Biblical Hermeneutics

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From Genesis twelve to Calvary there were thus two ethnic divisions in the Bible, the Jews<br />

and the Gentiles. The Jewish nation was selected not for any particular reason other than to<br />

be the Priests to the nations. They were to declare the good news of God's love to all the<br />

world. Even though they preserved the word of God for the future, they refused to minister<br />

to the nations. As a result this election was removed and at the Pentecost a third class of<br />

people came into existence to be the Priests to the nations, the church. New Testament was<br />

essentially given to the Church. It is thus vital to proper <strong>Biblical</strong> <strong>Hermeneutics</strong> to distinguish<br />

these contexts to properly understand the Bible. .<br />

As Paul said in Romans nine, to the Jews belong the adoption as sons, the glory of the<br />

covenants, the giving of the law, temple worship, promises, patriarchs, and the human<br />

descent of Christ Jesus.<br />

JEW: John 4:22—Salvation is of the Jew;<br />

Romans 3:1, 2— Jews given the Oracles of God;<br />

They were chosen to be<br />

(1) Witnesses,<br />

(2) Writers of Scripture,<br />

(3) A channel through which Christ came into the world.<br />

GENTILE: Ephesians 2:11, 12, Ephesians 4:17-19, Mark 7:27, 28<br />

CHURCH: Ephesians 1:22, 23, Ephesians 2:14, 15, Ephesians 5:29-33 & I Peter 2:9.<br />

The church is made up of both Jews and Gentiles as the Jews brought salvation to the entire<br />

world through their Messiah. The wall that separated the Jews and Gentiles was broken down<br />

in Christ .<br />

This mystery of the church age was not forseen by the Old Testament prophets who wrote of<br />

end time events.<br />


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