Mahakhandhako, The Great Chapter sections 1-4

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I. <strong>The</strong> First Teachings - 75<br />

Yaṁ kiñci viññāṇaṁ atītānāgatapaccuppannaṁ,<br />

Whatever consciousness (there is) in the past, future or present,<br />

ajjhattaṁ vā bahiddhā vā, oḷārikaṁ vā sukhumaṁ vā hīnaṁ vā paṇītaṁ vā,<br />

internal or external, gross or fine, inferior or excellent,<br />

yaṁ dūre vā santike vā sabbaṁ viññāṇaṁ:<br />

whether far or near, regarding all consciousness:<br />

‘Netaṁ mama, nesoham-asmi, na me so attā,’ ti<br />

‘This is not mine, I am not this, this is not my Self,’<br />

evam-etaṁ yathābhūtaṁ sammappaññāya daṭṭhabbaṁ.<br />

in just this way, as it really is, it should be seen with full wisdom.<br />

Evaṁ passaṁ bhikkhave sutavā Ariyasāvako rūpasmim-pi nibbindati,<br />

Seeing in this way, monks, the learned, Noble disciple, grows weary of bodily form,<br />

vedanāya pi nibbindati, saññāya pi nibbindati,<br />

and weary of feeling, and weary of perception,<br />

saṅkhāresu pi nibbindati, viññāṇasmim-pi nibbindati,<br />

and weary of (mental) processes, and weary of consciousness,<br />

nibbindaṁ virajjati, virāgā vimuccati,<br />

through weariness he becomes dispassionate, through dispassion he is liberated,<br />

vimuttasmiṁ vimuttam-iti ñāṇaṁ hoti:<br />

in liberation, there is the knowledge that such is liberation:<br />

‘Khīṇā jāti<br />

‘Destroyed is (re)birth<br />

vusitaṁ brahmacariyaṁ<br />

accomplished is the spiritual life<br />

kataṁ karaṇīyaṁ<br />

done is what ought to be done<br />

nāparaṁ itthattāyā’ ti pajānātī ti.<br />

there is no more of this mundane state’ - this he knows.<br />

Idam-avoca Bhagavā,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Gracious One said this,<br />

attamanā pañcavaggiyā bhikkhū Bhagavato bhāsitaṁ abhinanduṁ.<br />

and the group-of-five monks were uplifted and greatly rejoiced in what was said by<br />

the Gracious One.

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