Mahakhandhako, The Great Chapter sections 1-4

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> - 18<br />

taṇhānirodhā upādānanirodho,<br />

from the cessation of craving, the cessation of attachment,<br />

upādānanirodhā bhavanirodho,<br />

from the cessation of attachment, the cessation of continuation,<br />

bhavanirodhā jātinirodho,<br />

from the cessation of continuation, the cessation of birth,<br />

jātinirodhā jarāmaraṇaṁ,<br />

from the cessation of birth, old age, death,<br />

sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsā nirujjhanti,<br />

grief, lamentation, pain, sorrow, and despair (all) cease,<br />

evam-etassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa nirodho hotī” ti.<br />

and so there is a cessation of this whole mass of suffering.”<br />

Atha kho Bhagavā, etam-atthaṁ viditvā,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the Gracious One, having understood the significance of it,<br />

tāyaṁ velāyaṁ imaṁ udānaṁ udānesi:<br />

on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:<br />

“Yadā have pātubhavanti dhammā<br />

“When (the nature of) things becomes really manifest<br />

Ātāpino jhāyato brāhmaṇassa,<br />

To the ardent meditating brāhmaṇa,<br />

Athassa kaṅkhā vapayanti sabbā,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n all his doubts disappear,<br />

Yato khayaṁ paccayānaṁ avedī” ti.<br />

Since the destruction of causes has been understood.” 30<br />

* * *<br />

Atha kho Bhagavā rattiyā pacchimaṁ yāmaṁ,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the Gracious One, for the last watch of the night, 31<br />

paṭiccasamuppādaṁ anulomapaṭilomaṁ manasākāsi:<br />

applied his mind thoroughly to conditional origination in forward and reverse order:<br />

30 This verse refers to the cessation of suffering.<br />

31 Cf. Udāna 1.3.

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