Mahakhandhako, The Great Chapter sections 1-4

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IV. In Rājagaha - 171<br />

kaṁsi tvaṁ āvuso uddissa pabbajito,<br />

on account of whom, friend, did you go forth,<br />

ko vā te Satthā, kassa vā tvaṁ Dhammaṁ rocesī?” ti<br />

who is your teacher, what Dhamma do you prefer?”<br />

“Atthāvuso Mahāsamaṇo Sakyaputto Sakyakulā pabbajito,<br />

“<strong>The</strong>re is, friend, a <strong>Great</strong> Ascetic, a Sakyan Son, who has gone forth from the Sakya<br />

family,<br />

tāhaṁ Bhagavantaṁ uddissa pabbajito,<br />

on account of that Gracious One I went forth,<br />

so ca me Bhagavā Satthā, tassa cāhaṁ Bhagavato Dhammaṁ rocemī.” ti<br />

that Gracious One is my Teacher, that Gracious One’s Dhamma I prefer.”<br />

“Kiṁvādī panāyasmato Satthā kim-akkhāyī?” ti<br />

“But what is the doctrine of the venerable’s Teacher, what does he say?”<br />

“Ahaṁ kho āvuso navo acirapabbajito,<br />

“I am new, friend, one not long gone forth,<br />

adhunāgato imaṁ Dhammavinayaṁ,<br />

recently come to this Dhamma and Discipline, 210<br />

na tāhaṁ sakkomi vitthārena Dhammaṁ desetuṁ,<br />

I am not able to teach the Dhamma at length,<br />

api ca te saṅkhittena atthaṁ vakkhāmī.” ti<br />

but I can explain the meaning to you in brief.”<br />

Atha kho Sāriputto paribbājako āyasmantaṁ Assajiṁ etad-avoca: “Hotu āvuso,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the wanderer Sāriputta said this to the venerable Assaji: “Friend,<br />

Appaṁ vā bahuṁ vā bhāsassu atthaṁ yeva me brūhi,<br />

Speak little or much, but tell the meaning to me,<br />

Attheneva me attho, kiṁ kāhasi byañjanaṁ bahun?”-ti<br />

<strong>The</strong> meaning is useful to me, what to do with many words?” 211<br />

210 This Assaji is always identified as one of the group-of-five disciples, who listened to the<br />

Discourse that Set the Dhamma Wheel Rolling and became a Worthy One while listening to<br />

the Discourse on the Characteristic of Non-Self --- he was one of the five most senior<br />

disciples in the Saṅgha. It is hard to reconcile these facts with his self-characterisation here.<br />

Also there is no mention of Assaji accompanying the Buddha to Rājagaha. Assaji must have<br />

been a common name at the time, and I think it likely we are dealing with a different Assaji<br />

here to the one whom we met in Isipatana.<br />

211 Byañjana literally means syllable in this context.

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