Mahakhandhako, The Great Chapter sections 1-4

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> - 36<br />

Uṭṭhehi Vīra Vijitasaṅgāma,<br />

Rise up, O Hero, Victorious in Battle,<br />

Satthavāha Anaṇa vicara loke.<br />

Caravan-Leader, Debtless One, travel through the world.<br />

Desassu Bhagavā Dhammaṁ, aññātāro bhavissantī” ti.<br />

Let the Gracious One teach the Dhamma, there will be those who understand.”<br />

Dutiyam-pi kho Bhagavā Brahmānaṁ Sahampatīnaṁ etad-avoca:<br />

For a second time the Gracious One said this to Brahmā Sahampati:<br />

“Mayhaṁ kho Brahme etad-ahosi:<br />

“This occurred to me, Brahmā:<br />

‘Adhigato kho mayāyaṁ Dhammo gambhīro duddaso duranubodho,<br />

‘This Dhamma I have attained is deep, hard to see, hard to understand,<br />

santo paṇīto atakkāvacaro nipuṇo paṇḍitavedanīyo.<br />

peaceful, excellent, beyond the sphere of logic, profound, understandable (only) to<br />

the wise.<br />

Ālayarāmā kho panāyaṁ pajā ālayaratā ālayasammuditā,<br />

But this generation delights in desire, is devoted to desire, gladdened by desire,<br />

ālayarāmāya kho pana pajāya ālayaratāya ālayasammuditāya<br />

and for a generation delighting in desire, devoted to desire, gladdened by desire<br />

duddasaṁ idaṁ ṭhānaṁ, yad-idaṁ: idappaccayatā paṭiccasamuppādo.<br />

this thing is hard to see, that is to say: conditionality and conditional origination.<br />

Idam-pi kho ṭhānaṁ sududdasaṁ, yad-idaṁ:<br />

This thing also is very hard to see, that is to say:<br />

sabbasaṅkhārasamatho, sabbūpadhipaṭinissaggo,<br />

the tranquilising of all processes, the letting go of all bases for cleaving,<br />

taṇhakkhayo, virāgo, nirodho, Nibbānaṁ.<br />

the end of craving, dispassion, cessation, Emancipation.<br />

Ahañ-ce va kho pana Dhammaṁ deseyyaṁ pare ca me na ājāneyyuṁ<br />

But if I were to teach the Dhamma and others did not understand me<br />

so mamassa kilamatho sā mamassa vihesā.’ ti<br />

that would be tiring for me, that would be troublesome to me.’<br />

Apissu maṁ Brahme imā anacchariyā gāthāyo paṭibhaṁsu pubbe assutapubbā:<br />

Further these truly wonderful verses, unheard previously in the past, Brahmā,<br />

occurred to me:

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