Risk Measures Overview

RiskComparisons RiskComparisons

<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Measures</strong> <strong>Overview</strong><br />

A Cross-Form Comparison Guide<br />

Advise Technologies<br />

www.advisetechnologies.com | support@advisetechnologies.com

<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Measures</strong> <strong>Overview</strong> – A Cross-Form Comparison Guide<br />

Published March 2016.<br />

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Table of Contents<br />

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Regulatory reporting forms seek to measure risk by specifying:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The name of the metric used to calculate risk<br />

How risk is defined<br />

The formula used to calculate risk<br />

Required shock values that must be applied<br />

Advise compared five forms – Solvency II, AIFMD, Form PF, CPO-PQR, and Open Protocol – to evaluate how risk<br />

measures are applied across asset classes. Our analysis included the following risk measures and asset classes:<br />

Interest Rates, Spread, Property, Implied Volatility, FX Delta, Commodities, Default <strong>Risk</strong>, and Value at <strong>Risk</strong> (VaR).<br />

Our analysis found that:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong>Risk</strong> measures are defined differently by each form across asset classes.<br />

The formula used to calculate risk is identical across the following asset classes (where applicable):<br />

Equities, Interest Rate, Spreads, Property, and Implied Volatility.<br />

Shock values are different across asset classes.<br />

For VaR: definitions, holding period, confidence level, data set period, and calculation methods vary by<br />

form.<br />

NOTE: In this document, Solvency II risk metrics are based on the “standard formula” as defined in Directive<br />

2009/138/EC and Regulation 2015/35/EU.<br />

NOTE: A complete list of source materials appears in the References section.<br />

©2016 – Advise Technologies | CONFIDENTIAL Page 1

EQUITY<br />

Form Metric Definition Shock Type Shock Values<br />

Solvency II SCR Equity (Type 1/2) Sensitivity of the values of assets, liabilities, and financial<br />

instruments to changes in the level or in the volatility of<br />

market prices of equities (equity risk).<br />

Current value * X% - 22% or - 39%<br />

or - 49%<br />

AIFMD Net Equity Delta The portfolio’s sensitivity to movements in equity prices. Current value * X% - 20%<br />

PF Change in Equity Prices The portfolio’s sensitivity to movements in equity prices<br />

where shocks are applied to LONGS & SHORTS separately.<br />

CPO-PQR Change in Equity Prices The portfolio’s sensitivity to movements in equity prices<br />

where shocks are applied to LONGS & SHORTS separately<br />

(for LARGE pools only).<br />

Current value * X%<br />

Current value * X%<br />

+/- 5% and<br />

+/- 20%<br />

+/- 5% and<br />

+/- 20%<br />

Open Protocol Change in Equity Prices The portfolio’s sensitivity to movements in equity prices<br />

calculated for Large/Small Cap. The change is relative to the<br />

current equities level.<br />

Current value * X% +/- 10%<br />

©2016 – Advise Technologies | CONFIDENTIAL Page 1


Form Metric Definition Shock Type Shock Values<br />

Solvency II SCR Interest Sensitivity of the values of assets, liabilities, and financial<br />

instruments to changes in the term structure of interest<br />

rates, or in the volatility of interest rates (interest rate<br />

risk). NOTE: Inflation risk is not explicitly modelled in SCR<br />

and it is assumed its effect is already included into the<br />

prescribed shock.<br />

Current rate + X%<br />

Up shock: MIN<br />

[1%, r+70% / r+20%]<br />

Down shock: MAX<br />

[0%, r-75% / r - 20%]<br />

AIFMD Net DV01 Basis Point Value – the portfolio’s sensitivity to a change<br />

in the yield curve. Assume an increase of 1bp in the yield<br />

curves that the fund is exposed to (assume a parallel<br />

shift). Report the effect on the total net asset value of the<br />

AIF as a monetary value in base currency for each<br />

maturity bucket as specified (short/intermediate/long).<br />

Current rate + X% 0.01%<br />

PF<br />

Parallel Shift of Yield<br />

Curve<br />

The portfolio’s sensitivity to parallel shifts of yield curve<br />

(risk-free rates) where shocks are applied to LONGS &<br />

SHORTS separately.<br />

Current rate + X%<br />

+/- 0.25% and<br />

+/- 0.75%<br />

CPO-PQR<br />

Parallel Shift of Yield<br />

Curve<br />

The portfolio’s sensitivity to parallel shifts of yield curve<br />

(risk-free rates) where shocks are applied to LONGS &<br />

SHORTS separately (for LARGE pools only).<br />

Current rate + X%<br />

+/- 0.25% and<br />

+/- 0.75%<br />

Open Protocol<br />

Change in Sovereign<br />

Rates (RFR)<br />

The portfolio’s sensitivity calculated to change in Shortterm<br />

(1Y) interest rates separately.<br />

Change is relative to the current interest rate curve.<br />

Current rate + X%<br />

+/- 5% and<br />

+/- 10%<br />

©2016 – Advise Technologies | CONFIDENTIAL Page 2

SPREAD<br />

Form Metric Definition Shock Type Shock Values<br />

Solvency II SCR Spread Sensitivity of the values of assets, liabilities, and financial<br />

instruments to changes in the level or in the volatility of<br />

credit spreads over the risk-free interest rate term<br />

structure (spread risk).<br />

Current spread * X%<br />

Complex<br />

calculations<br />

between<br />

0.9% - 100%<br />

AIFMD Net CS01 The portfolio’s sensitivity to a change in credit spreads.<br />

Assume a general increase in all credit spreads of 1bp.<br />

Report the effect on the total net asset value of the AIF as<br />

a monetary value in base currency for maturity bucket as<br />

specified (short/intermediate/long).<br />

Current spread + X% 0.01%<br />

PF Credit Spreads The portfolio’s sensitivity to change in credit spreads<br />

where shocks are applied to LONGS & SHORTS<br />

separately.<br />

CPO-PQR Credit Spreads The portfolio’s sensitivity to change in credit spreads<br />

where shocks are applied to LONGS & SHORTS<br />

separately (for LARGE pools only).<br />

Open Protocol Credit Spreads The portfolio’s sensitivity calculated to change credit<br />

spreads split between Investment Grade and Non-<br />

Investment Grade bonds reported separately. Change is<br />

relative to the current interest rate curve.<br />

Current spread * X%<br />

Current spread * X%<br />

Current spread * X%<br />

+/- 0.5% and<br />

+/- 2.5%<br />

+/- 0.5% and<br />

+/- 2.5%<br />

+/- 5% and<br />

+/- 10%<br />

©2016 – Advise Technologies | CONFIDENTIAL Page 3


Form Metric Definition Shock Type Shock Values<br />

Solvency II SCR Property Sensitivity of the values of assets, liabilities, and financial<br />

instruments to changes in the level or in the volatility of<br />

market prices of real estate (property risk).<br />

Current value * X% - 25%<br />

AIFMD<br />

PF<br />

CPO-PQR<br />

Open Protocol<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

©2016 – Advise Technologies | CONFIDENTIAL Page 4


Form Metric Definition Shock Type Shock Values<br />

Solvency II N/A Volatility is not implicitly tested in SII SCR for asset<br />

managers. However, an insurance company can tweak<br />

volatility at high-level by recalculating its liabilities and<br />

making adjustments to volatility input.<br />

AIFMD Vega Exposure Current vega factor (multiplier) of the portfolio defined<br />

as the sensitivity of the total net asset value to an<br />

increase of 1 percentage point of implied volatilities.<br />

Current volatility * X% +/- 10%<br />

PF Implied Volatility The portfolio’s sensitivity to change in implied volatilities<br />

for options where shocks are applied to LONGS &<br />

SHORTS separately.<br />

CPO-PQR Implied Volatility The portfolio’s sensitivity to change in implied volatilities<br />

for options where shocks are applied to LONGS &<br />

SHORTS separately (for LARGE pools only).<br />

Current volatility * X%<br />

Current volatility * X%<br />

+/- 4% and<br />

+/- 10%<br />

+/- 4% and<br />

+/- 10%<br />

Open Protocol Implied Volatility The portfolio’s sensitivity to change in implied volatilities<br />

for options. Change is relative to the current implied<br />

volatility level.<br />

Current volatility * X% +/- 10%<br />

©2016 – Advise Technologies | CONFIDENTIAL Page 5

FX………………………………………….<br />

Form Metric Definition Shock Type Shock Values<br />

Solvency II SCR FX Sensitivity of the values of assets, liabilities, and financial<br />

instruments to changes in the level or in the volatility of<br />

currency exchange rates (currency risk).<br />

AIFMD Net FX Delta Assume all currencies appreciate by 20% relative to the<br />

fund’s base currency. Report the effect on the total net<br />

asset value of the AIF as a monetary value in base<br />

currency.<br />

Current FX rate * Shock +/- 25%<br />

Current FX rate * Shock + 20%<br />

PF Currency Rates The portfolio’s sensitivity to change in currency rates<br />

relative to the fund's base currency where shocks are<br />

applied to LONGS & SHORTS separately.<br />

CPO-PQR Currency Rates The portfolio’s sensitivity to change in currency rates<br />

relative to the fund's base currency where shocks are<br />

applied to LONGS & SHORTS separately (for LARGE<br />

pools only).<br />

Current FX rate * Shock<br />

Current FX rate * Shock<br />

+/- 5% and<br />

+/- 20%<br />

+/- 5% and<br />

+/- 20%<br />

Open Protocol Currency Rates The portfolio’s sensitivity to change in exchange rate of<br />

USD relative to the portfolio local currencies.<br />

Current FX rate * Shock +/- 10%<br />

©2016 – Advise Technologies | CONFIDENTIAL Page 6


Form Metric Definition Shock Type Shock Values<br />

Solvency II SCR Equity 2 Sensitivity of the values of assets, liabilities, and financial<br />

instruments to changes in the level or in the volatility of<br />

market prices of equities (equity risk). Commodities are<br />

treated as Equity type 2.<br />

AIFMD Net CMD Delta Assume the prices of all physical commodities increase by<br />

40%. Report the effect on the total net asset value of the<br />

AIF as a monetary value in base currency.<br />

Current value * X% - 49%<br />

Current value * X% + 40%<br />

PF Commodity Prices The portfolio’s sensitivity to movements in commodity<br />

prices where shocks are applied to LONGS & SHORTS<br />

separately.<br />

CPO-PQR Commodity Prices The portfolio’s sensitivity to movements in commodity<br />

prices where shocks are applied to LONGS & SHORTS<br />

separately (for LARGE pools only).<br />

Current value * X%<br />

Current value * X%<br />

+/- 10% and<br />

+/- 40%<br />

+/- 10% and<br />

+/- 40%<br />

Open Protocol Commodity Prices The portfolio’s sensitivity to movements in commodity<br />

prices with additional breakdowns for shocks in Metal<br />

and Energy prices.<br />

Current value * X% +/- 10%<br />

©2016 – Advise Technologies | CONFIDENTIAL Page 7


Form Metric Definition Shock Type Shock Values<br />

Solvency II SCR Default <strong>Risk</strong> Consists of default risk to counterparty exposure types 1<br />

and 2 with an interaction (covariance) coefficient of 1.5<br />

and given by the formula in Art. 189 of the Regulation.<br />

Currently, this is not in the scope of the Consensus RMS<br />

Solvency II module and is calculated by an insurance<br />

company based on input from the asset manager.<br />

Complex formula<br />

based on loss-given<br />

default (LGD) and<br />

variance of loss<br />

AIFMD<br />

N/A<br />

PF Default Rates The portfolio’s sensitivity to change in default rates of the<br />

fund where shocks are applied separately to LONGS &<br />

SHORTS, ABS, and Corporate Bonds/CDS.<br />

CPO-PQR Default Rates The portfolio’s sensitivity to change in default rates of the<br />

fund where shocks are applied separately to LONGS &<br />

SHORTS, ABS, and Corporate Bonds/CDS. Applies only to<br />

LARGE pools.<br />

Current value + X%<br />

Current value + X%<br />

+/- 1% and<br />

+/- 5%<br />

+/- 1% and<br />

+/- 5%<br />

Open Protocol<br />

N/A<br />

©2016 – Advise Technologies | CONFIDENTIAL Page 8

VAR…………………………………<br />

VaR<br />

Definition<br />

Holding<br />

Period<br />

Confidence<br />

Level<br />

Data Set<br />

Period<br />

Calculation<br />

Solvency II<br />

AIFMD<br />

PF<br />

CPO-PQR<br />

In SII, SCRs are calibrated by insurance<br />

companies (high level) and not asset managers.<br />

There is no requirement for an asset manager to<br />

calculate VaR for SII.<br />

Reporting risk measures as outlined in ESMA<br />

opinion ESMA/2013/1340.<br />

Form PF Q40: During the reporting period, did<br />

you regularly calculate the VaR of the reporting<br />

fund? If YES, then fill in VaR values.<br />

QC2-4 (Large pools only): Did large CPO<br />

regularly calculate the VaR of Large Pool during<br />

reporting period?<br />

N/A N/A N/A N/A<br />

20 Days 99% 250 Days Historical Simulation<br />

Parametric<br />

Monte-Carlo Simulation<br />

Variable Value ‡ Variable Value ‡ Variable Value ‡ Historical Simulation<br />

Parametric<br />

Monte-Carlo Simulation<br />

Other<br />

Variable Value ‡ Variable Value ‡ Variable Value ‡ Historical Simulation<br />

Parametric<br />

Monte-Carlo Simulation<br />

Other<br />

Open Protocol Section 8 (VaR/CVaR) 1 day 95% Variable Value ‡ Historical Simulation<br />

Parametric<br />

Monte-Carlo Simulation<br />

Other<br />

‡ Managers can determine the values used for these fields. All values must be disclosed on the form itself.<br />

©2016 – Advise Technologies | CONFIDENTIAL Page 9


The table below shows how different risk metrics apply across forms.<br />

Open Protocol Solvency II PF AIFMD CPO-PQR<br />

Beta <br />

Delta <br />

Gamma <br />

Vega <br />

Theta <br />

CS01 <br />

DV01 <br />

Z-Spread <br />

Yield to Maturity <br />

Yield to the Next Call <br />

Cash on Cash Yield <br />

Continued on next page…<br />

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Open Protocol Solvency II PF AIFMD CPO-PQR<br />

Yield to Worst <br />

Current Yield <br />

Yield to Best <br />

CDS Spread <br />

Net Equity Delta <br />

Default Spread Beta <br />

Semideviation <br />

Sharpe Ratio <br />

Skewness <br />

Sortino Ratio <br />

Stress VaR/Stress Test <br />

Standard Deviation <br />

Profit-at-<strong>Risk</strong> <br />

Residual <strong>Risk</strong> <br />

Continued on next page…<br />

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Open Protocol Solvency II PF AIFMD CPO-PQR<br />

Earnings-at-<strong>Risk</strong> <br />

Expected Shortfall/CVaR <br />

Inflation Beta <br />

Information Ratio <br />

Kurtosis <br />

Liquidity Adjusted Value at <strong>Risk</strong> <br />

Marginal Expected Shortfall <br />

Maximum Drawdown <br />

Omega Ratio <br />

<strong>Risk</strong>-Based Leverage <br />

Scenario Analysis <br />

©2016 – Advise Technologies | CONFIDENTIAL Page 12


12.1 Solvency II<br />

Directive 2009/138/EC: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32009L0138&from=EN<br />

Regulation 2015/35/EU: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=OJ:L:2015:012:FULL&from=EN<br />

12.2 AIFMD<br />

Directive 2011/61/24: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2011:174:0001:0073:EN:PDF<br />

Regulation 231-2013: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2013:083:0001:0095:en:PDF<br />

ESMA Opinion Guidelines:<br />

<br />

<br />

https://www.esma.europa.eu/sites/default/files/library/2015/11/2014-869.pdf<br />

https://www.esma.europa.eu/sites/default/files/library/2015/11/2013-esma-<br />

1340_opinion_on_collection_of_information_under_aifmd_for_publication.pdf<br />

12.3 PF<br />

Form PF Paper Form: https://www.sec.gov/about/forms/formpf.pdf<br />

Dodd-Frank Legislation: http://www.cftc.gov/idc/groups/public/@swaps/documents/file/hr4173_enrolledbill.pdf<br />

Form PF Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/pfrd/pfrdfaq.shtml<br />

©2016 – Advise Technologies | CONFIDENTIAL Page 13

12.4 CPO-PQR<br />

Pool Quarterly Report For Commodity Pool Operators: https://www.nfa.futures.org/EasyFilePlus/EFPTemplate.aspx?template=PQR<br />

12.5 Open Protocol<br />

Template and Manual: http://www.theopenprotocol.org/top/thetemplateandmanual<br />

Frequently Asked Questions: http://www.theopenprotocol.org/top/faq<br />


For more information, please contact:<br />

Timur Sakayev<br />

Head of Calculations and Financial Data<br />

Advise Technologies<br />

+1 (212) 576 1170<br />

tim.sakayev@adviserms.com<br />

©2016 – Advise Technologies | CONFIDENTIAL Page 14

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