Mahakhandhako, The Great Chapter sections 1-4

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II. Progress of the Sāsana - 89<br />

virajaṁ vītamalaṁ Dhammacakkhuṁ udapādi:<br />

the dust-free, stainless Vision-of-the-Dhamma arose:<br />

“Yaṁ kiñci samudayadhammaṁ,<br />

“Whatever has the nature of arising,<br />

sabban-taṁ nirodhadhamman.”-ti<br />

all that has the nature of ceasing.”<br />

Tā diṭṭhadhammā pattadhammā,<br />

<strong>The</strong>y, having seen the Dhamma, attained the Dhamma,<br />

viditadhammā pariyogāḷhadhammā tiṇṇavicikicchā vigatakathaṁkathā,<br />

understood the Dhamma, penetrated the Dhamma, crossed over uncertainty, being<br />

without doubts,<br />

vesārajjappattā aparappaccayā Satthusāsane Bhagavantaṁ etad-avocuṁ:<br />

having attained full confidence, having become independent of others in the<br />

Teacher’s teaching, said this to the Gracious One:<br />

“Abhikkantaṁ Bhante! Abhikkantaṁ Bhante!<br />

“Excellent, venerable Sir! Excellent, venerable Sir!<br />

Seyyathā pi Bhante nikkujjitaṁ vā ukkujjeyya,<br />

Just as, venerable Sir, one might set upright what has been overturned,<br />

paṭicchannaṁ vā vivareyya, mūḷhassa vā maggaṁ ācikkheyya,<br />

or open up what has been closed, or show a path to one who is lost,<br />

andhakāre vā telappajjotaṁ dhāreyya: ‘cakkhumanto rūpāni dakkhintī’ ti,<br />

or carry an oil lamp into the darkness, (thinking): ‘those with vision will see forms’,<br />

evam-eva Bhagavatā anekapariyāyena Dhammo pakāsito.<br />

just so has the Dhamma been explained by the Gracious One in countless ways.<br />

Etā mayaṁ Bhante Bhagavantaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāma,<br />

We go, venerable Sir, to the Gracious One for refuge,<br />

Dhammañ-ca Bhikkhusaṅghañ-ca.<br />

and to the Dhamma, and to the Community of monks.<br />

Upāsikāyo no Bhagavā dhāretu<br />

Please bear it in mind, Gracious One, that we are female lay followers<br />

ajjatagge pāṇupetā saraṇaṁ gatā,” ti<br />

who have gone for refuge from today forward for as long as we have the breath of<br />


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