∆c bi÷t gÂm t´m mÚ ni, cua, ghã xanh, b<br />

Angus... vÌi gi∏ 680.000VNß++/kh∏ch. Vµo<br />

th¯ 6, ngµy 22/4 tı 18h00 Æ’n 22h00, Novotel<br />

cn giÌi thi÷u ch≠¨ng tr◊nh buffet n≠Ìng<br />

BBQ cuËi tu«n cÔng bπn bà tπi t«ng th≠Óng<br />

Novotel Nha Trang vÌi gi∏ 400.000VNß++/<br />

kh∏ch, ÆÂng thÍi mi‘n ph› 1 bia ho∆c ly r≠Óu<br />

vang. Th´ng tin lin h÷: Novotel Nha Trang,<br />

50 Tr«n PhÛ, Nha Trang, Tel: 058 625 6900<br />

ho∆c Email: H6033-RE@accor.com.<br />

Hµng loπt ≠u Æ∑i, khuy’n mπi<br />

h†p h…n tı c∏c nhµ hµng,<br />

kh∏ch sπn, resort, th≠¨ng hi÷u<br />

thÍi trang, h∑ng hµng kh´ng,<br />

c´ng ty l˜ hµnh uy t›n trong<br />

vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc.<br />



Terracotta Hotel & Resort ßµ<br />

Lπt Æang giÌi thi÷u g„i Tr®ng<br />

mÀt ng‰t ngµo chÿ vÌi 3.060.000<br />

VNß/tr‰n g„i dµnh cho 2 ng≠Íi.<br />

Gi∏ bao gÂm hai Æm nghÿ tπi<br />

phng Superior, 1 ly cocktail<br />

tr≠Ìc b˜a tËi l∑ng mπn tπi nhµ<br />

hµng Montagne, mi‘n ph› g„i<br />

"Tr Li÷u Th≠ gi∑n Toµn Th©n 60<br />

phÛt" dµnh cho 2 ng≠Íi, hoa t≠¨i<br />

trang tr› trong phng vµo ngµy<br />

Æ’n, mi‘n ph› 1 giÍ sˆ dÙng xe<br />

Æπp dπo quanh resort... u Æ∑i ∏p<br />

dÙng Æ’n h’t ngµy 30/11. Lin h÷<br />

Æ∆t dch vÙ: Phng Kinh doanh<br />

& Ti’p th tπi TP.HCM theo sË<br />

08 6258 0386 ho∆c Email: info.<br />

dalat@terracottaresort.com<br />


BEACH<br />

Bπn Æang t◊m ki’m li÷u ph∏p th≠<br />

gi∑n trong k˙ nghÿ tπi ßµ NΩng?<br />

H∑y th≠ gi∑n c¨ th”, gi∂i ph„ng<br />

tr› n∑o vÌi g„i khuy’n m∑i Æ∆c<br />

bi÷t cÒa tπi Spice Spa trong kh∏ch<br />

sπn Ä La Carte Da Nang Beach<br />

chÿ vÌi 1.095.000VNß/kh∏ch.<br />

Gi∏ bao gÂm 60 phÛt m∏t xa<br />

toµn th©n, 30 phÛt m∏t xa m∆t,<br />

x´ng kh´ vµ x´ng h¨i, N≠Ìc tr∏i<br />

c©y mi‘n ph›, Ä La Carte yogurt.<br />

Lin h÷: 0511 3959 555 Æ” Æ∆t<br />

dch vÙ.<br />


Th˘c ƨn Dim Sum, m„n ®n vËn<br />

lµm nn tn tuÊi cho nhµ hµng<br />

Trung Hoa Tao Li, sœ c„ thm<br />

nhi“u m„n mÌi k” tı th∏ng 4 nµy.<br />

Bn cπnh c∏c m„n ®n Æang Æ≠Óc<br />

≠a chuÈng nh≠ vt quay Qu∂ng<br />

ß´ng, lÓn s˜a quay, h∏ c∂o, x›u<br />

mπi... sœ c„ thm c∏c m„n ®n<br />

Æ≠Óc tr◊nh bµy Æãp mæt vµ ch’<br />

bi’n tÿ mÿ c«u k˙ nh≠: b∏nh r∏n<br />

phomat rau Æ≠Óc n∆n thµnh h◊nh<br />

tr∏i cµ t›m, b∏nh r∏n nh©n m›t<br />

Æ≠Óc n∆n thµnh h◊nh tr∏i cµ chua,<br />

b∏nh bao cacao s˜a trong h◊nh<br />

d∏ng cÒa mÈt con s... T†t c∂ c∏c<br />

m„n ®n Æ“u Æ≠Óc ch’ bi’n bªng<br />

tay, sˆ dÙng nguyn li÷u vµ mµu<br />

sæc chi’t xu†t tı thin nhin.<br />

PhÙc vÙ vµo tr≠a th¯ 7, chÒ nhÀt<br />

hµng tu«n vµ c∏c ngµy mÔng 8,<br />

18 vµ 25 hµng th∏ng. Gia Æ◊nh<br />

c„ tı 02 trŒ em trÎ ln khi Æ’n<br />

vµo cuËi tu«n cn Æ≠Óc t∆ng 01<br />

cuËn s∏ch v“ nu´i dπy con ki”u<br />

NhÀt. Gi∏ 350.000VNß++/ng≠Íi.<br />

Th´ng tin lin h÷: Hotel Nikko<br />

Hanoi, 84 Tr«n Nh©n T´ng, Q.<br />

Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hµ NÈi, Tel: <strong>04</strong><br />

3822 3535.<br />


ß∂m nhÀn vai tr th≠ k˝, bπn<br />

lu´n bÀn rÈn vµ cuËn vµo guÂng<br />

quay c´ng vi÷c Æ«y æp d˜ li÷u<br />

vµ lch h‰p hµnh? H∑y tπm g∏c<br />

c´ng vi÷c sang mÈt bn vµ nu´ng<br />

chi“u b∂n th©n vÌi b˜a tr≠a t˘<br />

ch‰n Æ∆c bi÷t mıng ngµy Th≠<br />

k› Th’ giÌi tπi nhµ hµng El Patio<br />

vµo ngµy 21 & 22/4 vÌi ≠u Æ∑i ln<br />

tÌi 50%. Gi∏: 495.000VNß++/<br />

ng≠Íi lÌn (bao gÂm 1 n≠Ìc ng‰t<br />

ho∆c 1 bia t≠¨i). C∏c th≠ k˝ nn<br />

mang thŒ nh©n vin cÒa m◊nh Æ’n<br />

El Patio Æ” nhÀn ≠u Æ∑i Æ∆c bi÷t<br />

trong ngµy nµy. Th´ng tin lin<br />

h÷ nhµ hµng El Patio theo sË: <strong>04</strong><br />

3934 3343, m∏y lŒ 7503.<br />


& SPA<br />

T‰a lπc trn mÈt Æoπn ngæn cÒa<br />

khu phË cÊ HÈi An, Khu nghÿ<br />

d≠Ïng Almanity HÈi An Resort &<br />

Spa gÂm 145 phng lµ Æi”m Æ’n<br />

l˝ t≠Îng Æ” kh∏m ph∏. Tπi Æ©y,<br />

kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc tÀn h≠Îng mÈt<br />

li÷u tr◊nh spa 90 phÛt hoµn toµn<br />

mi‘n ph› mÁi ngµy trong thÍi gian<br />

l≠u trÛ vÌi My Chi Spa. Chÿ vÌi<br />

8.000.000VNß+++cho k˙ nghÿ<br />

3 ngµy 2 Æm, khu nghÿ d≠Ïng Almanity<br />

HÈi An sœ thi’t k’ k˙ nghÿ<br />

cÒa bπn thÀt thÛ v, trong Æ„ bao<br />

gÂm b˜a tËi Æ∆c bi÷t dµnh cho 2<br />

th˘c kh∏ch vÌi n≠Ìc uËng vµ c∏c<br />

li÷u tr◊nh spa mi‘n ph› hªng ngµy,<br />

xe Æ≠a Æ„n s©n bay 2 chi“u vµ tr∂<br />

phng tr‘ Æ’n 4h00 chi“u. Gi∏ ∏p<br />

dÙng tı nay Æ’n 31/10. Th´ng tin<br />

lin h÷: Almanity HÈi An Resort<br />

& Spa, 326 L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t,<br />

HÈi An, Qu∂ng Nam, Tel: 0510<br />

3666 888 ho∆c Website: www.<br />

almanityhoian.com<br />


H∑y cÔng gia Æ◊nh vµ bπn bà tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m ti÷c tËi h∂i s∂n tı 18h00<br />

- 22h00 Æ≠Óc chu»n b ho∆c ch’<br />

bi’n ngay tπi qu«y, chÿ vÌi m¯c<br />

gi∏ tı 720.000VNß++/kh∏ch.<br />

C∏c l˘a ch‰n c¨m cuÈn vµ g·i<br />

sËng ki”u NhÀt B∂n, c∏c m„n<br />

n„ng hay m„n ng‰t ki”u Ph∏p.<br />

Ngoµi ra, ti÷c Trµ t˘ ch‰n tπi<br />

Æ©y cÚng lµ mÈt l˘a ch‰n thÛ v<br />

dµnh cho buÊi chi“u bn bπn bÃ,<br />

cÔng t∏n g…u vµ th≠Îng th¯c c∏c<br />

loπi th¯c ®n nhã, b∏nh ng‰t vµ<br />

bÈ s≠u tÀp trµ chi“u th≠Óng hπng<br />

bao gÂm trµ chi“u ki”u Anh, ti÷c<br />

trµ s´ c´ la vµ ti÷c trµ phong v<br />

cµ ph (gi∏ 220.000VNß++/2<br />

kh∏ch). Bπn cÚng Æıng qun<br />

kh∏m ph∏ bÈ s≠u tÀp ÆÂ uËng<br />

dinh d≠Ïng Æ≠Óc chu»n b c´ng<br />

phu tπi Lobby Bar, vÌi Juicy Lucy,<br />

Mango Spice hay Sweet Chariot.<br />

Th´ng tin lin h÷: Pullman VÚng<br />

Tµu, 15 Thi S∏ch, VÚng Tµu,<br />

Website: www.pullmanvungtau.<br />

com.<br />


Khu nghÿ m∏t Sonata mÌi Æ≠Óc<br />

thµnh lÀp vÌi tiu chu»n 4 sao,<br />

trn di÷n t›ch rÈng 3ha tr∂i m◊nh<br />

trn bÍ bi”n ring xinh Æãp tπi<br />

Ti’n Thµnh, Phan Thi’t Æ∑ thu<br />

hÛt du kh∏ch vÌi nät xanh chÒ<br />

Æπo cÒa hµng dıa, c· c©y vµ bi”n<br />

c∂, tπo nn kh´ng gian tho∏ng<br />

Æπt g«n gÚi vÌi thin nhin. Tı<br />

nay Æ’n h’t 29/4, Sonata Resort<br />

& Spa giÌi thi÷u nhi“u ch≠¨ng<br />

tr◊nh khuy’n m∑i h†p d…n Æ” du<br />

kh∏ch c„ thm nhi“u s˘ l˘a ch‰n<br />

vµ tr∂i nghi÷m v“ kh´ng gian<br />

nghÿ d≠Ïng mÌi vÌi m¯c gi∏ tı<br />

1.200.000VNß+++/phng/ Æm.<br />

Chi ti’t lin h÷: Sonata Resort<br />

& Spa, ß≠Íng 719, Ti’n Thµnh,<br />

Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn, Tel: 08<br />

3899 2278/ 062 3846 768.<br />


Nh©n dp Festival Hu’ l«n th¯ 9 sœ di‘n ra tı ngµy 29/4 Æ’n ngµy 5/5/<strong>2016</strong>, La Residence Hu’ - kh∏ch sπn thuÈc bÈ<br />

s≠u tÀp MGallery cÒa Sofitel giÌi thi÷u g„i khuy’n m∑i Æ∆c bi÷t h†p d…n vÌi m¯c gi∏ lµ 3,5 tri÷u ÆÂng (US$160) mÁi<br />

Æm. G„i ≠u Æ∑i Festival Hu’ ß∏ng NhÌ bao gÂm hai Æm nghÿ Î phng Superior cho hai ng≠Íi, Æi”m t©m buffet<br />

s∏ng hµng ngµy, xe Æ„n ho∆c ti‘n mÈt chi“u tı s©n bay PhÛ Bµi Hu’, 45 phÛt massage, vµ vä tham d˘ 1 ch≠¨ng tr◊nh<br />

bi”u di‘n ngh÷ thuÀt trong l‘ hÈi Festival tÔy ch‰n cho mÁi ng≠Íi. Ngoµi ra, du kh∏ch cn Æ≠Óc gi∂m gi∏ 50% cho<br />

c∏c dch vÙ thu xe cÒa kh∏ch sπn, ∏p dÙng tı ngµy 15/4 Æ’n ngµy 15/5/<strong>2016</strong>. Th´ng tin lin h÷: La Residence Hu’,<br />

05 L LÓi, Hu’. Tel. 054 3837 475.<br />

136<br />


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