Mahakhandhako, The Great Chapter sections 1-4

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Table of Contents<br />

Introduction<br />

[I: <strong>The</strong> First Teachings]<br />

1: <strong>The</strong> Story about the Awakening (Tree) (Conditional Origination)<br />

2: <strong>The</strong> Story about the Goatherd’s (Tree) (<strong>The</strong> Grumbling Brāhmaṇa)<br />

3: <strong>The</strong> Story about the Mucalinda (Tree)<br />

4: <strong>The</strong> Story about the Royal (Tree) (Tapussa and Bhallika)<br />

5: <strong>The</strong> Story about Brahmā’s request<br />

[6: Deciding Who to Teach]<br />

[7: <strong>The</strong> Abstainer Upaka]<br />

[8: <strong>The</strong> Meeting at Isipatana]<br />

[9: <strong>The</strong> Discourse Setting the Dhamma Wheel Rolling]<br />

[10: Further Attainments]<br />

[11: <strong>The</strong> Discourse on the Characteristic of Non-Self] (<strong>The</strong> First Arahants)<br />

[II: Progress of the Sāsana]<br />

12: Yasa’s Going Forth<br />

[13: Yasa’s Father]<br />

[14: Yasa’s Mother and his Former Wife]<br />

15: <strong>The</strong> Going-Forth of (Yasa’s) Four Householder Friends<br />

16: <strong>The</strong> Going-Forth of the Fifty Householder Friends<br />

17: <strong>The</strong> Story about Māra<br />

18: <strong>The</strong> Story of Full Ordination through Going to the Three Refuges<br />

19: <strong>The</strong> Second Story about Māra<br />

20: <strong>The</strong> Tale of the Good Group of Friends<br />

[III: <strong>The</strong> Miracles at Uruvelā]<br />

21: <strong>The</strong> First Miracle (<strong>The</strong> Dragon-King - Prose)<br />

22: <strong>The</strong> First Miracle (<strong>The</strong> Dragon-King - Verse)<br />

23: <strong>The</strong> Second Miracle (<strong>The</strong> Four <strong>Great</strong> Kings)<br />

24: <strong>The</strong> Third Miracle (Sakka, the Lord of the Gods)<br />

25: <strong>The</strong> Fourth Miracle (Brahmā Sahampati)<br />

26: <strong>The</strong> Fifth Miracle (Mind-Reading)<br />

[27: <strong>The</strong> Rag-Robe Miracle]<br />

[28: <strong>The</strong> Rose-Apple Miracle]<br />

[29: <strong>The</strong> Mango Miracle]<br />

[30: <strong>The</strong> Emblic Myrobalan Miracle]<br />

[31: <strong>The</strong> Yellow Myrobalan Miracle]<br />

[32: <strong>The</strong> Coral Tree Flower Miracle]<br />

[33: <strong>The</strong> Sacred Fire Miracles]<br />

[34: <strong>The</strong> Coal-Pan Miracle]<br />

[35: <strong>The</strong> Island Miracle]<br />

[36: <strong>The</strong> Ordination of Kassapa and his Followers]<br />

[37: <strong>The</strong> Ordination of the Other Yogis]<br />

38: <strong>The</strong> Instruction about Burning

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