Mahakhandhako, The Great Chapter sections 1-4

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> - 46<br />

Dhammacakkaṁ pavattetuṁ gacchāmi Kāsinaṁ puraṁ,<br />

I go to Kāsī’s city 109 to set the Dhamma-Wheel rolling,<br />

Andhabhūtasmiṁ lokasmiṁ āhañchaṁ Amatadundubhin.”-ti<br />

I will beat the drum of the Deathless in a world that is blind.”<br />

“Yathā kho tvaṁ āvuso paṭijānāsi Arahasi Anantajino!” ti<br />

“It is as if you claim, friend, you are a Worthy One, an Infinite Victor!” 110<br />

“Mādisā ve Jinā honti, ye pattā āsavakkhayaṁ.<br />

“<strong>The</strong>re are surely Victors like me, 111 who have attained the destruction of the<br />

pollutants.<br />

Jitā me pāpakā dhammā, tasmāham-Upakā Jino.” ti<br />

I have been victorious over all wicked things, therefore, Upaka, I am a Victor.”<br />

Evaṁ vutte Upako Ājīvako “Huveyyāvuso” ti vatvāna,<br />

When this was said, the Abstainer Upaka, after saying: “It may be so, friend,” 112<br />

sīsaṁ okampetvā ummaggaṁ gahetvā pakkāmi.<br />

shaking his head, and taking the wrong path, 113 went away.<br />

109 Kāsī is the state of which Bārāṇasī was the capital.<br />

110 This is apparently said incredulously, although the words themselves do not really make it<br />

clear.<br />

111 This sounds odd here after the claims to uniqueness above.<br />

112 <strong>The</strong> form Huveyya is a dialectical form that has been preserved here, which probably<br />

marks it as an authentic remembrance. It is missing from Mahāvastu though.<br />

113 Ummagga is evidently mentioned here in contrast to the Ariyamagga, Noble Path, which is<br />

soon to be introduced.

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