Mahakhandhako, The Great Chapter sections 1-4

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IV. In Rājagaha - 181<br />

Tena kho pana samayena manussā bhikkhū disvā imāya gāthāya codenti:<br />

<strong>The</strong>n at that time people, after seeing the monks, scolded them with this verse:<br />

“Āgato kho Mahāsamaṇo Māgadhānaṁ Giribbajaṁ<br />

“<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> Ascetic has come to Giribbaja in Magadha<br />

Sabbe Sañjaye netvāna, kaṁ su dāni nayissatī?” ti<br />

After leading off all those under Sañjaya, who will he lead off now?”<br />

bhikkhū te manusse imāya gāthāya paṭicodenti:<br />

and the monks scolded those people back with this verse:<br />

“Nayanti ve Mahāvīrā Saddhammena Tathāgatā,<br />

“<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> Heros, the Realised Ones, lead with the True Dhamma,<br />

Dhammena nayamānānaṁ, kā usuyyā vijānatan?”-ti<br />

By the Dhamma they are leading, why be jealous of the wise?”<br />

“Manussā Dhammena kira samaṇā Sakyaputtiyā,<br />

“It seems the people and ascetics (are led) with Dhamma by the Sakyan son,<br />

nenti no adhammenā.” ti<br />

they are not led by what is not Dhamma.”<br />

Sattāham-eva so saddo ahosi, sattāhassa accayena antaradhāyi.<br />

That noise lasted only seven days, and with the passing of those seven days it<br />

disappeared.<br />

Sāriputta-Moggallānapabbajjā Niṭṭhitā<br />

<strong>The</strong> Going Forth of Sāriputta and Moggallāna is Finished<br />

Catutthabhāṇavāraṁ Niṭṭhitaṁ<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fourth Section for Recital is Finished

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