Mahakhandhako, The Great Chapter sections 1-4

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IV. In Rājagaha - 167<br />

divā appakiṇṇaṁ rattiṁ appasaddaṁ appanigghosaṁ,<br />

uncrowded during the day, with little sound at night, little noise,<br />

vijanavātaṁ manussarāhaseyyakaṁ paṭisallānasāruppan?” ti<br />

which has a lonely atmosphere, lying hidden away from men, which is suitable for<br />

seclusion?”<br />

Atha kho Rañño Māgadhassa Seniyassa Bimbisārassa etad-ahosi:<br />

<strong>The</strong>n this occurred to the Magadhan King Seniya Bimbisāra:<br />

“Idaṁ kho amhākaṁ Veḷuvanaṁ uyyānaṁ<br />

“This Bamboo Wood garden of ours<br />

gāmato neva atidūre na accāsanne,<br />

is neither too far from the village nor too near,<br />

gamanāgamanasampannaṁ atthikānaṁ manussānaṁ abhikkamanīyaṁ,<br />

easy for coming and going, approachable for people who desire (to hear the<br />

Dhamma),<br />

divā appakiṇṇaṁ rattiṁ appasaddaṁ appanigghosaṁ,<br />

uncrowded during the day, with little sound at night, little noise,<br />

vijanavātaṁ manussarāhaseyyakaṁ paṭisallānasāruppaṁ.<br />

which has a lonely atmosphere, lying hidden away from men, which is suitable for<br />

seclusion.<br />

Yan-nūnāhaṁ Veḷuvanaṁ uyyānaṁ<br />

Now what if I were to give the Bamboo Wood garden<br />

Buddhappamukhassa Bhikkhusaṅghassa dadeyyan?” ti<br />

to the Community of monks with the Buddha at its head?”<br />

Atha kho Rājā Māgadho Seniyo Bimbisāro<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the Magadhan King Seniya Bimbisāra<br />

sovaṇṇamayaṁ bhiṅkāraṁ gahetvā, Bhagavato onojesi:<br />

having taken a golden water vessel, dedicated (it) to the Gracious One, (saying):<br />

“Etāhaṁ Bhante Veḷuvanaṁ uyyānaṁ,<br />

o “Can I give this Bamboo Wood garden, venerable Sir,<br />

Buddhappamukhassa Bhikkhusaṅghassa dammī?” ti<br />

to the Community of monks with the Buddha at its head?”

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