Mahakhandhako, The Great Chapter sections 1-4

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> - 144<br />

yathā bhavanto maññanti tathā karontū.” ti<br />

you, dear friends, can do whatever you are thinking.”<br />

“Cirapaṭikā mayaṁ bho Mahāsamaṇe abhippasannā,<br />

[<strong>The</strong>y replied:] “For a long time, friend, we have had confidence in the <strong>Great</strong><br />

Ascetic,<br />

sace bhavaṁ Mahāsamaṇe brahmacariyaṁ carissati,<br />

if you, friend, will live the spiritual life under the <strong>Great</strong> Ascetic,<br />

sabbe va mayaṁ Mahāsamaṇe brahmacariyaṁ carissāmā.” ti<br />

all of us will live the spiritual life under the <strong>Great</strong> Ascetic.”<br />

Atha kho te jaṭilā, kesamissaṁ jaṭāmissaṁ,<br />

o <strong>The</strong>n those yogis, after throwing their hair, 185 locks,<br />

khārikājamissaṁ aggihuttamissaṁ udake pavāhetvā,<br />

pole and basket and sacred fire equipment into the water,<br />

yena Bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu,<br />

approached the Gracious One,<br />

upasaṅkamitvā Bhagavato pādesu sirasā nipatitvā,<br />

and after approaching and falling with their heads at the feet of the Gracious One,<br />

Bhagavantaṁ etad-avocuṁ:<br />

they said this to the Gracious One:<br />

“Labheyyāma mayaṁ Bhante Bhagavato santike pabbajjaṁ,<br />

“May we receive the going-forth, venerable Sir, in the presence of the Gracious One,<br />

labheyyāma upasampadan.”-ti<br />

may we receive the full ordination.”<br />

“Etha bhikkhavo” ti Bhagavā avoca “svākkhāto Dhammo,<br />

“Come, monks,” said the Gracious One, “the Dhamma has been well-proclaimed,<br />

caratha brahmacariyaṁ sammā dukkhassa antakiriyāyā.” ti<br />

live the spiritual life for the complete ending of suffering.”<br />

Sā va tesaṁ āyasmantānaṁ upasampadā ahosi.<br />

That was these venerable ones’ full ordination.<br />

185 Lit: mixing their hair, mixing their locks, etc. in the water, which sounds odd, even in Pāḷi.

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