Biblical Hermeneutics

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PRINCIPLE #3:<br />


“No man has a right to say, as some are in the habit of saying, ‘The Spirit tells me that such<br />

or such is the meaning of a passage.’ How is he assured that it is the Holy Spirit, and not a<br />

spirit of delusion, except from the evidence that the interpretation is the legitimate meaning<br />

of the words?’ (Alexander Carson, Examination of the Principles of <strong>Biblical</strong> Interpretation.<br />

Cited in Ramm, Protestant <strong>Biblical</strong> Interpretation)<br />

This step looks at the words used and the way the words are used. Different order of the<br />

sentence, the punctuation, the tense of the verse are all aspects that are looked at in the<br />

lexical syntactical method. How is the text arranged? Try to distinguish what parts of the text<br />

are: narratives, parables, metaphors, dialogue, poetry, etc... Then we need to look at the<br />

gramatical structure of the sentences.<br />

Having primarily dealt with the gramatical structure the next important step is the study of the<br />

words that convey the concepts involved. In this a Bible dictionary to get the basic lexical<br />

meaning of the word and a concordance to study how the same word is used elsewhere in the<br />

Bible by various authors at various occasions will help. These help to get the real meaning of the<br />

words.<br />

<strong>Hermeneutics</strong>: Principles and Processes of <strong>Biblical</strong> Interpretation<br />

By Henry A. Virkler<br />

Steps in Lexical-Syntactical Analysis<br />

Lexical-syntactical anahsis is sometimes difficult, but it often yields exciting and meaningful<br />

results. This complex process is somewhat easier to understand if organized into a sevenstep<br />

procedure:<br />

1. identify the genera! literary form. The literary form an author uses (prose, poetry, etc.)<br />

influences the way he intends his words to be ii ndcrstood.<br />

2. Trace the development of the author's theme and show how the passage under<br />

consideration fits into the context. This step, already begun as part of contextual analysis,<br />

provides a necessary perspective for determining the meaning of words and syntax.<br />

3. Identify the natural divisions of the text. The main conceptual units and transitional<br />

statements reveal the author’s thought process and therefore help clarify his meaning.<br />

4. Identify the connecting words within the paragraphs and sentences. Connecting words<br />

(conjunctions, prepositions, relative pronouns) show the logical relationship between two or<br />

more thoughts.<br />

5. Determine what the individual words mean. Any word that survives long in a language<br />

begins to take on a variety of meanings. Thus it is necessary to identify the various possible<br />

meanings of ancient words at the time the biblical author used them and then to determine<br />

which of the several possible meanings is the one the author intended to convey in a specific<br />

context.<br />

6. Analyze tile syntax. The relationship of words to one another is expressed through their<br />

grammatical forms and arrangement.<br />


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