Mahakhandhako, The Great Chapter sections 1-4

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IV. In Rājagaha - 179<br />

Abhiññātānaṁ Pabbajjā<br />

42: <strong>The</strong> Going-Forth of the Well-Known (Sons of Good Families)<br />

Tena kho pana samayena abhiññātā abhiññātā<br />

<strong>The</strong>n at that time many well-known<br />

Māgadhikā kulaputtā Bhagavati brahmacariyaṁ caranti.<br />

sons of good families from Magadha were living the spiritual life under the Gracious<br />

One.<br />

Manussā ujjhāyanti khīyanti vipācenti:<br />

People were grumbling, moaning, cursing: 218<br />

“Aputtakatāya paṭipanno Samaṇo Gotamo,<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Ascetic Gotama’s method is making (families) childless,<br />

vedhavyāya paṭipanno Samaṇo Gotamo,<br />

the Ascetic Gotama’s method is causing breakage and loss, 219<br />

kulupacchedāya paṭipanno Samaṇo Gotamo,<br />

the Ascetic Gotama’s method is family-smashing,<br />

idāni tena jaṭilasahassaṁ pabbājitaṁ,<br />

now through him a thousand yogis have gone forth,<br />

imāni ca aḍḍhateyyāni paribbājakasatāni Sañjayāni pabbājitāni,<br />

and these two-hundred and fifty of Sañjaya’s wanderers have gone forth, 220<br />

ime ca abhiññātā abhiññātā Māgadhikā kulaputtā<br />

and these many well-known sons of good families from Magadha<br />

Samaṇe Gotame brahmacariyaṁ carantī,” ti<br />

are (all) living the spiritual life under the Ascetic Gotama,”<br />

apissu bhikkhū disvā, imāya gāthāya codenti:<br />

and having seen the monks, they scolded them with this verse:<br />

218 <strong>The</strong> exact meaning of the 2nd & 3rd words is not clear as they only appear here. PED<br />

suggests that khīyati may be related to Sanskrit kṣāyati, to burn (with anger?); and vipāceti<br />

may be a dialectical form of vivāceti, otherwise also unattested.<br />

219 Comm: yāsaṁ patī pabbajanti, tāsaṁ vedhavyāya vidhavābhāvāya; whatever fathers went<br />

forth, those (families) suffered breakage and loss, and (the women) became widows.<br />

220 Notice that again there is no mention of those who went forth in Bārāṇasī.

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