Modern Engineering Thermodynamics

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728 CHAPTER 18: Introduction to Statistical <strong>Thermodynamics</strong><br />


The development of statistical thermodynamics began in the late 19th century, shortly after William Thomson (1824–1907)<br />

and Rudolf Clausius (1822–1888) unified classical thermodynamics in the 1860s. Starting from basic mechanics principles,<br />

James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879) developed a simple molecular interpretation of ideal gas behavior called the kinetic theory<br />

of gases, which led many physicists to conclude that all thermodynamic phenomena could be fully explained from mechanics<br />

principles. However, the mechanical approach was never able to predict the classical thermodynamic laws of the conservation<br />

of energy and positive entropy production; consequently, thermodynamics has held its own as an independent science.<br />

In the 1870s, Ludwig Boltzmann (1844–1906) made great progress in the understanding of entropy, when he postulated<br />

that a mathematical relationship existed between entropy and mathematical probability by arguing that equilibrium states<br />

are not simply inevitable but merely highly probable states of molecular order.<br />

Between 1900 and 1930. quantum mechanics blossomed under Max Planck (1858–1947), Albert Einstein (1879–1955),<br />

Peter Debye (1884–1966), Niels Bohr (1885–1962), Enrico Fermi (1901–1954), Erwin Schrodinger (1887–1961), and<br />

many others. It was only natural that their results be extended into the thermodynamic area whenever possible; thus<br />

evolved the new area of “quantum statistical thermodynamics,” which is still an important research area.<br />

equations of state are very useful when dealing with a substance for which empirically derived thermodynamic<br />

tables and charts do not yet exist but the basic molecular structure of the substance is known.<br />

In this chapter, we survey the main engineering results of statistical thermodynamics by treating its two main<br />

components, kinetic theory and quantum statistical thermodynamics, as separate topics. The goal is the development<br />

of thermodynamic property relationships and equations of state of engineering value.<br />


To begin with, we should explain why we resort to a statistical approach rather than simply a molecular<br />

approach. Suppose we have a large number of particles N in a box. To find out what happens inside the box<br />

without using a statistical analysis, we would have to follow the motion of each of the N individual particles.<br />

The motion of each particle must satisfy Newton’s second law, and because of collisions and long-range forces<br />

between particles, each particle could conceivably influence the motion of every other particle in the box. Let F ij<br />

be the force exerted on particle i by particle j. Then, the sum of all the forces on particle i duetoalltheother<br />

j particles must equal the mass m i of particle i times its acceleration a i ,or<br />

N−1<br />

∑F ij = m i a i = m i<br />

j=1<br />

<br />

dV i<br />

dt<br />

<br />

d<br />

= m 2 x i<br />

i<br />

dt 2<br />

(18.1)<br />

where the terms V i and x i are the time-dependent velocity and position vectors of particle i. Since each of the<br />

N particles must obey Eq. (18.1), and particle-particle interactions couple all N Eqs. (18.1) together, they must<br />

all be solved simultaneously. Also, since Eq. (18.1) is a vector equation, there are really 3N scalar second-order<br />

coupled differential equations to be solved.<br />

For a typical gas at standard temperature and pressure, N ≈ 10 20 molecules/cm 3 . Therefore, if we were to try to<br />

follow the molecules of the gas contained in one cubic centimeter at STP using the methods of classical<br />

mechanics, we would need to solve about 3 × 10 20 scalar second-order coupled differential equations, each containing<br />

10 20 terms. This is impossible today, even with the fastest digital computers. Hence, we must abandon<br />

the approach of applying the equations of classical mechanics to each particle in the system. Instead of formulatingatheorybasedonknowingtheexactpositionof<br />

each particle in time and space, we develop a theory<br />

based on knowing only the average behavior of the particle.<br />


The elements of kinetic theory were developed by Maxwell, Boltzmann, Clausius, and others between 1860 and<br />

1880. Though kinetic theory results are currently available for solids, liquids, and gases, we are concerned only<br />

with the behavior of gases. The following eight assumptions underlie the kinetic theory of gases:<br />

1. The gas is composed of N identical molecules moving in random directions.<br />

2. There is always a large number of molecules (N ≫ 1) in the system.

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